How does she hate aradama so much? I want to hate aradama as much as her.
Toji no Miko
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>Noro eyes
I feel stupid for not seeing it before.
Gas the aradamas, Toji war now!
Try eating toothpaste.
Because she is FLAT.
She's 14, there's plenty of time for her to fill out.
Keep dreaming.
Not enough hate.
Fukki is the cutest
I don't like this animal.
Why does she have a trash can on her head?
because she's garbage.
Cute garbage.
Very cute. Perfect for Miwhono's weird sword.
Nene already ruled that out
Don't insult Fucky or she'll charge you with her kitchen knife.
>bringing a knife to a swordfight
She only wants to fight aradama.
this anime is about what??
So who has the better breasts between Ellen and Mai? Sure Ellen dominates in raw size, but you have to take in account firmness, areola size, taste and a myriad of different variables. For one, Mai has been shown canonically to be able to produce breast milk at will for Saya through some secret Toji technique, that alone has me doubting my initial ruling in favor for Ellen.
Ellen breastfeeding both Kaoru and Sayaka has already been documented.
girls with penises
It's literally about girls on the run from the government
without penises? i will watch
"no" what? with?
Cute girls doing cute things
Cute girls touching swords with each other
Beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world, too flat.
very lewd
Sadly a downgrade from her mom.
When do preview images come out?
At least she's not a hetfag.
All toji's are hetfags
Except Yukari which is why she's best Toji
A proper toji is tojisexual.
Next episode is recap.
That's next week.
Chocolate milk
Don't these sorts of games usually have little stories to go along with the cards? Is there some retarded excuse for why Ellen is covering herself in chocolate, or is she actually trying to seduce the midget?
Who are they looking at? Me?
I don't know, user. Ellen keeps asking me if I like her chest on the homescreen.
>Cuts down things
>Hates aradama
I like Hiyori.
PV 2 when?
someone post Yume in the game
I need some hope she's alive Yumebros
>I need some hope she's alive Yumebros
>LWAretards thinking she's dead
Wow, when I said Yumefaggots didn't watch any anime, I wasn't expecting to be right.
Who's gonna tell him?
I welcome your insults user, for they give me hope Yume lives
Tell what? That Yumeshit is alive? I don't need to be told that, TnM isn't my first anime. I'm not falling for this fake-out bullshit.
You can only blame yourself for not having watched enough shows to differentiate death scenes and """death""" scenes.
She's dead but will come back and that'll be when the E4 are released.
by our collective rage we shall will Yume back to life
>She's dead
Imagine actually believing this.
How can you will someone back to life when they haven't died, dumbass? Oh right, this is the same group that believes someone coughing a bit with sad music in the background constitutes a death. Let's never mind that this is a) a mobage ad and b) the next ep preview already showed Maki waking her up.
>when the E4 are released.
Their event is called Memoir user.
Event names absolutely never actually deliver on what people think they imply.
>eternally flat
>boring himecut
>muh revenge
>shit taste in ice cream
>attacks the top toji with flimsy evidence
>tries to solve everything with murder
>can't do anything without Kanami or handicap armor
I don't like Hiyori.
Why is her suit making this face?
It's attached to a very cute girl.
It's being worn by the second best toji.
Miko outfit made her one of my top 3. She's really cute
What if they solve the Aradama crises and the second half is just SOL yuri bait?
Miko oufits are great.
Impossible, not if futa dragon-chan has anything to say about it.
Thanks for the bigger version. She's so cute and huggable looking.
i love her eyes that deep purple
second half is going to be mihono and co chasing after kanami leading up to episode 12 where mihono is the one that cuts down yukari
Even bigger here. She really is cute and likes giving nicknames.
game released already?
Why do I hate aradama?
>gay white day event in game
>implying it's not just a phase
>Final Battle
>Hiyori gets busy trying to seal Aradama
>Kanami fights Yukari
>Yukari is winning
>Chidori shows up
>Kanami+Chidori start winning
>Yukari powers-up
>Battle is even
>Yume shows up
>Takes on Kanami and Chidori and beast them
>Yukari is happy about this, praises Yume
>Yume attacks her, beats her and kills the Aradama
>Yume goes all "NUMBAH WAN DAH!"
>The Aradama is fully cleansed
>Yume dies for good this time, having saved the world and proclaiming herself the strongest
That would be great.
>Yukari the bad guy
Hello, mokusa shill.
yume is the cutest and best and most powerful toji and will sword fight anyone else to death and she's my wife
Fuck off
>kanami and hiyori are beaten
>all is lost
>suddenly yukari is struck down by a flaming sword
On a scale of 9 to 10, how hype are you going to be?
Only if kofuki also show up
10 because Mihono-sama is the greatest. But I have a feeling it's going to be you-know-what instead.
Suzuka shouldn't be this smug.
Let Suzuka enjoy actually winning for once
20 year old bullying a middleschooler
Time for milkie.
God I want to impregnate Suzuka.
She deserves to be as smug as she wants.
>suzuka just smugs and teases
>maki tears into mihono calling her completely worthless fighter, how she feels mistaken for getting her hopes up for even a moment, and says she's as half-assed as her circumcised sword
The stress is really getting to this relationship.
Keep your chuuni delusions to yourself Mihono.