What kind of mom gives up her 9 year child to a 16+ hormone driven boy?

What kind of mom gives up her 9 year child to a 16+ hormone driven boy?

Attached: 3F0B142E-F026-45A4-B3CF-9BF751A23F73.png (854x480, 223K)

A responsible one that knows the birth rate must rise


traditionalist shinto gang

My mom

first post best post


watch it and find out

Abe pls.

But a 9 year old can't have babies

Anime mum

She's playing a gambit. She knows that if he takes her virginity it'd be an immediate checkmate.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Ryuuou no Oshigoto! - 11 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_21.48_[2018.03.19_19.54.4 (1280x720, 72K)

a jew one that knows that her daughter's life is secured because the dude is a national treasure.

are you in someway implying that woman are unable to care for their children?

Such a toxic misogynistic attitude has no place in modern society. I bet you're a kissless neckbeard virgin.

when your daughter thirsts over dragon dick

Attached: aicondom.png (1280x1400, 1.11M)

this is epic for the win put me in the screenie

Lina Medina would like to have a word with you

But that wrong! Disciple and master love is forbidden!

watch what?

one or two years of training then

Abe-Sama thank you for making anime great again