
I just finished watching. Im glad I finally gave Trigun a watch after all these years. I don't know I ignored for so long but it's an 8/10.
Although I feel there's something about the last 5 or 7 eps that could've been better since I have many questions. All the characters were great. I'm still curious about the interdimensional beings, Vash and Knives origins (they were aliens right?), and Im guessing Vash is going to re-educate Knives about humans? But does the manga go into more detail about my questions?

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>Vash and Knives origins

They're just plants that were born with consciousness. Don't you remember all the "YOU'RE A PLANT, VASH!"

The anime just kind of offhands it. OP should read the manga to get a more in-depth look at it, since Vash is rolling around to all the (power) plants in it

Oh okay. I guess the flashback of the crew being terrified of them as babies just threw me off. I wish Plants were still more explored though. How did they still come to be from a Plant? It's like the Plants are interdimensional generators? I'm sorry if these questions were answered during the show and I just didn't understand, or there was not a lot of explanation?

We'll never get a Trigun Maximum anime and it sucks.

I'm mad that Milly got to share sandwiches with Nick but Meryl didn't with Vash.

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>But does the manga go into more detail about my questions?
The anime butchered the manga so hard it's not even funny. You get extremely little from the anime, everything is bastardized and simplified.

>The anime butchered the manga so hard it's not even funny
Faggot, you appear every time Trigun is mentioned and I already told you that at the time the anime was in production Trigun manga had only several volumes. They didn't "butcher" things, they had to improvise.

Right on OP, It's probably one of my top 3 animes out there and I've been thinking about giving it a rewatch recently. The ending credits song may have been just the push i needed. Also, Milly best girl.

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In the manga, they're pretty much genetically engineered superhumans. The final irony of Knives's bitchfit about Plants was that back on Earth they'd been given full human rights years ago, and when several Plant-captained warships show up after they detect him going all one winged angel on everyone he destroys them without hesitation.

I agree. Great series, but it kind of crapped out on the last few episodes.

If new Boogiepop and FLCL anime of all things can be real then I don't even know
Although when I envision the new "fanbase" and what it may bring, maybe it's a good thing if it doesn't get an anime

>it's an 8/10
Well memed. It's more like a 5/10, or a 6/10 assuming you're still wearing Adult Swim nostalgia goggles or a casualfag with

>Yosuke Kuroda's other shitty scripts
Fuck you dude, Gungrave was great
>Edgelord Bluesummers
This gave me a chuckle though

>In the manga, they're pretty much genetically engineered superhumans.

Not exactly. They're children of the genetically engineered organisms. And Knives freakout wasn't over the lack of human rights, it was because he saw what they did to the last child born from a plant.

Nah, you're right. That post was 90% facetious. Trigun is cool and Kuroda is fine, I just think he's inconsistent. I'm still in pain over how disappointingly generic Soushin Shoujo Matoi was.

Knives and Vash were born from a plant aboard the colony ships first headed to that world. Plants are genetically engineered organisms though to be non-sentient and lack any sort of higher thoughts (they turned out to actually be a sort of hivemind) and were created to act as cores for a device that can pull energy from another dimension and use it as energy or convert it into matter (which is mainly used to produce fresh water in the series). It turns out there was a girl born from the plants before they were and the people on the ships did a bunch of inhumane experiments on her in order to research this new phenomenon of the plants. Learning this is what made Knives first begin to hate humans and was the motivation to fuck up the ships guidance systems to make them crash into the planet in an attempt to kill all the humans on board.

The ending and Wolfwood's death are better in the anime, just saying.

Sir get out of town. Trigun is a fun/ominous adventure of the week type deal and if you were looking for some ~deep and spiritual~~ journey you wasted your time when you could've been enjoying the ride

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I'll agree with you on Wolfwood, though it's manga counterpart was also fantastic, but I'll outright disagree with you on the ending.

The manga was better but imo the final battle between Vash and Knives was better done in the anime.

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Wolfwood's death serves distinctly different purposes in the manga and the anime - though Rauken Paradise really does make the difference for me. Not saying the manga version isn't terrific, but that quiet melancholy guitar breaks me every time.

I downloaded an episode off of Limewire when I was 10 and deleted it as soon as I heard Vash's Japanese voice.

The dub is, for once, unironically better than the sub.

>disagree with you on the ending.
Why? The manga one felt kind of generic to me, while in the anime we get an open ending done right imho, which makes it way more interesting.

I also finally got around to watching it recently as well. I saw it when I was younger but never as a whole or in order so never really got the whole story.

I always felt that the first like 6 episodes are 10/10, and it just sort of drops off from there as the show loses sight of some of the original characterization and themes without really developing out of them, but just laying them by the wayside here and there. Like how Vash goes from not wanting to fire his gun to hurt anyone and the first time he does its a big moment, to just shooting people here and there as long as it isn't fatally, and generally the middle part of the show just felt pretty weak. the end pulled it back in the last ep or two, but I never liked how Vash's ridiculous altruism was just sort of accepted and supported by the people around him after a while, it'd've been more interesting if he was actively challenged on it and kept at it despite that, but the narrative must've felt that would give too much credence to the idea he's wrong and avoided it which feels a bit too, well, again weak for me.

In the end, it was pretty good but after the start it became lost in its own wasted potential

it's a 6/10 with a couple 7 and 8 episodes and a good op...

Rakuen is pretty good but Milly's reaction is what truly makes the whole situation memorable for me.

Has a protag ever been as BTFO as Vash was here?

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Nick's death was so depressing. I just wanted him to keep on going and being best bros with Vash
Okay. Yeah, I think that's a better reason for Knives going crazy than just showing half of why he started thinking about humans that way.

Check the badlands rumble movie too >.

>but I never liked how Vash's ridiculous altruism was just sort of accepted and supported by the people around him after a while, it'd've been more interesting if he was actively challenged on it and kept at it despite that, but the narrative must've felt that would give too much credence to the idea he's wrong and avoided it which feels a bit too, well, again weak for me.

Part of the point of Wolfwood is to fulfill the role of someone that disagrees with Vash's altruism. Additionally, Wolfwood dying after he attempts Vash's altruism and Vash having to kill Legato both serve to show that his ideals wont work forever, even for someone as skilled as Vash is. Lastly, at the end when Vash throws of his coat (symbolizing Rem since she liked geraniums) and says "Rem, I will continue to believe in you but from now on I'll look to my own words for guidance" it is used to show that Vash will follow his own way instead of sticking strictly to Rem's outlook.

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I want to marry Vash.

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Manga's good but it's pretty hard to follow during fight scenes. It's got lots of page spreads though which is cool even if it seems kind of cheesy. Haven't watched more than a few episodes of the anime and don't know how heavily it's condensed and how much is cut but it seems like it has to be a lot.

The anime is a very beautiful chinese cartoon, go watch it now.

Im glad Vash started following his own ideal because Rem's was too black and white.
Same. I fell in love with him the first episode.

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If it ever happens, just make sure they hire a competent director for the action scenes