Why don’t they ever share their important findings and critical thoughts with each other?
Darling in the FranXX
Because that's the antithesis to drama; logic.
Also they're teenagers who might as well've been raised in prison cells. They're stupid and immature.
prison cells with each other though. If anything they would be more likely to share.
>Also they're teenagers who have trained from child to form an effective combat unit
Fucking fixed that for you
It’s Adult Food, to Zorome it might as well be cocaine.
user's Guide to DiTF Shitposters
02Hiro posters
And another type of partnering listed here that isn't the following.
Any /u/ posters
Anons complaining about Goro or Hiro being a beta male or a cuck
Anons claiming that ichigo friend zoned Goro.
Remember user do not reply to any of the shitposters listed here otherwise the entire thread will turn to shit.
you act like those two are exclusive
>"everyone who sucks off my favorite ship"
>and a random /his/ spammer
No, but them being in cells is a bullshit reason for them not to communicate because they've been doing team building exercises together since they were born. Their training should be such that they can completely detach mission success from their emotional state.
what the fuck is this referring to?
The ichigo is the spider and the 02 is the spider posters.
Cool pasta.
You mean 02 is Ichigo and the spider is the poster
the spider from episode 5?
wouldn't that just be speculah
best couple
It's apart of their shit posting unfortunately.
not if it makes 02 out to evil.
as we all know, if I disagree with it, it's shitposting.
>doesn't involve painting oni in bad light
good speculation
>paints oni in a bad light
The same can be said about the Jian bird.
As long as i do not ship Hir02, it's just a red herring
but nobody calls talking about the Jian bird shitposting.
Every thread is shit thread. Sunday and Monday are the comfiest days, and it's just downhill from there.
my only problem with it is that they don’t take it anywhere, zorome hears and is told all of these confliting things, “infected children” “they’re victims” “that’s out of the question” and he never inquires further on these, he just goes “ah”.
furthermore the fact that he didn’t take any of it to the base is ridiculous, after all that he doesn’t even discuss with anyone that he finally met the adults he so much adored (maybe because he was so disapointed and shatered after those 2 guys picked him up that he didn’t want to talk about it …..still tho).
No one discusses this further, zorome even says he forgot about the whole thing ….. the only change is that he no longer has that dream that was established this chapter so it doesn’t even have any meaning in the general scope of things.
the world building is decent, but its only decent for us, it didn’t impact the characters AT ALL, and it doesn’t matter if we get world building, we don’t need small information like this. if it doesn’t impact the characters then its just trivia for us.
I don't believe that's what he was saying. He was saying that the same red herring argument for the Jian can be used for the spider that ichigo Hiro fags like to use to say that 02 is bad.
>basking in the afterglow of Sup Forums airing day hype spam
Miku and 02 are the best girls. Ichigofags need not apply.
That's what I meant, was trying to give a better explanation of my post. Thanks
>Jian bird
this meme again
This is true
I'd like to see Ikuno come from behind though, once she actually, you know, gets some fucking development.
>implying im not a Sup Forumsermin
Well idk. On sunday and monday i have slower and comfier threads, probably because of time zones. Who knows.
well obviously, it's just speculation.
>ichigo Hiro fags like to use to say that 02 is bad.
fuck off I've been pedaling this shit since episode 2, fuck off with your boogeyman.
>central thematic symbolism
>one shot that was never brought up again after episode 5 or 6, after the whole "oni will kill me" subplot was resolved
hmhhh i wonder why they are treated differently
>being an onifag
I remind them.
This user speaks truth.
No wonder everyone hates Onifags.
Do Onifags still exist? Nana is killing.
No wonder indeed
Just imagine how much better the threads would be without onifags
it's because one of them implies marriage and the other implies the opposite.
obviously braindead scumfucks would do anything to paint the one they don't like negatively.
>one shot
the Jian is only brought up twice by the way.
No wonder everyone likes Onifags as Onifags think
>being trapped with the same people for long periods of time
That'd just make me bury my feelings more, as any negative feelings towards those around me could drag us all into hell
>Shitposters from dying thread start to post here
Just fucking end it all already.
Why did VEG win ?
***,*92位/***,103位 (**2,451 pt) [*,**1予約] 2018/04/04 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 1 (第1巻のみ特典:L版ブロマイド + 全巻購入特典:「LPサイズディスク収納ケース」引換シリアルコード付) [ VIOLET EVERGARDEN ] [Blu-ray]
Isn't it something like 4-5 times? I would include the whole "Lets fly with our wings" too, and also the two scenes (well, I don't actually know about the first one) when they lean onto each other while coming out of Strelizia
>it's just a red herring
it's a jian, idiot
IGNORE this faggot.
No wonder everyone likes me
Franxxfags BTFO
KyoAni was supposed to get btfo....
>this guy again
I love you user
Based yuribro
>walk into room
>see this
what do?
I will post it until somebody besides you gets the joke user
>turn turn 360 degrees and walk away
[X] Genuflect
sniff her hair
Like what you see?
Soulless stare
Tell the little boy to get the fuck out of my room.
well then I'd count this for the spider.
>360 degrees
user I...
What if all the cast were cute girls instead
Yes but I'm not gay.
Checked, thank you doubleman.
Impregnate and raise a family with her
Come and get me cowboy
No, but I will if he puts a dress on
>really smart
>the absolute state of darling in the franxx threads
>Being this new
Please turn 180 degrees and leave, newfag.
Reminder that Milkman is going to die protecting Kokoro
I love it too user
Blame Mikufags and Onifags.
>onifags are newfags
Literally can’t make this shit up
No wonder everyone hates Kokorofags.
Post rare onis please
No wonder everyone hates Onifags and Mikufags too.
>Pretending to be a newfag so you can get all those hot tasty (you)'s calling you a retarded Oni newfag
Delightfully devilish
>Unironically posting 360 degrees 'meme' which makes you look like a retard in current year
No wonder everyone hates Hachifags.
No wonder
It's official, complaining-about-xfagsfags are the worst.
>pretending to be retarded
le devil
pic related when?
No wonder everyone hates Milkmanfags
I am now a Strelizia fag.