Is this really japanese tradition?

Is this really japanese tradition?

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Taking a swig and then going "KEEEEEEEEE" is a Nipponese tradition passed down through the ages

and what about drinking beer in the morning/for breakfast? Is that nippong tradition as well?

Shit I'm more Japanese than I thought

Getting drunk and sexually propositioning a minor who has been placed in your care is about as Japanese as it gets.

I thought Misato invented that

People only KEEEEEE if the beer is quite cold. Therefore, it has to be one of the beers from her fridge, not one they just bought from the kombini, so that means she follows a FIFO inventory system at home, without actual thought. It shows Misato is great at logistics as demonstated during operation Yashima.

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They got that from the Germans in WWII.

doubt it they dont like beer that much

actually i hold the suspiction beer companies have a good but minor check to every anime supporting beer depiction.

Get on the times gramps

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I fucking hate tropes like that.

Almost as annoying as the peace sign or the eye smile expression.


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Steins;Gate did it too

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Fuck man, I thought that part of my life was over.

So was intentional so conspiracy tards will give Monster more attention.

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>shilling this garbage unironically
>hurr durr it r just may mays
an hero pls


I hate when stuff like this happens in anime because I can't help but picture some awkward weebs somewhere imitating it unironically

Do you get bonus points you do with it with KSG shotgun?

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Peace sign is cute and so is KEEEE, fuck off.

yes, bonus extra points for live stream as always.

>hating sip

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no it wasn't. It's just basic good design retard

enough you Idioten. The only monster allowed in her are Engel.

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