Made in Abyss

All you had to do, was protect the damn loli, Reg!

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Reg is not well versed in loli protection

Just came in, where's my Penkin groupies at?
Woah, spoiler alert

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He'd be fine if he could keep his mind off the fluff.

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He needs to learn from the master.

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why Lyza is a bad mother?

For a White Whistle she ain't so bad

I doubt it

Have you not seen what the other White Whistles are like?

He thinks very hard about lots of other things too.

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She went out to get what she wanted, and didn't let a child hold her down. But she still loves Riko. She's the Ging of the Abyss.

yes, it does not matter if it looks normal, she's crazy

>>She went out to get what she wanted, and didn't let a child hold her down
As I recall she was ordered down into the Abyss by the country, even Lyza wasn't crazy enough to go down there while pregnant.
And she still managed to get Riko up out of there more or less fine - zombie baby with bad eyes that she is.

So if it's like ging, does it mean he does not want it?

I meant the moment she left when Riko was two. But going down while pregnant is crazy enough too, one trambuline jump and Riko would shoot out of her.

She'd probably be more open to talk with Riko than Ging with his son, assuming she hasn't gone mad down there.

That's the Call of the Abyss dawg, no free spirit can resist the urge to explore and see new sights, not for very long. Either way it also meant that Riko could grow up free from her mother's shadow and become her own unique person, AKA an autistic magnet for abuse.

new chapter when

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Well one beats, molests and torments small children while forcing them to crossdress and there's not enough characters in the post limit to describe what the other one we've seen does to children so at this point the bar is so low an earthworm could clear it with room to spare.
Says a lot about the world they live in when being completely berserk with violent and deadly wrath is actually one of the luckier personalities to run into.

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Assuming she does not call her, do you think she's going to talk quietly?

She may have not been 'down there' all that long, considering the way time dilates in the further reaches of the abyss. Which I'm starting to wonder if that has any relation to the time-stopping bell that she was after.

>do you think she's going to talk quietly
I'm not quite sure what you mean.

>They finally find Lyza in the bottom of the abyss
>She's been strung up naked as punishment

What I mean is this more than annoying her

Are you really that eager to see legless Riko?

Missed out, maybe the next pressing if there is one

Game when
Game confirmed for Switch when?

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Goddammit Reg

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Lyza doesn't seem all that socially awkward or a cold person in the flashbacks. But as Riko herself stated, she doesn't really see her as "mommy" but as an idol to catch up to. But I'm not sure Lyza will be happy to see her down there.


holy shit. Ozen never looked more of a badass

Sosu... I like the sound of that.

Can't she just offer her buttocks and an ear?

I find it weird that arms aren't an option, does Belafu know about her left arm being crippled?

remember Mitty eyes

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Reg is like really dumb. Don't bully him.

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Please tell me that season 2 will include Riko pooping in the elevator.

It will be how S2 ends.

Bondrewd is Riko's dad confirmed

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So when's Srajo the Abstruse gonna show up? Also what do you think his whistle does?

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>Also what do you think his whistle does?
Activates artifacts like all the others?

Srajo is cool and mystery and his whistle make noises

No shit but what artifact?

I wasn't aware of the fact that different whistles effect different artifacts, I thought the Life-Reverberating Stone was pretty universal aside from only being usable by the person it's bound to.

Why do they keep splitting up? When is that retarded blob going to learn that she cant leave reg alone?

Don't you mean the other way around?

Maybe Reg should stop acting like a slutbot and learn how to protect Riko properly next time.

But Reg's prime directive is being a slutbot

>sees it straining painfully against his pants
>doesn't discreetly lower her face to his lap and discreetly relieve him
What a shitty girlfriend.

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Cease this slander. Reg is pure! PURE!

Pretty sure it's Sombrero the lord of History

pure sex

This, Faputa immediately identified Reg's arousal and set about investigating it further.
Best moth.

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What's with this the new meme of the MiA threads, to call Srajo by an obscure synonym of mysterious?

user the obtuse

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You know this is a good manga where boners are used as storytelling mechanics

Now that Riko has a white whistle - what's her title?

Riko the Potato

The Potato

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She has done nothing deserving of a title. She is not a legitimate white whistle.

Lord of Being Carried

>Normally when a protagonist goes full 'zerker mdoe they need a noble sacrifice or heartfelt outreach to their soul to bring them back
>Reg goes back to normal just from getting horny for the fluff

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Im surprised no one has thought that the reaction from touching fluff could be foreshadowing his past with the moth

>back when Lyza and Ozen were getting trashed at bars together almost every night they occasionally managed to rope BoneDoom a good pub crawl, got incredibly sloshed and horny and invited him to turn one of their usual lesbo tangos into a kinky superhuman menage a trois
I love the lolis and shotas as much as the next self-respecting Sup Forumsnon should, but I really, really need this to be a doujin. They've teamed up to take on the abyss, but I want to see how they handle [Papa's Rod] together.

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>incredibly sloshed and horny and invited him to turn one of their usual lesbo tangos into a kinky superhuman menage a trois
I'm convinced that this is how Torka really died.

Back then we didn't know there was a moth.

>Srajo and Wakuna being drinking buddies in the background
Nigga that's fucking kawaii

I think that was the author's way of showing that he has some relation to fluff that arouses him from his past, foreshadowing the reveal. Either that or the author wanted to do what he does best

Having a white whistle means you're a white whistle. It's the only requirement, the guild can't give it out.

This is not subarashii in the slightest.

They could if Bondrewd was running the show.

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A shota sex doll is overriding its natural functions to serve as a protective guardbot to a hot and fertile yet death-prone potato, you have to give him credit where it's due.
He's an utter whore for loli pussy but he has the heart and soul of an angelic maiden(male). If you don't mind he's probably been ridden by every filthy horny girl in the abyss he will stay true and faithful despite his reputation as the abyss bicycle.

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response here

What in the fuck are you talking about?

How were we suppose to know Reg body was missing his girlfriend and reflected his sexual frustration on Nanachi? We didn't even knew Faputa existed

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To be fair though that was his wife, not his girlfriend. What a shameless slut he must be cheating on her with a far less kinky girl.

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Although I do agree that she has not done anything deserving the title yet, I do think that she's a white whistle in the making.

For all we know, the white whistles we have seen so far have managed to stay alive thanks to their respective relics such as Ozen's skin or Bondrewd's soul swap. She has a really useful relic (Reg) and the same flawed perception of reality that all white whistles have.
It is true that so far she's the most inexperienced one in the bunch and in some situations she had some incredible luck to survive so far but the fact remains that she has gone farther than many other cave divers and survived. Hell, it's very likely that Ozen has never reached the level in which Riko is.

But why did she have to stab him in the bellybutton.

She had to taste the blood.

So what will srajo do to children? Just eat or something?

Way ahead of you.
Though it is worth mentioning this moment was well and perfectly foreshadowed numerous times so it doesn't constitute an asspull as the meme implies, but it's still funny so I did it anyways.

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Seems like she wanted to taste more than his blood.

How different would the show be if all the genders were flipped?

>Finally get the fluff
>Bisected by a laser
I really felt bad for him here.

>Perverted robot girl who constantly drenches her thighs over the guys around her
Go on...

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Yeah, no surprise the real story didn't make it into the official report. They just say the oddly blissful-looking skeleton with the crushed pelvis in the fourth layer was a victim of a foreigner ambush and never spoke of it again.
Dude, a fucking double blowjob from the sultry Immovable GILF and the blonde bombshell potato queen simultaneously, how in the fuck is that not the most subarashii thing possible?

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>protagonists made Prushka's sacrifice meaningless
>deaths of other children meaningless as well
>crippled researches based on countless experiments
>didn't avenge all these dead kids either

>Look down between your legs
>See this

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No need for revenge, they all just return to the Abyss!

>cum instantly out of fear

He could have simply stop playing with the three idiots after he got his Prushka cartridge, but no he had to continue with his experiments

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Nerdy kid finds cute robot girl dressed in revealing clothing and one of the first things he does is probe her anal cavity.
Abandons two perfect qt3.14's to go down a filthy hole and look for his dad instead.
Maruruk is a reverse trap dressed as a butler.
Ozen is a nasty man with repressed homolust for the missing dad.
Prushka is just a sheltered boy who will do anything for mommy.

>Hell, it's very likely that Ozen has never reached the level in which Riko is.
It's not "very likely", it's of absolute certainty that she's never been to the sixth layer. The only delver that can return from the sixth layer and retain their sentience is Bondrewd, through the means he researched. That's why it's the point of no return, called the "Last Dive". The deepest Ozen has ever gone is the fifth layer.

What's at the bottom of the abyss?

He wasn't hostile before berserk Reg attacked him.