Boku no Kanojo ga Majime Sugiru Shojo Bitch na Ken

Do you still remember this show?

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Shame the manga is getting translated so damn slowly.

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Average but it had some really good moments

Never bothered watching the show but I read the manga whenever there are new tl's

I liked the main girl.

MC's mother had problems.

It was ok I guess. Used the same jokes over and over, but it was cute sometimes.

This show was EXTREMELY mediocre. I don't even know why I watched it all.

I remember dodging a bullet by not watching it

It's not that bad. I remember people not liking it because of the fact that he got a girlfriend and didn't become a beta MC.

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No I actually really like stories that focus on actual relationships, it just got stale for me. Plus the MC was just as beta as the ones you're alluding to, girlfriend or not.

There's one exactly like this almost every season. Why bother?

We all know who best girl is.

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Slightly poor adaption of a decent manga series overall.
It feels like one of those series that would be better with a harem end despite a one couple series.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Sho-bitch na Ken - 02 [720p]-0002.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

>that ass

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Attached: Big Chest Vs. Flat Chest2.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

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This show had so many best girls.

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Is there any censorship at the tv version so I will wait for bluray release? Or are they the same thing in both tv and bluray version?

Seitokai but with different flavors of dirty jokes. A pretty nice show with the main couple actually getting some sweet moments of being an actual couple. I especially liked the mom and dam scenes.

The manga didn't have any nipples if that's what you are wondering. Watch it for NTR girl.

Bluray version has lots of nipples, fluid, and vaginal shapes through the underwear. It's basically pornography.

Are you fucking with us. Did they really add nipples? Are they actually drawn on or just poorly pasted on?

>Did they really add nipples?
They were there since the beginning, the tv version is censored. Did you miss the message at the end of the last episode or something? That should have clued you in that the BD is very pornographic.

Not him but I do remember that. I think you are trolling regardless but I keep my hopes up.

It had a few good moments, but there was also a lot of boring down time, maybe it's also because I'm a fag so most of the fan service was lost on me. Dude lusting after him was great though.

Slightly better than the manga, but unfortunately that's not saying much. I ended up dropping both.
Mad props for the Quzilax references though.

Fun flavour of the week, nothing else

it may have been the most mediocre thing ever created. not a single joke that wasn't the lowest possible hanging fruit