ITT: Shit volume covers
ITT: Shit volume covers
jesus these are horrible
Yeah the first few are bad but if you tell me volume 6 isn't great your a fucking faggot
8 9 and 10 are the only good ones
Volume 1, 4, 6, 7 and 10 are all good. I admit the colouring could be better though.
I love noragami, I've got all the volumes in english, but hot damn does it have a couple of bad covers with 3 being the worst. 1 isn't super great either.
Composition and colourwise it's not bad, but that arm is REALLY fucked up
Are they too bright-coloured?
that "rock" texture is horrible, despite the awesome art, that rock alone makes it a crappy cover
Why would you cover up half the cover with a shitty texture like that? Christ
dr stones art style is garbage
Rock texture was probably thrown on at the last second by the editor.
I really hope the English release has better covers somehow. I mean I'll buy it regardless but I want it to not look like shit like the nip covers.
>Look it's the mc over a white background looking worried!
>both volume 15
>both lazy and uninspired
This cover pisses me off ,first because it's just a white background with a character's face on it, second there's a fish for no reason and third, that volume is in the middle of the chimera ant arc , where Leorio has literally no scenes at all, he was gone for like 3 years at that point.
The previous two volumes were the same with Killua and Kurapika, and Kurapika also didn't appear in the volume. The following volume is also the main four guys in chibi style walking along the pyramids. Togashi always does weird covers.
I never understood why Holyland's volume covers were always so incredible shit. The art is super detailed and its uncanny as fuck. The manga doesnt even look remotely similar at all
God I forgot about some of these covers. Love the manga as well but you right.
But these are good.
At least this one has a bit of style and is a group pic.He does make some great covers sometimes.
Leorio looks like he's asking you, "Do you know why the fuck this fish is here?"
>the volumes name is "weak point"
yeah i'll say
The best of the batch
Boy, I can't wait to read this volume where Gon, Leorio, Killua, and Kurapika explore a pyramid with a herd of cats!
You have shit taste
punpun did it better.
I like'em both so whatever
the fuck you talking about?
Berserk 01 is literaly the best cover in any manga ever
>meanwhile when he tries
Anything from One Piece
OP covers are great, fuck you.
Instead let's post good volume covers
Volume 28 is way better.
Out of the top of my head any cover from EVA, TPA, and OPM
shit taste
4 6 7 and 10 look good
A lot of old and new Blame! covers are pretty fucking bad.
This one is pretty good imo
Wow, that's pretty cool. I only just got Vol 1
Why are so many shojo covers bad, the art inside isn't even that ugly.
Some of them are decent
Most Clamp covers are great
What's wrong with these?