Fact: Saike is an objectively better character than subaru can even be

Fact: Saike is an objectively better character than subaru can even be.
>Inb4 web novel
Read it, including not yet translated content, subaru still a shit

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Saike is what I went into Re:Zero expecting it to be

Which is?

I agree

Literally who

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a completely powerless guy that progresses by killing himself a million times to redo the slightest thing properly

A series with characters that actually have characters with motivations beyond:
>Guts feel warm and it's cold outside
>I want elf pussy
>I want to be a 3rd wheel
aka characters that don't have shit writing

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Saike is a good and interesting MC while Subaru is the opposite of that.

>killing yourself to redo the slightest thing possible for a perfect outcome

I haven't read more than a few chapters of Saike but what I liked about Re:Zero's writing was Subaru's realistic outlook on death. Given the very painful deaths that he suffered from the beginning, he has an intense fear of dying and he never treats it as anything more than a last resort, due to the mental scarring it leaves and that he has no guarantee that whoever's controlling his ability will let him reset an additional timeline.

I like both.

I just like Saike more.

What I like is that both of them are fucked up individuals in the making.

In the making?, Saike's pretty fucked up already.

It's a realistic and good reasoning, but as a result it just doesn't take full advantage of the premise.
It's not like I disliked Re:Zero or anything, I actually really liked it, it's just that the premise that drew me in felt really underutilized.

Saike's fucked up from the very start.

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*man I sure love this fucker
fucking hell, I hate my phone

Saike actually feels more like the actual successor of Ueki than Ueki+ itself.

My man Saike goes toe to toe with super powered psychos with nothing but guts. Remember, he thought the only way he would resurrect was to drown in that very specific pond.
It's like mumen rider actually fucked seaking up.

>Remember, he thought the only way he would resurrect was to drown in that very specific pond.
It isn't?
Never mind don't answer that

Dare you enter her magical realm?

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Saike's fucking insane though, and everyone knows it. He functions like a person who holds no self value in the least, which is why he can work that way, while Subaru is a depressed teenager who despite not seeing much value in himself, doesn't wish to die brutal deaths, and he hasn't died nearly enough to warrant a mental degradation (unless you count the "what if" stories).

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Why do all these VS threads always boil down to one of them having to be shit? Both are good characters, I highly doubt you would have read the LN if you didn't find him to be at least a decent character.

They're different characters, in different situations. Saike's a little cuckoo and is okay with drowning himself just to stop minor events from happening. Subaru's a more gritty and natural depiction of how a human would actually react if they had a reset ability via death, which is being scared shitless of all the pain and suffering that accompanies death.

I personally like Subaru more because his mindset is simply more realistic. Saike's more of a hero, obviously, but like Shirou in F/SN demonstrates, being a hero means missing a few nuts and bolts in your head.

As people in the manga have said there was something fundamentally wrong with Saike from the very start, he has a messiah complex and is absolutely obssessed with his friends well being

I've only read the english LNs and the author really crams down your throat subaru's thought processes while he's dying. It's not pleasant at all, and you relate to his character a lot more than if you've only watched the anime.

Tbf, Re:Zero did have those two What-IF stories about Subaru deciding to abuse his power, and in both of them he becomes just as fucked up as Saike.

I read the re:zero LN because people said it would become better later in the parts the anime hadn't animated, turns out it didnt get better, it was just the same shit as the beginning, I stopped trusting faggots who say that the LN is better in later chapters, they never fucking are

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Oh I just realized that first part was meant to reply to


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Subaru is a guy who just wants to desperately be of use to someone (which is why he's so in love with Emilia since she's the first person to ever basically see him as useful and actually want him around) and will go to great lengths to help his friends, but the story goes out of its way to emphasize that it fucking sucks to get disemboweled or frozen to death or eaten alive. Compare that to Saike who just goes "yeah it hurts for a sec but whatever". He never really takes it any differently either throughout the course of the story. He always just instantly wipes to the point where the story just fucking skips most of his deaths which make death seem almost trivial. His deaths don't even fucking matter to the reader. Whereas each death in Re:Zero actually has weight.

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Yep, I think Subaru has died around ~25 times so far in the WN, and nearly all of those deaths have quite a hefty story/timeline behind each one of them. Saike has a different formula where the deaths are so meaningless, the guy will die literally just to find out the next move that his opponent will make.

Depending on whether you want a superhero story where the main character is using 100% of his power or a story where the main character is more grounded, you'll respectively like Saike or Re:zero more.

Is Saike still being translated?