Why is it whenever Japan tries to make a horror manga it always ends up being edgy shit instead of horror?
Why is it whenever Japan tries to make a horror manga it always ends up being edgy shit instead of horror?
I don’t know
Do tell me about how other countries create horror stories that mostly aren't edgy shit
6000, unless you think violence is edgy
Japan can do horror in my opinion, just not in manga simply because it doesn't work. It's not Japan's fault. It just does not work.
>inb4 but junji ito
Why not? because Junji ito makes your theory fall flat?
It doesn't work. I can't see anybody actually being scared by any of his stories. Not even trying to act like I'm a tough guy because I'm easily scared. There's just no way one can be legit scared of spirals or anything of the like.
does he dead?
maybe read something that's not for 15 year olds as if it's the best the medium has to offer?
Because this is supposed to be a comedy rather than a horror. Look at the monsters, they are fucking fishes. How is that scary?
I think horror can sill be done with manga. but it seems like you guys are comparing it to jumpscare movies. except some that probably dont do it(which I find rare) like "it" or "silence of the lambs". just because it doesn't scare you doesnt mean its not horror. and it also because we are so used to movies doing the hard work for us.
giant flying goldfish would be fucking terrifying
Best comedy and had the best pie OC
>comparing it to jumpscare movies
It's actually very interesting how nobody even mentioned jumpscare at all until your post.
I wasn't agreeing with him, I was telling him to read a manga that isn't generic shonen trash before he comes here bitching.
cause thats what most horror movies are. and they are rare when they dont do it.
I loved the pie memes.
Horror doesn't need to be scary.
not gonna lie, it was all the pie memes that made me pick up the show. what was a time since I didnt watch it with Sup Forums. that reveal was just stupid
I still didn't understand why he just randomly waved the knife around. At least it gave us a lot of fun.
What I meant is that nobody was talking about jumpscares at all until you brought it up.
Didn't the curse fuck with people minds or something like that.
Sadly i don't remember Another much other than retarded twist and pie memes.
oh my mistake. I dont have another example to compare
My question is, why japan always does this? A character going all "I am a evil and selfish motherfucker" for no reason
Isnt someone adapting some of the lovecraft stories into manga? What about those?
the last time Japan adapted lovecraft a 15 year old ended up fucking Crawling Chaos
I mean, a serious and a real adaptation, saw a manga a few days ago
Yea if you're in like SoCal or NJ where literally no one has guns. A scrawny ass kid killed a fairly big one just by slamming a door on it once. These fish could sustain the US's position as the singular super power for centuries to come
Yeah, it's by Tanabe Gou.
Exactly those I was talking about, I havent really read any of lovecraft, how faithful are these?
>why is most horror in every medium and country mostly garbage
Jesus Christ, this is not Sup Forums related at all
Apparently the text is 1:1, at least Dagon, the only one I've read so far, is a perfect copy of Lovecraft's tale.
anybody read that ousame game-like manga where the guy literally commits twincest?
>lovecraft is good
Why? I really don't get his stuff.
Everytime I want to borrow call of cthulu. its out now im forced to either buy it or be on a waiting list.
I've noticed that too. It becomes comical after a while. Like yeah people can snap from stress and shit but it's always super edgy shit like this where the cute madonna of the class turns out to be a selfish evil bitch. We get it, your self insert is an otaku/loner/loser who never did anything wrong and now is gonna be the hero in this situation.
If I had to equate it to something, I'd say it's like the SAW movies and how "horror" became "gore and torture porn". Japan seems to have unfortunately taken that route, where they just try to shock you all the time, and by doing so, lower the shock value.
Sup Forums is a plague
I understand that, but the whole speech is so forced and unrealistic, that breaks any inmersion, I can understand the stress of the situation making you a jerk, but taking that page as example, why the girl just stays quiet or jusr to tell him to shut up and leaver her alone or something, but nope, I have to first make clear I am a terrible human being
Higu Ep2 in manga form scared the shit out of me
It's not just Japan, look at most horror movies they're just gore porn. Good horror is about fostering an atmosphere of dread, its the build up not the pay off.
Easy drama, it's the love triangle of horror/survival fiction
Seconding 6000. Also hideout
I wouldnt call that easy drama, and more lazy wriring and pandering, because another aspect of those speechs is always mentioning how patethic is MC for his hobbie ALWAYS, just so the otakus can self insert and feel hurt too
I miss Slasher genre.
>they're just gore porn
you must have not seen hellraiser.
no you don't.
how many remakes or sequels do we need of michael myers, halloween or chucky. cause you know thats all they're gonna do.
All horror is edgy.
Oh nice, Toy Story.
Some of the best horror imagery has unironically been from hentai. Jyoka and Nakamura Regura have both done some fine horror works, with the former having an entire tank that is more disturbing than fap worthy depending on your fetishes. I do think getting scared from a manga is next to impossible, but it's very possible to actually setup a scenario that evokes a sense of unease.
A lot of horror manga have very cheap setups with disposable main characters you don't like anyways who act completely retarded. It's hard to get into them. Depending on the setup, having a single story with continuity is also a problem as you can't kill off important characters and prolonging the setup makes their continued survival or sanity frustrating.
Some good ones like "You Will Hear the Voice of the Dead" or anything by Takahashi Yousuke works because they adopt a short story or episodic format.
>Some of the best horror imagery has unironically been from hentai
cause they're hentai.its unxpected. but the art is definitely praise worthy for horror.
Yeah, I agree. The best you can pull off is a sense of unease.
But i do. I like seeing Jason beat and kill people in very different ways for absolutely no reason. Though i did hate new Nightmare on Elm Street because they made freddy pedophile.
>cause they're hentai.its unxpected.
I mean there are stories you know right from the beginning that it's horror but it's well executed. Pic related. You KNOW that going camping in the woods is a bad idea at this stage in the tank, every story is horror themed. It's still a good short story from start to finish.
>check the following chapters for this series
>the equivalent of the MC from Dungeon Seeker appears and starts being a totally super duper cool edgemaster
>becomes an action series and the fish eventually start learning how to *teleports behind u*
Pretty amusing but I can't help but feel it would have been nicer if it ended at the first chapter or just kept switching perspectives to other characters dealing with the event until we get the "full" story of why it's happening.
unless you prove me wrong, freddy was always a pedophile. but it could go two ways.
man that was hot
>becomes an action series and the fish eventually start learning how to *teleports behind u*
What the fuck? Last time I read it some years ago it was more of a spook of the week kind of thing, the hell happened?
The fish stop being pinatas so the edgemaster can't just kill everything including the tension of any situation he's in.
>You will hear the voice of the dead
I always thought it was comedy
It's both. Also a harem and romcom too.
I haven't read it at all so I don't know what it's actually about, but that page of yours is hilarious.
>When a horror author want to write romcom.
I look at the pair of chapters that get released and realize one is a comedy and one tries to be serious with varying success. Best chapter is still the one where the family gets rich off of mass suicide.
I still feel bad for the girl who got caught in the amusement park story. Wish she became a regular instead.
Horror seems to work fine in VN and even hentai.
Enigma of the fault is pretty scary
Lovecraft is good because his stuff formed the basis of a bunch of ludicrously good works like hellboy, del toros work, john carpenter, etc. If you just go by quality of the terror its not really tuned into your zietgiest being a modern gentleman.
I suppose that's the charm of episodic format like this user mentioned
>Though i did hate new Nightmare on Elm Street because they made freddy pedophile.
Just posted to comment on how its interesting how being a child murderer is cool and good, but being a child rapist is just completely untenable.
some people like to self insert as the slasher.
>Self insert as an immortal dream demon
How does that work?
imagine the kids who lied on you and got you in trouble
did they ever explain how he became a dream demon? I mean for jason they just show it was magic
Deal with the devil or something like Chucky, wasn't it?
no, chucky actually chanted some voodoo spell next to some doll as he was dying. his origin is explained in child's toy(1)
who is this turkish semen demon?
>I can't see anybody actually being scared by any of his stories.
Just open your eyes dumby. Tons of people have admitted to his stories scaring them. How can you put your fingers in your ears and go "la la la" about it?
Mahou shoujo of the end was pretty scary. I mean magical girls shouldnt look like that. its like making a meme into reality.
>Child murderer
Sure he does kill teenagers but not actually kids
>freddy was always a pedophile
He only killed kids and i didn't fuck them or wanted that.
In the new ones, it showed he kill the kids that didnt kept their promise, and the promise was not tell anyone he molested them.
where do you get Jason out of what he green-lighted and responded to?
> i didn't fuck them or wanted that.
but freddy did.