ITT: Worst artstyles

Patlabor movies

Attached: p2m04.jpg (1912x1032, 209K)

>the anime vs. the manga
wtf were they thinking

Attached: 919731c0936428bb8a7d5074d39ed7d4_132938_thumbnail.jpg (300x450, 165K)

There's like 3 scenes in two movies that use that fisheye stuff. Why do you think the movies look bad other than the shot you posted?

Attached: PatlaborMovie2Intro.webm (568x320, 2.97M)

Attached: Patlabor_the_Movie_2_(1993)_[1080p,BluRay,x264,DTS]_-_THORA.mkv_snapshot_00.38.33_[2018.03.21_21.51. (1920x1040, 927K)

Attached: 1993 - Patlabor the Movie 2.mkv_snapshot_00.51.46_[2018.03.21_21.54.44].jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

That shot looks great, what are you talking about

I'm the guy saying it looks good. Some of the characters do look weird (like the guy in the other guy's image, and Noa looks pretty different from the other entries in the series) but overall it looks really good.

Attached: 1993 - Patlabor the Movie 2.mkv_snapshot_00.52.35_[2018.03.21_21.55.58].jpg (1920x1080, 1.04M)

>Being this wrong

Attached: Hakai suru.gif (400x242, 461K)

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He really does look like he gained a chromosome or two

Western art styles are the worst and over those I think Aeon Flux is the top worst. That Ping Pong anime was bad enough I couldn't stomach watching it.

Attached: 1465448138-f6b75eeb4a97a82755987446acbb0c22.png (760x427, 401K)

>jobbed so hard the artstyle of the show changed.
Is there a bigger failure than Ash?

Maybe you just have shit tastes.
They aren't conventionally attractive, sure, but that doesn't make them bad

That's like fucking a 2/10 and saying she has a good personality.

Theres a difference between liking an art style and being attracted to a woman.

>inability to understand an analogy.

Do you have trouble with similes and metaphors?

Attached: images (40).jpg (360x360, 27K)

I'm just saying its a bad analogy.

And you have shit taste, but go ahead and limit your options, you only hurt you.

a plague upon your fucking bloodline

everybody says this shit is amazing, but the horrendous art style puts me off every time.

Attached: SfQkG5U.jpg (635x902, 104K)

>let me use difficult words so I can look smarter

Take that back.

go back there

>analogy, simile, and metaphor are difficult words

Not him, but if you find "simile" and "metaphor" difficult words, you should walk away and only come back when you're barely literate.

whatever was used for the digimon movie

to where? google images?

Any moeshit artstyle

Attached: tAG_182604.jpg (790x381, 113K)

You have the shittiest taste itt

that's a fisheye lens because its from the POV of a TV screen

i'm glad i stuck with it but i almost dropped after the first witch world scene

Attached: 4532454332.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

what do I win?

Attached: oshare_kozou_wa_hanamaru_-_1_-_ova.jpg (352x240, 20K)

madokateens everyone


I agree is a way.

The first couple episodes were physically painful to my eyes. I still liked the art-style but something about it hurt me.

Eventually it didn't bother me anymore for some reason.

I hate it. I hate how people praise it.

Attached: kaiba-featured.jpg (1280x709, 192K)



this has to be the worst bait in history

Attached: 47474.jpg (500x348, 65K)


One of the few "unique" art styles that I actually enjoyed, usually they turn me off. Great show.

ITT any art style that doesn't look like generic moeshit is bad

That's one of the best aspects of it you fucking newshit

na, it's just artsy hipster bs

masaaki yuasa anime triumphs more in story, not art.

if you're dropping it just because it doesn't "look pretty" you're missing out.

seconded, it's garbage and only serves as something to beat off to for the dregs of whatever demographic they are peddling to

Aku no Hana.
What makes it worse is how choppy everything looks all the time. If it had a half decent framerate I might be able to tolerate it.

Jojo is full of gay men and the girls look like a mans ass.

Dragon ball super's art style always bothers me.

B-But it's ironic!

ITT Worst tastes

How is it possible to fuck up one of the simplest artstyles in anime?

Artstyle is not even the worst part about moeshit



If you watched it in the same picture quality as the image you posted, I'd be inclined to agree

Attached: t.jpg (512x288, 15K)

Is OP seriously trying to convince anyone that this looks bad?

Attached: Capture.png (719x547, 365K)

A challenger approaches

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 114K)

Kill yourself you moron.

Shitposting about Oshii is pretty popular on Sup Forums.

No, I finished it and enjoyed it, but couldn't help but feel like the art seriously detracted from the experience. Like a glaring blemish on a masterpiece. I also hate how everyone seems to defend it every time it comes up.

Are you fucking retarded
So you're basically saying every Satoshi Kon and Mamoru Oshii film is in the "worst artstyle"
So to reiterate, according to OP anime in the "worst artstyle" includes:
>Tokyo Godfathers
>Millennium Actress
>Perfect Blue
>Memories: Magnetic Rose
>Ghost in the Shell (1995)
>Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade

Attached: patlabor 2.gif (500x269, 924K)

It's bad because it doesn't fit Patlabor. It's like if K-ON's move was directed by Oshii and looked like his other movies instead of the anime, it would look like an amazing movie but a shitty K-ON movie.

>a director applies his own style to his work instead of creating more generic content in the original spirit of the media

I'm imagining you'd have prefered Adam West in a grey skinsuit in the Nolan Batman films too right?

Attached: adam west.jpg (1000x563, 183K)

I'll agree that it looks worse in the picture you posted and stills in general, but in motion the Sun and Moon anime is way better than any of the previous seasons

>it doesn't fit Patlabor
Isn't Oshii one of the original creators of the Patlabor IP itself?

I liked the character designs but these witch sequences just looked cheap.

>has absolutely zero idea how animation works
>has zero appreciation for anything remotely artful

this is bait.

Right is cuter and more lively.

It takes a bit to get used to, but it's not bad at all.

Feel free to kill yourself anytime.

>taiyou matsumoto

>masaaki yuasa anime triumphs more in story, not art.
You have got to be shitting me. Kaiba was a beautiful anime that was ruined by the atrociously written second half. Fuck that ending and everything leading up to it.

>people shitting on Ping Pong and Kaiba but are defending Madoka and K-On's art style
Absolute shit taste

Actually the correct answer. Character design is the worst I've ever seen, and it's full of shitty CG. Fucking hated this show

Majimoji Rurumo. Especially the manga.

easiest 4/10

Attached: 193gh72rdkzampng.png (800x545, 453K)

Sword Art Online
Your Name
Insert "average moe anime" here

Just the blandest, more generic shit there is.

>be big tanamasa fan around the time of ano hana
>now i can't stand looking at franxx
maybe it's just the designs

It looks pretty cool. I see no reason to dislike it


Anything with cgi

Attached: Cunny_Comparison~01.jpg (1536x2583, 689K)

Kaiba art is terrible. It's Sup Forums tier.

Is this that sort of a game where you have to spot a normalfag to win?

Attached: LD0fYw.png (1920x1080, 970K)

Found him.

Sorry, normalfag-kun, you won't decieve anyone. Go watch some more bland look-alike moe-shit.

>posts konosuba
>says this
The duality of man

I post it, you defend it.

the ironing

Not even going to bother disputing all your points. Pokemon is objectively bad. The others can be chalked up to style, but pokemon was drawn that way because it's a low budget children's cartoon.

>He posts one of the only shows where cg looks great
Take your fucking (you) and then shut your whore mouth

Attached: 1516556122030.png (464x497, 211K)

>Pokemon is objectively bad
Really. Give me the list of your objective reasons to conclude that.

1. Everyone who likes it has objectively shit taste.


Attached: YuriLOL.gif (300x400, 880K)

Wow, so how long have it been since you've started sucking cocks?
