Tomoyuki is such a beta faggot. He deserves neither version of Seiko

Tomoyuki is such a beta faggot. He deserves neither version of Seiko.

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Yes, but can you really blame him for his awkwardness with dealing with them when they're not fully human?

put me in the screenie


Fucking Hinata and his sports autism.

Other than their unnecessarily realistic bird eyes, they’re literally just people

Manga fag here the author makes it more and more apparent the eerily realistic bird eyes are merely an artistic choice and aren't even present in universe.The two versions of Seiko are one in the same, just depending on if Tomoyuki is upset with her or not.

Seiko β > Seiko α

What about version 3? The one that talks to both Seikos?

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The whole series makes no sense. Why would there only be 2 Seikos if the Dargons had the technology to create seigon crystals?

>just people

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I did not expect that Jojo reference this episode

Did anyone else think the purification ritual scene was a bit too fanservice-y? I thought it was a pretty important and moody scene but there were too many shots of naked ass and tits.

lol i was hoping there were going to be mroe scenes like that one

>posting worst Seiko

Miku is best girl.

Anyone got some youtube links of the OP?

>that catgirl transformation out of nowhere
WTF I love Ishida-sensei even more now.

SAO was good.

>owl eyes
>best girl
Fuck off, you only like her for her literal torpedo tits. Seikos are best girls.

It's really stupid they still lost the badminton match after that.

Who doesn't want a girl that can fire her breasts? It's a man's dream.

Bird Eye Seiko> Ishida-sensei> Human Seiko> Twintail> Seiko's literal bird shit >>>>> Miku

Miku fags need to take a long torpedo ride and go home

Does anyone else think roasting a box full of kittens was a bit much? I mean I know Ishida sensei needed fuel for the transformation but c'mon.


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Do you think if they train hard enough and become better friends they will get to the nationals?

I don't understand how so much people like the MC and his female friends. It's his classmates that deserve the attention. The chinese girl, Xing-ka is the best thing I've ever laid my eyes on. I want her to step all over me with these cold, emotionless eyes of her. I want her to spit on me and put me in the chinese version of a gulag, and after a couple of years, I want to be reunited with her, and have a ruined orgasm the first time around. She has cold-looking eyes like that, but deep down, she probably cares. So if you're traumatised from the chinese gulag, and the ONLY thing you can say is "I am Xing-ka's slave" after that, she will take you in, and nurse you back. She will read books to you and she'll reward you by letting you touch her body.

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Autistic people actually can't role play and pretend like people ITT, so the people in this thread are not autistic.

These threads were never funny or good a couple years ago and they are still not funny now.


Flat chested Seiko beta is best girl.

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Because bad writing. Bird sex scene and then dragons come from nowhere. What the hell!!

Update when?

>that sex hair girl in the latest episode
Good fucking LORD

Why are the characters that tall?
Tomoyuki is like 2 meters, Omega K is 2.06 meters and all the girls are above 1.9 meters.

And what have the Knights of Ahnengarde to do with the Besieged and the satanic rituals?

Class Rep >>>> AU Tomboy > Tomboy > Country Girl > Stuco Pres > Tsundere >>>>>>>>>> First Crush a Shit

what the hell were they thinking with that naruto crossover?

Last thing I remembered was there being a sports festival. Has anything happened since?

>Saeta-san has bad animatio-

Why is the fighting so realistic in this anime? Its like Maria the Virgin Witch all over again

Sex hair never wins tho ;_;

You're right since Seiko is shit. He deserves Akari.

>Short hair.
>Childhood friend.
>Once described as the heaven to his earth in the manga.
>Let the shit get beaten out of her when she didn't tell Zanzo where Tomoyuki was recovering when he stormed the place.

10/10. I don't care how bad her seiyuu is in the anime.

Why is the writer juggling genres like he used to? The episodes from a couple of weeks ago where the MC and the battle-hardened characters were fooling around, going to an onsen, and doing what other highschoolers do. Who could've expected that all of these hard-ass characters would be so good at karaoke?
The original writer and the anime's director are damned good at this stuff, and I want more stuff like that. It felt good to have tension fly out of the window.

I predict a trap arc.

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sashi best girl


The webcomic is better.

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What's this "Tomoyuki Azure" I keep hearing about?


Makoto is a ninja. I bet my left nut on it.

Girls cant be ninjas, fucking speedreader

When Togonosuke used his fumogenkyou harashimasara against Tomoyuki it basically sealed his fate with Seiko. Read volume 12 of the LN faggot. Pretty much the entire novel was dedicated to explaining the effects the FH had on Tomoyuki's domegaki Konekushon Enerugi

shut up autists

The trap was best girl. What's her (his) name again, lads?

C9 Sneaky

Class Rep a shit! Megane a shit!

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Can Gabriel win with his Light Array?

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The manga was better.

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well gee user I don't know, it's not like it hasn't always been an 'I win' button before.
oh wait

>wah wah why don't catgirls win everything
That's positive discrimination, user.


doesn't matter, Love Faction Mariachi is better.