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Implying she didn't hide the key herself so she could take advantage of an innocent highschool boy.

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Those curves are unreal.

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Knew it

The pang in my heart hurts just a little bit.

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ah hell no, this is some fucked up shit.

Oh no, my Komi-senses are tingling...!

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They exist in the complex plane.

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Boner went from my pants to my heart in just one page

I can't believe the depravity I'm seeing here.

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>that ass
I'm not Irish but I think something seems off about the panel

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why are their blankets so small.
not even covering their feet.

End of chapter. Sad and sweet.

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wouldn't mind the key being missing until the landlord got back from vacation

They didn't do anything but why i got boner though.

Come on now, how can you guys expect them to end up together. She is trying to see her husband in him. It's not a healthy relationship. And he's still in high school for god's sake.

Give it time, user.

>Regular invitations of nudes and sex from childhood friend
>Sleeping in the same room with an older woman

It's just pathetic seeing her try.

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Through healing

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Depressing chapter. I feel bad for Yamato, he doesn't even realize what's happening.

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It's summertime

No, she still hasn't moved on from her husband. Look at the age gap. MC is still in high school and hasn't matured completely, If they do end up together, the MC will be fucked mentally. He deserves a normal healthy high school relationship, not this.

>He deserves a normal healthy high school relationship

Stop trying so hard Rui. It's already too late for you.

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Well yeah, Yakumo getting with him because he reminds her of her husband is weird. That's why I said give it time, so that their relationship can properly grow.

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I just want her to be happy again, for the first time in a long time.

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It's only a matter of time.

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Oh, if only she were that crafty.

So, do you think he fapped in there?
Too risky?

This chapter feels different from usual ones both in art and story

He's just too pure to do that.

Plus they would've shared the same bathwater.

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She's so pure it hurts.

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lewd old lady

>I'm glad his clothes are still useful in times like this.


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>'Nam flashbacks

He will always live in 'his' shadow

Run, Yamato, run

Just because Koi Ame ended like shit and stroked your misery boner doesn't mean you have to try and bring that shit into good manga, faggot.

Hurts just a little bit.

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just wait for the differences to become more prominent until she realizes they actually aren't that similar

Ahh good thinking. That's usually what happens when it comes to that plot development.

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> Wanting MC to become the next French President.
You disgust me.

>Wanting Yamato to choose Baseball over milfs
You have shit taste

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So what? If they had a child, it will eventually ask
>mommy who is that man in the pictures?
It's a fucked relationship. She will be a hag while he is still young. Yamato will always live in the dead husband's shadow. If Yamato becomes a famous baseball player, everyone will think she just married him for money because she's a widow. She will always been seen as a cradle snatcher. And really, isn't that what she is? She's feeding and raising the boy to be her dead husband.

You are seriously putting too much 3d problems into a 2d world.
Next you'll be demanding a more realistic and consistent art style and angst and other bullshit that doesn't matter to the story.

>She will be a hag while he is still young
I don't think he minds that.
>She will always been seen as a cradle snatcher
I don't think her future in-laws will mind that.
>Yamato will always live in the dead husband's shadow
And will be resolved in a future chapter.

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It's child grooming.

Fuck off Drake

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>And will be resolved in a future chapter.

My vague recollection of other healing manga and porn that has to do with someone moving on from a dead person.

With this Oyakodon doujinshi being one of them.

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The "romance" tag combined with the author not being a hack.

the bowl chapter
Ruis older sister bringing it up to him
Yamatos family already liking her as seen

I know it's sinful to link to r*ddit, but there's a thread on there about experiences of widows and widowers who remarried. It's a good look into what Yakumo-san might go through: reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5ugkwt/serious_people_whos_spouses_have_died_and_are/

Age gap might prove to be the bigger problem here - but it's nowhere near fatal. Lucky for the two, society's double standards will play in their favor this time around.

>it's a r*dditfag
I knew it

the age gap isnt even that big

>bringing 3dp problems to 2d
Are you retarded?
Fuck off

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>think of mom's face! think of mom's face! think of mom's face!

>oedipus sits up in his grave and begins to pay close attention

I'm on your side you piece of shit

Kill yourself clincunt

I apologize, proceed.

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Basically, what it comes down is that the love is going to be genuine and it won't just be the widow/widower seeking a replacement and shaping the new person into their lost lover.
So don't rule love out for the widow.
For Yakumo and Yamato, this is the big elephant in the room, which they're clearly going to address at some point, the manga has been hinting at it for a bit now.

Anyone know any more milf/christmas cake/ara ara women focused manga?

Futari no Renai is pretty good.

Also Watari no Shounen.

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The widow(er) will still love who they lost, but it will not be some sort of a competition against their new loved one - rather, the more apt description is that they will lock down a tiny little piece of their soul that will belong to the one they lost. But the rest of their heart will be there with who they are with now.

In most romance manga love is just this one binary thing where you either love this one person, or you don't love at all. That's not how love really works.

3DPD is PD, yes, but good romance stories do happen sometimes, and they should be learned from.

Does sex happen in this story?


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If Kore wa koi managed to get a happy ending then Yakumo absolutely will.

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Just like in my milf hentai...
I really hope someone picks up his new manga that's starting soon

Do you know where I can read the picture you just posted. I can't seem to find any english translations

He misspelled it, it's watashi wa shounen


>watashi wa shounen
I'm a fag, it's watashi no shounen

clever girl

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Yamato's chastity is not safe around this lewd woman

The system works.