Goth Catholic schoolgirl with daddy issues up the wazoo and no adult supervision

>Goth Catholic schoolgirl with daddy issues up the wazoo and no adult supervision
>Virgin in junior year of high school
There is no way they actually expected me to believe this right?

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Don't forget the latent homosexual tendencies.

She doesn't have daddy issues, her daddy is just ded.

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>literally practices witchcraft

That's not witchcraft, it's wizardry! Do you see her putting shit on a cauldron or flying on a broom?

>It's another episode of OP inserting his Sup Forumsutistic fantasies on fictional characters

Rin already covers most fetishes.

Thats actually interesting idea.

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>Virgin in junior year of high school

she won't be for long

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>Rin is so shit she has to use thigh to be attractive

>inb4 witches are just female wizards
Witches are female *warlocks* not wizards, it's different

Not if I have anything to say about it.

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God DEEN Rin was so hot

So what guy or girl would Rin be most likely to lose her virginity to, absent any special circumstances?

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That in itself is an issue.



an old man


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"Daddy issues" generally means feeling like she lacks affection or approval from a prominent man in her life. That can come from both a bad father or a dead one just the same. They become sluts to try and fill that male-attention void.

or are hardasses with tattoos and spacers
I didn't say that you don't know me

What kind of King lets a Japanese Schoolgirl have her way with her?

Keep in mind that she is from a magus family, and they are suppossed to live very strict and traditional lives (and the Tohsaka family is said to be extra strict about it)

Also, keep in mind that she lives in japan, the country with the most beta men in the world.

Memes and jokes aside, some magus from a prominent family.

Rin is (or at least was before meeting Shirou) the type of girl that would only marry for status.

Anal doesn't count

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the horny kind

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Why is it so unfathomable to normgroids that some people haven't lost their virginity by middle school?

she is pretty cute,, plus it's been a while since Saber had some action

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>this is hailed as the highest quality FATE material

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I like the idea of her losing her virginity to King Arthur over some random nip kid

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What if that random nip kid was actually King Arthur's wife?

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>Not both

Burgers think that everyone fucking in middle school is perfectly acceptable normal behavior.

>says the continent riddled with child sex-slavery rings which it's own government refuses to do anything about

unfortunately, the other route's h-scenes weren't as good

Does this scene appeared in HF movie?

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It would be hard to keep them from fucking, but only extremists who can count to two think it's everyone.

Why is the greatest british king getting dicked by a normal japanese schoolboy?

That’s why it’s been retconned.

because the king got turned into a girl by the japanese

Based redman

And wizards just like witches were burned on a steak in medieval times, its all the same to the Church.

just imagine if sakura had rebelled against her situation by turning goth and wearing black lipstick! shinji's meatrod would be smeared as black as grail mud!

Will they be a good pair of master and servant?

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What? She's doing fine without dad. She just has problems with: 'Do I live up to daddy's expectations?' or 'Fuck this 400 year long family goal, I'll do my own thing'. Like all mages have this issue, do I inherit the crest (and all the problems/management of assets that come with it), do different magic to what the family does or walk away. She's too well adjusted for real daddy issues, beyond the occupational lying/facade (which all mages do).

Sometimes, I fuck King Arthur so hard... I rip the skin.


What is the DnD differences? The type of magic? Elemental/utility versus undead/fire/poison? Words just mean overall magic user to me.

The thing is her family is dead.

wizards study magic and treat it like a science, witches are granted magic from a "source" and treat it as a tradition

Dead dad = daddy issues by default.

She's literally me

Can I interest you in a jackhammer?

You're a tsundere bisexual magus with god-tier ZR?


>5e faggot

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how wrong you are newfag, that was pathfinder like 8 years ago, fite me on /tg/

Treating pathfinder as DnD is like treating Apoc non existent mana system as an example of what Fate fights should look like.

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yeah, it's a more liberal 3.5 i agree, it's still more dnd than 4 or 5 tho

From Cambridge Dictionary :

Witch : A woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people

Wizard : a man who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people

So it's actually pretty much the same thing.

it's going to have a more general definition of the word

>What is the DnD differences?

uhhhh she was actually anglican you stupid profligate

I bet those cheeky cunts put sorcerer into the same definition.


>no adult supervision

Take a look at his daughter and then answer the question if his supervision prevents someone being a slut or not.

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I bet he encouraged her, literally best dad ever.

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*renaissance, they burned Jews during the middle-ages.

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>daddy issues
Aside from the fact that he's dead, I don't see any issues about him. He was a great dad to her.
>Goth Catholic

Also, nice zettai ryouiki. I wanna fuck Rin until she overflows with mana.

what version of rin is on the left ?

Prototype Rin. Misaya if I am correct.

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Either Saber or Shirou.

Rin had canonically a thing for a thing for Shinji before Shirou showed up. Assuminh he keeps pushing it Rin will give in

They have lot in common too

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If I recall correctly, it was because they needed to restore Saber's mana to fight off Hercules.

Do you have any proof to back up your statement about her having a thing for him? She seems disgusted by him everytime he shows up.

Anyone treating anything after 2e as DnD is a filthy heretic.

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Rin belongs to Shinji, this one is missing few too

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So that's it? She didn't even say she was happy that HE liked her. Just happy that someone did. The evidence of her disliking Shinji is much more prevalent.

adnd is trash, thaco is trash, you are trash

Don't think she knows about his rapey tendencies in UBW. He's just the arrogant kid, who she knows is from a magus family but is himself shit tier/no circuits. Think she just understands/sympathizes with his position, her sister is his replacement etc, parents are dead, he acts out. He is meant to sort of be the hip cool kid as well.

Mhm. Keep telling yourself that, you wretched pile of human refuse.

Everyone knows thaco is better than the garbage systems of 3.5 and up.

>Armor class going up is a bad thing
>Armor class going down is a good thing

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>DeenDeesharts arguing among themselves
Warhammer is and always will be superior to RP autism

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It's the target number to hit, you fucker. Of course it going down is bad for you. It's not hard to remember.

Morons like you are why we can't have nice things.

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But what about Warhammer RP Autism?

Don't you want to be a space marine, user?

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I want to fuck this slut.

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Reminder that out of the 4 endings were Shirou survive, Rin bangs Saber in two of them.

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Rin is Catholic?

>works for the church
>fights for justice
>falls in love with and bangs all the world's evils
Umm Kirei I think that something is wrong with your kid

What happened to Shinji after UBW? They never say. Did he get over his inferiority complex and stop being such a shit to Shirou and Sakura?

Her familiy is, at least.

>cannot comprehend anything but numbers going up as progress

How do you even breathe?

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>not playing glorious Dark Heresy

Which endings? I know the Fate one but the other?