So why does One Piece have the worst OP's and OST in general out of these 3?

So why does One Piece have the worst OP's and OST in general out of these 3?

Who the fuck thought 2:30 mins was a good idea for a OP?

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>Who the fuck thought 2:30 mins was a good idea for a OP?

It's called filler.

>Who the fuck thought 2:30 mins was a good idea for a OP?
Blame Oda for being a lazy sack of potatoes

Bleach had the best ops and eds

Early on for sure. Though overall I'd have to give it to naruto.

Ever since that new Bleach trailer came out I've been listening to Number One over and over.

Maybe Naruto but shippuden had like 6 good ops

there isn't a single bad one in Bleach

All three are shit compared to MHA

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The worst One Piece and Bleach OPs are still better than the worst Naruto ones

All of MHA's OPs were exceptionally mediocre. How S2 won Best OP at the anime awards baffles me.

Because that's the only anime most of the voters watched that year.

>not liking naruto op 3
shit taste

>being objectively wrong

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>second link
autist detected

>Naruto OP 3
It perfectly captures the great atmosphere early Naruto had.

The OP length of One Piece is apart of Toeis masterplan to better increase the pacing. Between Intro, OP and Recap, you are lucky to start the episode at the 7 minute mark.

The One Piece anime is awful, it is by far the second worst thing I have ever completed(well 700 episodes).

Fight Together is better than any Naruto or Bleach OP

Haruka Kanata

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My brother of african descent.

This is true. Out of the nostalgia openings of the Big 3, FT is better paced than Silhouette.

Am I in the wrong for liking the few One Piece openings Funimation dubbed?

>long enough to be a fucking music video
I don't think so

True, but One Piece has the best first OP by far.
We Are > Asterisk > Rocks.

Agreed 100% get goosebumps every time. What pushes it ahead for me, besides the song being amazing, is the powerful visuals. Super symbolic and really match the melancholic tone the show had at that point. Massive OP spoilers in it for anyone who hasn’t seen it.

>Naruto's kid to 6 paths mode is horribly rushed
>for some reason we need a Killer Bee cameo
Even if it's 2:30 min, FT maintains the tone of hope and positivity in Luffy's trying times. Silhouette was a cheap cashgrab and it worked.

What makes it the best is that unlike almost every other One Piece opening it isn't filled with the Straw Hats doing random shit that has nothing to do with what is happening in the story.

Showing the SH doing random shit on the Sunny is OP's version of randomly posing in places/slideshows for other anime.

Nah, overall Bleach has the crown for best ops and eds. Bleach had style.

Asterisk is fantastic, but We Are is really strong cause of how well it fits.

He has nothing to do with anime

babby's first naruto OP

Am I the only one that didn't like a single Naruto OP?

>am I retarded?


>Who the fuck thought 2:30 mins was a good idea for a OP?
Did you noticed there no ED?

>He don't like Hero's come back
Massive shit taste, that akatsuki give me goose pump everytime

Fight Together is top tier but some OP in Naruto is way better (Youth Rhapsoby, Blue bird, Sign, The World that was Transparent)


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>second worst thing
I'm scared to ask whats the first.

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>Nautards having shit taste
Color me shocked

>taste this bad

Naruto has consistently good themes with few standing out
OP has the best themes but also the worst
I dunno how I feel about bleach

Ranbu no melody > every big 3 OP

Some of them even lastet for 3:30, and then there was 1 whole minute of recaps and shit. OP has become a joke post marineford, they have to drag out the opening to get enough content in their episodes.

>Pic unrelated

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>Who the fuck thought 2:30 mins was a good idea for a OP?
Toei. It's also when the anime becomes completely unwatchable

>oda lazy
>mean while kubo creates "the heart"
This waw my favorite

RnM has the tragic fate of being an OP meant for the final act of a series, but without the series actually ending. It has the right tone, sound, and progression to be the perfect finale, but the story couldnt end with Aizen.

bleach needs an anime to finish off the series the fights would be so cool..:sss

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Save budget for ending songs. Otherwise toei has to pay the singers as well.

You should at least watch an opening compilation to get a feel for the Bleach openings.

What are you talking about? One piece soundtracks are pretty lit. Slightly weaker than bleach but still pretty lit.

I think the worst Naruto one is YOU ARE MY FRIEND AAAAAAAA

I say one piece openings are pretty okay. I guess toei don't want to waste money hiring big shots to sing the openings.

>I guess toei don't want to waste money hiring big shots to sing the openings.
But Toei does hire big shots to sing their openings. Lots of them aren't anisong singers either.
>Namie Amuro

The extra minute came from cutting the ending, it doesn't even filler or his inheritly bad. Problem with OP's openings is, that they are bottom of the barrel pop music. Especially when it was about Ace's execution

Don't really like dbsk.

>Especially when it was about Ace's execution
Wrong opening. OP13 wasn't pop music either but you're right in everything else.
OP was bottom of the barrel pop music as soon as Believe in Wonderland came along.

The ones who decided not to have ending.

Remember the good old days when Konoha was shown as an actual city with fleshed out characters and no Sasuke? I do.
Back then, fillers weren't perceived as poisonous as they are now.

We are fighting dreamers
Tag me on oh miss a she
Fighting dreamers
Nani fool become a one
Fighting dreamers
She jeans don't count my money
Olliiiiii oliii oli
Jazz go my way
Right here right now
New person I could tender writer
Right here right now

Can what she shoe diamond meet you no like a guy oh no key woah so don't go way we do
Goat sigh so cool you know car of cigars they want bite oh they a foo
Sa ah' goku don't know me messi like light tech she got on me my women wear melon
Ooo she mad ooo oh know now very nice eh loud my read a book

We are fighting dreamers
Tag me on oh miss a she
Fighting dreamers
Nani fool become a one
Fighting dreamers
She jeans don't count my money
Olliiiiii oliii oli
Jazz go my way
Right here right now
New person I could tender writer
Right here right now
Mute the get the catch a fire
Right here right now
New person I could tender writer
Right here right now
Mute the get the catch a fire

>Op & ED
>filler arcs
Boruto's dad>OP>Bleach
Naruto>Bleach>>OP (didn't end yet)
>best arcs
OP: Shabondy, Impel Down, Marineford
Naruto: Zabuza arc, Chunin exam, sasuke rescue team and Hidan and kakuzu arc
>bleach SS

Verdict overall: Stay away from the anime and read the fucking manga

As far as the stories go the Bleach filler isn't terrible. But they get bumped straight to last place for having entire arcs dropped in the middle of an on going story. Thats more obnoxious that Naruto's flashback filer.

I still think Bleach has superior OP and ED to Naruto.

First OP of the show rankings
>One Piece