Why do people like her so much?
Why do people like her so much?
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Pioletto a cute.
the same reason they like saber
they just like blonde haired, blue eyed master race chicks
Becuase Saber is great.
Because Nips love Saber
It's literally just because she's a girl.
I love my autistic wife violet. Not so autistic anymore, but i still love her.
fucking FPBP with that nickname
could there BE a worse thing to wear in battle?
I think I understand why shitposters like her so much.
demigods are immune to minor debuffs.
She is goddess
that's a really nice drawing - damn
It is.
Are these drawn by Takase?
Top quality - believed it was legit
Does the show get better after episode 1?
If you don't enjoy episode 5 this probably isn't the show for you
Moar posts like this!
>believed it was legit
come on now
I was thinking they were giveaways from their movie premieres of the show with some Takase art, not official magazine spread art, dipshit.
Did you forget you weren't still shitposting in the DITF thread?
oh ho ho, we have a lost sheep here boys.
Movie goodies are HD postcards, dipshit.
Her autism is cute and she always tries her best even if she's right or wrong in the situation since she doesn't know any better.
That is Ishidate panel, like pic related too. Takase is character designer, her art is mainly novel illustrations and design sheets. Even anime posters arent drawn by her.
Why does she always look so autistic?
Saber is one of the most popular female characters in anime.
Autistic girls have always been popular in anime.
If we take the two and then give her a KyoAni face you get Violet.
> people
You mean the 3 kyoanus losers commenting VEG threads?
Why does she look like a tranny?