Why is it that Aqua is the comfiest Konosuba girl?

Why is it that Aqua is the comfiest Konosuba girl?
How can something so dumb be so great?

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>Why is it that Aqua is the comfiest Konosuba girl?
She's dumb and would fuck for cash

>tfw always have a hard time finding good aqua doujins because the market is too full of fucking megumin

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Who's the artist?

Aqua might be a bit annoying and dumb but in a cute way, also she is very kind. Kazuma is a cunt and treats her like shit every time. Darkness is my fav girl but I wouldn't mind marrying both of them if possible.

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I hate how current Konosuba is full romcom. I miss when it was about making fun of isekai.

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How would it feel to have her purify your dick?

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You think she can purify a hangover?

Dumb puppy in heat.

If she couldn't then she and Kuzuma would be dead by now. Let us not forget, he acts high and mighty about her drinking and partying but his ass is right there with her. Anons need to remember this fact each time they rip on her for being a drunk.

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Ehhhh idk Megumin>Aqua yes Aqua is of low intellect and good body but meh idk just doesn't really catch me. I prefer crazy (tho i'll admit she got good ass/tits and overall isn't bad but her personality puts me off).
>has cat
>explosions are a bonus
On a sidenote
>the cute loli sucvubus was awesome.

>first place my eyes went was to her ankle
I don't even know what I am anymore

Carry on, brother. Aqua-sama approves of all your weird fetishes as long as you do not like demons or undeados.

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What is this and how do I get it?

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Konosuba only has 2 seasons right?
If no where can i watch them.

do you think aqua is always ready and prepped for anal?

i'd let her do parlor tricks all over my face if you catch my drift

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Third season has been out for a while. But you need to watch it on kissanime.

It’d feel nice getting rid of my herpes




Good, but not best
>Everyone else.

Most 3DPD like


Thanks user will check it.

>yunyun not on the list
>chris not on the list
>stacked quest giver not on the list
>female kazuma bar girl not on the list
nigga what the fuck are you doing

Party Goddess.

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It wasn't until I re-watched the entire series that I sided with Megumin. The first few episodes of S1 definitely had me on team Aqua.

Something about her being a bro, but also a possible romance lead. Great combo.

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She has an incredible ass. Therefore she's good.

Oi user go suck a dick there is no season 3.

I actually started watching Konosuba purely because of Megumin posting. But it didn't take many episodes before I realized Aqua was better.
In the end, I even rank Lalatina higher than Megumin.

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Try being a Darkness fan, nigger.

I used to be a huge megumin during S1, then I overdosed hard, S2 reduced her role and made the other girls much more endearing. Aqua is great.

good taste

>it's another "Megumeme pesters Kazuma about their relationship, but ultimately nothing happens because Japan" chapter
No wonder Scumzuma is getting tired of that shit. Rejectness at least had enough decency to mouthrape him.

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