How will Japan react to this?

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they will ignore it

the manga was cute, part of me wishes it was less gay and they both brutally rape the loli though

>muh based japan anti-degeneracy!

lmao fucking weebs are delusional. Jap samurai were fucking little bois until the day they died out

So they turn two bears into one normal Japanese guy and one normal (read:fat) white guy.

Japanese bears by the way they're drawn in bara manga are almost non-existant

I watch enough gay JAV to know

Finally. Welcome to the 21'st century Japan. I hope more studios follow suit.

Why not lovingly?

Is this another Naruto spinoff?

>even the fucking loli is built like a brick shithouse

This will bomb spectacularly. The fact that it's only 3 eps says a lot about their confidence in this project.

Into bankruptcy you mean? Anime studios care about one thing above all and that's making money. They'll continue taking commissions for vapid LNshit #11245 over your yaoi fapfics. And nothing you do will change that.

>one gay manga
>Sup Forums up in arms

Get ready for Sup Forums too warn the nips!

Jesus Christ

who tf thought it was a good idea to animate this shit?

>tiny jap boy impaled on white cock presented as some feelgood series
I thought I was used to Japan's shit.

Anime has been gay shit for already 40 years, not sure why people is getting surprised by this.

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Because cuddling is way better after you fractured her anus and she's still panting, because you fucked the living shit out of her like a rabid dog. With tears all over her face and her throat all hoarse from the screaming; healing her tiny, broken body with your body warmth and caressing touch will be truly superb.

but Sup Forums liked it? I remember the original manga having like 3 people here that have actually read it, and they liked it OK. Since Sup Forums is so heterocentric gays stay in that thread, whilst yuri fans are allowed to smear their shit everywhere because it appeals to straight males.

Did Sup Forums just find out about bara nad yaoi?

>baww people don't want to hear me gush about my niche fetish

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>How will Japan react to this?
They liked the manga so it wont do too bad.
>Here are the top 20 manga rankings collected by the "Kono Manga ga Sugoi!" (This Manga is Amazing!) annual magazine.
>Male Readers' Top 20
>11. Otouto no Otto
>The 19th Japan Media Arts Festival list has been announced. The recipients include those from Japan, Estonia, France, Russia, and Portugal.
>Excellence Award
>Otouto no Otto by Gengorou Tagame (Japan)

Jesus, that looks like my brother and his husband. Bears man, it isn't a stereotype.

nips won't even give a shit and they have support back of gay marriage when it's legalized.

I just don't get how anons can go crazy over gay girls but get super homophobic over males at the same time

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why won't they animate this?

probably cheaper desu

Never before a bara manga reached mainstream user, never the less got a live action adaptation.
This is big.

I see no bear, only a fat dude and a jap guy

It's supposed to be reaching the general public, anime, as it airs way too late into the night, would not be suitable for it's purpose.

bears are fat though

The fat dude has all the makings of being one. Big, burly, and you can see the forearm hair is prominently drawn. It isn't a stretch to imagine he's a fur forest under that shirt.

because it's for the japanese audience and not filthy hikineets that masturbate 4 times a day

Been done.

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>Legend of the Blue Wolves

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>It isn't a stretch to imagine he's a fur forest under that shirt.

He is. Theirs a scene in the manga where Kana becomes obsessed with his fur.

Well there we go, then.

What about Abe?

That's not bara.

Don't care, but did they need the rainbow? Could they not have just had a regular shirt? Do you need to scream "I AM A HOMO" from the rooftops to feel some sense of validation?

you shut your heck

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Simmer down, Sup Forums. Getting upset at a graphic tee when the original has a graphic tee is pretty silly.

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The manga shirt has the pink triangle, so they're both showing LGBT symbols. Maybe the costume designers couldn't find a pink triangle shirt or they couldn't put that on TV for some reason, so they picked another symbol.

I'm gay not Sup Forums
I wish we could move beyond that label and symbol, it's just your sexuality, not who are you

Is he Elder Maxson?

What the fuck, that's what the nazis used to identify them, now I'm really done with all these symbols!

Oh yes it is 100% bara sir! A gay mecha OVA made for men full of muscle and none of that fem shit you usually see for the female view.

If I didn't know about the manga I would genuinely think it's fragment of a lolicon doujinshi

Does the dad ever get gay? I read a lot of it but he was just living to accept having a gay family member, as far as I saw.

I'm sure you know the origins of the pink triangle symbol, but for people who don't, it was used as a way of marking homosexuals by the Nazis, much like the two yellow triangles to mark Jews and other religious "undesirables", and so forth. So maybe Japan's censorship people either don't acknowledge the reclaiming of the symbol for gay pride or laws exist to prevent Nazi symbols from being shown on TV, even if they're archaic insofar as the new meaning.

>Does the dad ever get gay?
Not that I'm aware of.

Didn't know pink triangle was as well. I can't keep up with all these inclusivity symbols.

Thye don't give very many fucks, because they don't have the the high level of religious faggotry that shits all over public discourse in the US

Bears aren't exactly common in Real Life.

This is the same reason why there was no Armstrong to make the shitty FMA movie a tiny bit less shitty.

real homo is so disgusting

I mean it's gonna have as much audience as there are people into bara probably. They are free to waste their money.

It's supposed to be a reclamation thing, but it was literally used by the nazis. I find that kind of disturbing in a way, but if it's empowering to certain people thats their prerogative I guess.

So is anal, but you don't see me whining about the constant mainstreaming of it.

There are a lot more of them than you think. They just don't end up in a lot of live action shows.

I'm not someone who thinks you should have to either. Symbols have meaning only so long as people are willing to teach others what they mean. If you run into the type of asshole who thinks you should somehow automatically already know the deep rich history of some symbol, then that's the kind of asshole who harms their movement more than helps.

There's Fist of the North Star

I didn't say that they didn't exist, just that they're statistically rare in Japan. Finding ones that are capable of acting is inherently going to be even harder.

Not that it matters, because live action in Japan right now is mostly shit, so this has a high probability of being shit, too.

lesbians aren't real in Japan

Oh, in Japan, yeah.

It's the age of handsome old men!

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Because lesbians primary form of love making doesnt involve the anal cavity and literally eating the poopoo.


Nope. Married and has a kid.

Don't ever fucking leave fags alone with kids. They're all pedophiles and WILL rape everything and anyone they can get their hands on.

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>lesbians aren't real in Japan
Next time head down to Tokyo to see how many lesbians showing up making out with their female lovers. Dare you to head down there to pull out your dick and see what happens.

Implying Hourou Musuko/Wandering Son is not one of Sup Forums favorites

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[citation needed]

I would trust a gay family instead of heterosexual family.

Happens every fucking time. DO NOT TRUST THEM, they're sexual deviants.

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>big guy
>cia power stance
what does this mean?

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Oh my god, we only must trust the church to keep the family values, and while you are it you must go to and never come back.

>big guy
For you

That he feels insecure leaving his hands hanging in the air.

>Yaoi/Yuri has been a thing in Japan for fucking decades
>The 5th most popular manga in japan has one of the central heroes as a transgender
>Japan has a long deep history of homosexuality in general

fucking weeboos are exhausting

It means that you must go back to your shit infested board.

Oh, good. Thanks.

I see nobody in this thread doing this, though

i think it's because this time it'll be more mainstream

Did you expect cultural awareness from people who get their jimmies rustled by homosexuality?

More mainstream than Samurai and Daimyo keeping around little boys to stick their dick into?

Fuck off leldit

who are you quoting?

That's kinda disturbing, actually.

They've been doing live action out of manga for several years now. Maybe elevens prefer live action to anime, just a thought.

Somebody gets triggered by a fucking shirt.

Never change, Sup Forums.

>"Hey we need to improve our image and move past this superficial stuff"

Who are you quoting?

>Sup Forums will stop being a misanthrope about fucking EVERYTHING for one second to spite "crossboarders"
Good, now maybe we can stop the misogyny next time.

Anal sex more sex than whatever scissoring lesbos do to each other in bed.

To be fair, child abuse and obesity are higher amongst gay, especially lesbian parents for whatever reasons, but this isn't the place to discuss things like that, I feel. I think the important thing is to look at individuals, but these are 3D people so whatever.

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Meanwhile, a growing lesbian community has been on the forefront in Tokyo and other local areas.

A lesbian empire is growing and emerging.