I hope you haven't forgotten about the sexiest girl this season.
I hope you haven't forgotten about the sexiest girl this season
what happened to this show? no really. did it get cancelled or delayed?
When are you going to start posting her?
New episode today.
i actually forgot all about it thanks to the comfy
anything good happen after ep3?
delayed cause people cant do their job
I want to Marchen my penis into this Madchen.
I missed Haduki
Hazuki is so sexy. I'm glad that anons still remember her show.
this is the perfect size, debate me
No and there was nothing good before it either.
Hair down Hazuki is so beautiful I want to make her my friend!
This is the perfect size.
I literally dropped it after episode 3. Somehow they managed to make an even duller version of Little Witch Academia, despite having fanservice as a crutch.
How could I forget about Leona Heidern
Just a few more hours.
She looks like a bargin bin Konata
What stories would you like to see girls animate out and how would they do so?
>implying Häzuki isn't superior
Didn't even watch the first episode, waited for some feedback first. Somehow I rarely see someone talk about it, so I guess it's a letdown.
So why is she running around naked?
Source? Or at least family name
You just don't lurk enough. There have been multiple threads reaching bump limit except for the last two weeks since it stopped airing.
People forgot about it the moment it started airing, though. Which is odd considering Kantoku art.
To some degree yes, I didn't visit the threads. But I've rarely seen it be mentioned outside of them.
Its a pretty big letdown. Intial ep was really strong. Cute dork gets isekaied to hogwarts spergs out. Wants to make freinds/learn magic. Then it turned into constant character introductions and a tournament arc. Which would be ok but all the new characters are barely characters and theres way too many of them.the fights are pathetic and make you wonder how low the budget was.
Hæzuki is a dumb fäg.
Just like you. You should marry her.
So, I'm watching live right now but, uh, this QUALITY is horrifying. They had 2 weeks time off, what were they doing all these time?
I never really picked it up but was just watching a few minutes of it too. seems like an accurate description. Pretty disappointing.
Pretending to work
There's no perfect size. Everything is fine as long as it fits the overall picture.