One Piece 899

- Title is "The last stronghold".
- In the cover a New Kyohei Pirates appears, he's Goldberg.
- People around all Big Mom territory are worried about the situation in Cacao Island.
- Bege leaves wedding cake in an island, Big Mom is in front of the cake.
- Judge protects the Sunny with his castle from Big Mom ships. He's injured with bandages in rigth eye.
- However new ships appears in front of them becouse they surround Cacao Island.
- Daifuku attacks Sunny with the genie but Sanji stops him.
- Something appears under the sea... It's Wadatsumi!!
- Taiyou pirates appears to help Mugiwara crew!!

No break next week. To celebrates One Piece chapter 900, Jump cover and Color Spread in next chapter!!!

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>inb4 hackposters and nothinghappensfags


Literally nothing happens.

>h-hes just b-b-building up the arc

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Is La Grande Madre going down?

How much time has passed between the Fishmen leaving and then returning with Wadatsumi?

I've literally never posted "nothing happens" and I've been lurking these threads for close to a decade.

But dear christ Oda. Who gives a flipping fuck about Wadatsumi. Sigh. I really needed this chapter to be good, I just got cheated on.

They never actually left. They were the ones who took care of the sea slugs.

Define a "good" chapter. Big mom pirates killing all the vinsmoke and carrots?

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I give a flipping fuck about Wadatsumi. Non-sigh. Keep crying bitch nigga.

Then Wadatsumi was there the entire time?

>a jewish giant. probably has the mother of all noses :p

If I roll 7 then Oda is a hack

>Another running arc
Wow is oda ever going to stop padding? We're on chapter 900 for fucks sake

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He arrived with Jimbe and even was there when Jimbe spoke about joining the Strawhats.

I actually appreciate one piece for being straightforward. Not sure why some people wanted a plot twist to happen now just because they think the story is getting too boring. If the plot twist is bleach or naruto level and done badly people will just be bashing oda about it.

I'm glad Wadatsumi came

Oda can't keep getting away with this bullshit

Smoothie, you stay back.
If a jobber is needed, leave it to me!

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I don't necessarily want a plot twist, I just want Oda to get on with it. Faster.

It's going to end soon. This only happens because the straw hats are outnumbered and doesn't have enough forces to take on a yonko crew. Wano will be different.

>Straw Hats and Sun Pirates about to be overwhelmed
>Big Mom finally takes a bite
>It's the best cake she's ever eaten
>Flashbacks etc.
>She cries loudly
>Charlottes hear it and they pause momentarily
>Heroes manage to escape

Oda please end WCI soon. I can't take much more of it.
You're so close to an amazing arc. Don't fuck it up.

We allready past the point of plotwists from a narrative point really. The twists are before the climax.

thank togashi we still have Hunter x Hunter

Yes that would be a fantastic chapter, add Jinbe and Bege to the mix as well

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lol people will start to hate on wano as well if oda drags the arc for 5 years.

>80 chapters of running
>at chapter 500 the SH promised to stop running
>theyve done nothing but get themselves into running situations recently

This is looking like a pretty good chapter, huh guys?
Commence Hackposting

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Wich part would you cut so the story went faster friend?

Im starting to wonder if this arc was planned, because of Big mom's army was just introduced leaving little build up to Luffy's fights. I dont even know anymore.

Daifuku no! You mustn't! What if you hurt a main character?!!

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what can Oda do to redeam this garbage arc? How are we supposed to believe that the Big Mom pirates cant be taken care of by 2 admirals after he made a fool out of them?

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We already know it'll end soon

sasuga hackposters

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I needed the laugh. Thank you.

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

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I mean like 3 chapters soon, it could honestly be like 10 depending on what happens.

Wadatsumi was brought in ealier this arc, it would have been a waste not to use him.

Oda won't go that route. He doesn't like killing characters. Marineford is an exception. Whitebeard and ace died for the plot.

I miss when it was SH vs the world, they have too many fucking allies that it feels like Luffy is doing the Pirate King adventure on easy mode

Oda will do nothing he is a fucking HACK

Big mom has been close to the cake for 5 months now lmao. This shit is ending when Oda starts feeling ashamed of himself

Because the whole point of Luffy getting away with what he's done is that he has many allies that have risked their lives to help him
2 almirals wouldn't stand a chance against BMP because it'd be an all out war with no chance to escape, cause no one on Tottland would help them

>>at chapter 500 the SH promised to stop running
I don't remember this. I only remember luffy saying to fujitora that he won't run from admirals and yonkos. You know luffy he likes to talk big. Well the straw hats are not strong enough to directly face against yonko crews without backups.

>He doesn't like killing characters.
He should because if not he has to deal with too many characters, also NW should feel more dangerous.

>post yfw Chapter 900 is LITERALLY NOTHING

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Big Mom is right in front of the cake in 899. Oda tends to make big events happen in milestone chapters, such as every 100th chapter. This makes me wonder if BM will eat the cake in 900, and in that case, what would happen to her.

I can think of 3 possibilities:

1) Big Mom eats the cake and faints from joy - the outcome Sanji and many people expect would happen. A very anticlimatic and predictable ending for this arc, but also one in which both Luffy and Sanji get what they want in the end. It's the outcome in which BM's life is not in immediate danger.

2) Big Mom eats the cake, but somebody tampered with it (Bege, Pudding, Chiffon, etc.) and BM experiences a negative setback from it. - With this arc having plenty of twists as well as BM repeatedly not getting her way, it's still a possible outcome.


3) Big Mom fails to eat the cake and she progressively gets weaker and hungrier - a very unlikely outcome but with so many parties eager to take out BM, the possibility is not exactly zero.

I'm leaning towards #2 myself. Like I said, Oda likes to make big events happen in milestone chapters, and this arc is filled to the brim with twists. A big twist would be more cathartic than a big predictable ending.

We've had the chemical KX get brought up as a means to assassinate BM, yet it didn't anything in this arc. I don't think Oda would bother explaining KX's properties as just minor detail. A small amount is lethal. The poison it is based on (VX Nerve Agent) is both odorless and tasteless. KX could have those same properties too, so not even a cook of Sanji's caliber could detect its presence in the cake. It would also make sense for Bege to poison the cake, as there is no way he would be satisfied with an ending in which he fails to kill BM. He invested 2 years into this plan.

Many of the BM top officers were also defeated or will seemingly lose in this arc. And we know enough of BM's past and motives that Oda can resolve her story here.

>Spoilers have Sanji getting owned
>Everybody laughs, from spoiler to chapter the Jobji jokes don't stop
>Spoilers contain Sanji doing something
>Nothing happens the chapter hack hack hack
So the hackposters are also the Sanjihaters. Now that's something.

Doesnt luffy always do this? Beat the strong dude and make a break for it?
Running seems to be a good plan.

Oh thats right 500 was when they had the BIG RUN and got seperated for 100 chapters. After Marineford Luffy promised he'd stop running and gain the strength to fight admirals.

I hope Pudding poisoned the cake

I gotta say the climax of this arc is dragging and lame as fuck.

Luffy's entire power is the fact that so many people think he's amazing and want to support him. It's like the basis for his character and also his strongest ability.

From day 1 he had Shanks on his side.

3-6 chapters and this is over, user, don't worry

It's happened every single arc. This shit is getting stupid.

Admirals are probably capable. They didn't want to do it because world government wanted to maintain balance of powers and it is too risky because the other yonkos and dragon might attack the marines while they are off fighting against big mom.

wasn't the climax of the arc the tamatebako exploding?

That's what they said 30 chapters ago

>5 Months
Hahaha no fucking way ano-
>the cake base was finished in November

Big Mom eats the cake and cries from flashbacks of Mother Caramel or some shit.

>over 350 people love WCI arc
Many keks.

>Literally Happens

I don't think oda cares.

>Germa, the Fishman Pirates, Bege's crew and half of Luffy's crew are all that's required to beat Big Mom's entire armada
Wow. The yonko sure seem like a huge threat now.

You have a point on the SHs verses the world.
But they have been getting allies since the franky family.

4) Big Mum eats the cake and pulls an Enel face.
Lock in 4.

Nah we're in the climax right now. Luffy defeats Katakuri, all BM pirates gathered to take them out, Germa going all out and Big Mom about to eat the cake.

>Literally Happens

Make the deal with Pekoms, the Charlottes, and Sanji happen mostly offscreen, spend one panel on Sanji struggling with the Charlottes, and make the germa appear, cut right away, don't waste time showing off their power, back to Big Mom, she eats the cake, cut to Smoothie, she attacks Sanji carrying Luffy mid air, Judge shields him, and they land safely on the Sunny. There. In one chapter, I advanced the story more than Oda did in 5, by throwing unnecessary predictable shit out the window.

Option 2 is not twist and would contradict Sanji being able to tell what ingredents the cake is done by just smell. Also would contradict the scene where Sanji gave Bege a taste and after he agreed the taste alone can kill Big Mom.
#2 Is the one who has less chance of happening and that trully is hackwritting level of writting and the jobji jokes would never stop.

Also the Organophosphate that's in the KX is a gas that melts skin. That can't be added to the cake.

They are still weak compared to the top tiers. It will be ridiculous if they are able to compete against the top tiers just because they have two years of training. If oda goes that route. Admirals fans will be whining that their precious admirals get taken down so easily.

Coby took a bullet for Zoro while he was tied to the cross.
Mrs. All Sunday pulled Luffy out of the quicksand.
The Franky Family helped a lot at Ennie's Lobby.

I mean Luffy set out in a barrel and immediately made a friend. It's kinda always been this way.

I just wish my favorite mangaka would step it up. i'm not getting any younger here...

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So much for "pudding will shoot sanji" and the fake pudding spoiler. What kind of a retard was obsessed with evil Pudding so much anyway?

>Germa 66 children holds back the army in cacao island from chasing luffy
>Judge and his fleet holds back Big Mom and the ships
>Daifuku who's able to get close with his Stand is stopped by Sanji
>Taiyou Pirates makes sure Strawhats escape.
Well, it's not like Oda pull these out of his ass. But these are really convenient.

Nothing will happen. They will just stall the big mom pirates for a while and then they will retreat.

If I remember correctly he got to the platform.

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The strawhats have gotten their asses whooped by anyone that matters since fucking Moira. THIS SHIT IS GETTING OLD.

the sanafag

It is necessary for luffy to have allies. It won't make sense for luffy to solo the world with just his crew alone.

>most serious face Kizaru ever makes.
Even he's like holy shit didn't expect that.

Poisoning the cake would mean completely trumping Sanji's work and his major role and achievement this arc and I'm scared because that is so Oda-ish

>Expecting things from a hack

Because of plot and luffy had a lot of help.

Also we see Luffy's build up of popularity, its at least explained.
But i do miss the days where it was Luffy being in the middle of 2 or more conflicting sides that arent focused on him.
But luffy isnt getting away unscathed the ship took some heavy hits and they lost pedro that we know of and Luffy gaining Observation haki through a tough battle shows that Luffy didnt just waltz in and get away.

Yeah but Oda is reaching Fairy Tails levels, everything is too convenient and the main crew loses their meaning when they have so many allies. I understand this is for kids but still it seems like it's lowering the are more and more

>Option 2 is not twist

It's more of a twist than Option 1. Option 1 is literally the most predictable outcome.

>and would contradict Sanji being able to tell what ingredents the cake is done by just smell.

Oda specifically brought up the detail that Sanji can discern ingredients by smell. Why do you think that is? That could lend the possibility that Sanji can't detect ALL ingredients, especially those that are odorless and tasteless.

>Also would contradict the scene where Sanji gave Bege a taste and after he agreed the taste alone can kill Big Mom.

Bege could have added the organophosphate after the fact. So much of this arc takes place off screen and in various panels. Bege and his crew also have possession of the cake itself, and he is very, very far away from Sanji's watching eye. (Even if Chiffon is there, it's not like she would object to Bege putting it in the cake. She doesn't care if BM lives or dies. She only cares about fulfilling her debt to the Straw Hats.)

Bege is also the one to drop off the cake on the island. Do you really think BEGE of all people would just allow Big Mom to eat the cake without any repercussions?

>Also the Organophosphate that's in the KX is a gas that melts skin. That can't be added to the cake.

VX can be applied to food and water without complications. It stands to reason KX could also be applied to food. And Bege, being the very cautious man that he is (to the point that he doesn't want people who are dirty to see him), could easily apply KX into the cake without it making contact to himself.

First wave Puddingfags. They ate up her first personality and felt betrayed when it turned to be bullshit, so now they assume she's still acting and they want her to be. Dumbasses.

Go read naruto and bleach if you want the mc to solo everything in their way.

I still believe Big Mom is going to die somehow. She will be the first DF user to die by drowning in the series.

They were stupid, a lot of things were left hanging and all the issues that the SH were facing back then have now been solved

Perospero is right there. He wouldn't let her drown. And the cake is on the island.

>loses their meaning when they have so many allies
You retard, the yonko have armies and several fleets under them, that's the heirarchy required to be able to compete with them.

Straw Hats are basically Katamari Damacy.

And there is no consequences, Sun Pirates Helping would mean to anger a fucking Yonkou so Fishman island should be in danger

A 600 chapter build up is fucking stupid. Read Vagabond if you want to see an MC gain strength in an ideal manner.

That sounds like the most stupid chapter I have imagined in my life.
It's so dumb it deserves to be analized.
>Make a deal with Pekoms
How many panels? One page? What's in the deal, what he gains and what he bets?
The deal include the Charlottes? If so why? How would they agree? Why is it not showed? Will it be showed in the future?
>One panel for Sanji struggling
Why would he be struggling? Did the deal go sour?
>Not showing Germa's powers
So introducing characters and not do anything with them? Pointless characters then.
>Big Mom eats the cake
How and where? Did Bege left it on an island? On the sea? Did Big Mom took it?
>Judge shields him
Why would he sacrifice his own body for them if he is not trying to hurt the enemy? That contradicts his character and also why would he use his own body? He still has the disposable army at his control.