Nanatsu no Taizai

So what do you guys think of this manga? The setting is pretty standard, although you can't go wrong with medieval fantasy not!Britain. Nothing exceptional, but solid at least. The pacing is good, there weren't any chapters that felt unnecessary and like they're just trying to drag out the story to make more money. The power creep is absolutely real, though, and although I've seen worse cases it is the series' biggest flaw in my opinion. On a site note, I like how in the current arc Ban isn't undergoing some sort of super specific, rough training to catch up to his comrades in arms, but instead makes use of his immortality to support them
The characters are fairly interesting and memorable, but some of them lack characterization. I wouldn't really care if we were talking about side characters here, but pic related really doesn't have much of a character outside of "notice me, Merlin" and "I am the stronk". I think one of the strongest points though, ironically, are the romance sub plots. Sure, there was a bit of blue balling with King and Diane, but at least it went somewhere other than a cheap, quick marriage scene at the end of the series. The plot is decent, the overaching story arc of Meliodas and Elizabeth is just heart breaking, though I think they could have fleshed that out a bit better, but they will probably add depth to it for the final stretch of the series. This series has quite a number of personal tragedies and they're all being pulled off rather well.
It's a fucking shame they officially introduced power levels, though.

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>Praise The One

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Nakaba is very good at making minimal but pretty backgrounds and motion in the action scenes, but not very good at storytelling


Turned to shit at about the Hendricksen reveal, its only literal saving grace is the meme Sun man

I'm kinda pissed how fast Vivian was killed (she didn't deserved that imo).
I wanted to see something more about her relationship with Merlin and why she despices her former teacher.

>On a site note, I like how in the current arc Ban isn't undergoing some sort of super specific, rough training to catch up to his comrades in arms, but instead makes use of his immortality to support them
Tsk tsk tsk, but that’s exactly what he’s doing in the Not!Hyperbolic time chamber

>Meliodas is a badass who cant die
>Escanor is badass
>Elizabeth is a badass
>Ban is a badass who cant die
>Hawk is a badass who cant die
>Gowther is a badass who cant die
>Merlin is a badass with literally infinite magic
>King is a badass
>Diane is a sort of a badass but relies on the other badasses to save her

Why even fucking bother

>typical Shounen series

Rosa soon

Decent to moderately good in the first half.
Trash in the second half.

It's quite possibly the worst shounen shit I've ever had the displeasure of reading

> though I think they could have fleshed that out a bit better
I agree with this notion, I like NNT but the meliodas x Elizabeth plot IS quite good BUT the characters lack more.
Tbh i would have REALLLLLLLY loved this reveal AFTER we get to see Meliodas falling in love with the first Elizabeth. We could see WHY he loves her so much. We could see how she changed him and made him who he was, and than the curse would have felt A LOT more tragic than it did in canon, at least for me.
> they will probably add depth to it for the final stretch of the series.
Hope that too.
> It's a fucking shame they officially introduced power levels, though.
I dont see what people have with powerlevels. They mean nothing. Only reason to exist is as a device so that Nakaba can show us where the character in question stands (or at least how much he/she powered up) without having to show us a actual battle or some massively large feat.
I mean take NNT Part 1 for example, Meliodas needed to cut a large hill (or small mountain) into 2 only so that we could get a estimation of how this stuff scaled to each other.
In Part 2 however we only needed Hawk to mention that he know was 10 times as strong as before, aside from that the powerlevels meant nothing but easy-exposition on the chars general standing.
Imo this is a damn good way of using it desu.

I have read the entire thing so far, did they ever explain how Hawk came back to life or did he get ressurected secrety by either the demon king or the goddess the spy on the sins using that eye of purgatory? That is the only way I can think of.

>King is a badass
King is more than that. Literally the one who suffered most on-screen tragedy. He is fucking SUPER-badass.

Its the right way of thinking. And yes that was the reason. The DK brought him back so that he was able to spy on Meliodas and co.

I think Meliodas trail beats out that.

His suffering wasnt really on-screen. Compare that with King needing to kill his best friend 2 times because he was controlled by Hendrickson, or the time his waifu said she liked him and than had her mind wiped clean.

There's an argument that power levels diminished the "show don't tell" aspect of the story, but people who complain that they drastically changed the direction of the series don't know what the fuck they're talking about.


What about Dreyfus' suffering by Gowthers Nightmare magic.

>It's quite possably the worst shounen shit I've ever had the displeasure of reading
That is quite the audacious thing to say considering something like Fairy Tail exists, which only has the fanservice as its saving grace. NnT at least does some things right, although it still suffers from uncreative use of typical shonen tropes.

Cuck the sun

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can you give some examples for some of the tropes?

It's actually way better than most of the other currently ongoing shounen series.

>Only reason to exist is as a device so that Nakaba can show us where the character in question stands (or at least how much he/she powered up) without having to show us a actual battle or some massively large feat.
>I mean take NNT Part 1 for example, Meliodas needed to cut a large hill (or small mountain) into 2 only so that we could get a estimation of how this stuff scaled to each other.
You just named the problem, it's a very lazy narrative device. A characters' strength being shown using feats and combat is what he should be doing. It would take longer, but it is a far, far superior approach to just hurling a number at the reader. It also takes away suspense as we automatically assume that the character with the higher power level wins. I'd wager this is the reason why the weaker but more cunning underdog winning the fight is such a loved trope in series where powerlevels exist
The only conceivable way to add back at least a tiny enough shred of suspense is mid-battle powerups and/or training arcs. Here's hoping that Abe-sama will ban the use of powerlevels in new series.

>Why even fucking bothe
What exactly is the problem here?

Current arc is fucking shit. Mel is a terrible character and making him side with the demons only made him worse.

>Comic relief character (Hawk)
>The MC was of high birth or status all along! (Meliodas is a demon prince)
>Nobody really dies! (Not a trope but it still turns things into a snorefest so listing it anyway)
>To Be A Master trope: the MC wants to be a Master of, or master, something specific in order to fulfill a goal, like avenging his Sensei or saving his lover (Meliodas wants to become the Demon King, master of all demonkind, so he can save his lover Elizabeth)
>Gary Stu (Meliodas)
>Invincible Hero (Meliodas is not only one of the most powerful beings in the series but also effectively immortal thanks to his curse; Ban drank from the fountain of youth and is immortal, too)
>Loads and Loads of characters (The sins, ten commandments, Arthur, Elizabeth, the holy knights, godess clan). This one is not too bad as it's still not really hard to follow, but some characters do get demoted to extras (Gilthunder, anyone?)
>One Trick Pony: The hero mostly relies on a single signature move that he employs whenever things get to a crucial point (Meliodas' full counter)
>Powercreep (I don't even have to explain hopefully)

There's probably a lot more but you see the point.

Excuse me I am high as balls, this was meant for

Powercreep isn't an issue as long as you don't keep the series going indefinitely, and since NNT is presumably going to end pretty soon, I'd say it's not really that bad.

Wasn't there supposed to be a third arc for the series and the one were in is the second?

I don't know, just saying from what we've seen so far, everything is coming to a head now and all the clans are having another holy war, I don't really see where else they could go with this after the sins/commandment shit is dealt with, especially considering that the sins were specifically created to destroy the commandments.

Maybe the 'third arc' will be Arthur's spin off or something.

Mel is a fucking demon.

I just love Elizabeth so, so much. She's so beautiful.

but he a ded dude, its a little obvious they're going to bring him back he barely had any screen time.

Get out of here Mel/Esta.

Obviously they're going to bring him back, but the author said a while back that they were planning to a spin off series about Arthur set a few years down the line.

ah I didn't know that, seems like a good idea. But it is really dissapointing we didn't see his full power with his sword in the current manga

>Tbh i would have REALLLLLLLY loved this reveal AFTER we get to see Meliodas falling in love with the first Elizabeth
Problem is, the reveal that Elizabeth is evil and brainwashed Mel wouldn't hit that hard if we don't belive Mel really loves her.

>So what do you guys think of this manga?
> The power creep is absolutely real,
Power creep is fine but here it's very badly executed. Every new threat begins immediately noselling and oneshotting everyone else, there's no sense of progression at all, with very few exceptions. It's "my dad can beat up your dad!": the manga.

>Comic relief character (Hawk)
Why is having comic relief a problem? And Hawk is implemented well, he is a part of the story and interacts normally with other characters.
>The MC was of high birth or status all along! (Meliodas is a demon prince)
Why is that a problem?
>Nobody really dies! (Not a trope but it still turns things into a snorefest so listing it anyway)
False. And it's not like death make a series better. NNT has enough deathes.
>To Be A Master trope: the MC wants to be a Master of, or master, something specific in order to fulfill a goal, like avenging his Sensei or saving his lover (Meliodas wants to become the Demon King, master of all demonkind, so he can save his lover Elizabeth)
That's stretching it, master and king are not the same. And he doesn't have to do anything to be king, he is the first prince. What he wants right now is power.
>Gary Stu (Meliodas)
>Invincible Hero (Meliodas is not only one of the most powerful beings in the series but also effectively immortal thanks to his curse; Ban drank from the fountain of youth and is immortal, too)
Meliodas fucking died and had a few losses. Ban was useless for a long time. Immortality is not everything.
>Loads and Loads of characters (The sins, ten commandments, Arthur, Elizabeth, the holy knights, godess clan). This one is not too bad as it's still not really hard to follow, but some characters do get demoted to extras (Gilthunder, anyone?)
Nah, NNT is very far from having too much characters.
>One Trick Pony: The hero mostly relies on a single signature move that he employs whenever things get to a crucial point (Meliodas' full counter)
False. Lot of enemies countered Full Counter and he is versatile enough without that too.
>Powercreep (I don't even have to explain hopefully)
Meh, maybe, but every instance of it is well explained and foreshadowed.

>One Trick Pony: The hero mostly relies on a single signature move that he employs whenever things get to a crucial point (Meliodas' full counter)
Ok, here I see that you are full of shit. NnT fights are way more colorful and diverse that other battle manga.

Its not power creep because the 10C are Mel level its rest of the sins that are fucking jobbers.

Prior to commandments the 7DS were OP compared to everyone else in the series.

I think it's shit.

>Meliodas wants to become the Demon King
Way to completely misinterpret this plot point.

Mel wants to be DK to stop the war.

Mel doesn't want to be DK and gives no shit about the war. All he wants is the DK's power, because that can save Elizabeth.

Well Mel's dad gives no shits so he nèeds DK power to save angel slut.

Don't forget Escanor and Merlin, there could be something there. Escanor is one of the best characters in a series, merely because of his pride.

In this series* pardon my bad english

its just a shonen, dont expect too much and you can enjoy it somewhat

imo Elizabeth and Gary Stu meliodas are by far the worst aspects of the manga, many side characters are better

Zeldris is the best demon prince. Also the only one who wasn't charmed/brainwashed by Elizabeth.

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Hello anons,
I'm interested in Nanatsu no taizai
Should I read it or watch it?

Read it. Anime isn't bad but manga is better. Amazing ost though.

Escanor saves this shit from meh tier

But Esxanor is shit. Ban and King were the only intresting characters, but King stopped suffering for our entertaintment and Ban quit. Maybe when he comes back NNT will become bearable.

>That is quite the audacious thing to say considering something like Fairy Tail exists

NnT is about 7-8 times worse than Fairy Tail. That makes it roughly three times as bad as Bleach

escanor is a shit character, the author makes the enemy fucking dumb so he can one shot them

Kongou Banchou was better.

I've just been getting into it myself. Currently on chapter 87. Pretty enjoyable so far but I can sort of feel the "oh this is a shounen manga" starting to really creep in with the arcs and fights getting longer and longer. The art in this is really really good. From what I see of recent chapters, it seems that it's largely still the same

I agree with what OP says about the romance subplots. They aren't too bad

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biggest wtf moment ever
does this happen everyday??

who is this slut

Why must he suffer?

I found my waifu through it so it can't be all that bad

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Just the days when you don't speedread.

fuck that art is cute
gib artist

Mutsumi masato

It's trash but it's my trash and I love it

Nakaba should stick to goofy, flashy action stuff like the first half Kongou Banchou. When he tries to get serious it always falls flat on its face.

thank you man

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Only when he masturbates and ejaculates exactly at 12:00:00

I stopped reading when they introduced literal power levels and like Magi it might be one of the few adapted shows where the anime improved it, haven't seen the newest season though.

That's wrong and anyway, you should use bnha for the new low point of shonen.

>NnT is about 7-8 times worse than Fairy Tail.
Jesus fuck no, I actually like the characters in NnT

I've only watched the anime but I thought it's pretty good and look forward to each new episode. Good waifus, good romances, mediocre action. Pretty much all I could ask for from a generic shounen.

And if you don't like powerlevels, why even watch shounen to begin with?

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Powerlevels aren't the issue, numerical values for them are.

how do you do powerlevels without some kind of numerical valuation of them?

So did Escanor appear in anime yet?

Then what's your point? Most shonens don't use numerical values that much.

Except isekai, I guess, but they're trash and don't count.

it's powerLEVEL, user. it implies it's an actual level or specific number. i don't see how you can have powerlevels without numbers.

A week and a half.

My bro

Powerlevels don't only refer to literal levels, even if the word started out this way. Though if it's used in the manga itself it has a numerical value to it, but you never went into an OP thread and read a post complaining that people are derailing the thread with powerlevel shitposting? Fanbases just use that word to refer to characters' strengths.

And again, most shonens don't use them.

Plus another week since he'll be set up at the end of an episode.

Escanor when?

not really a fan. but once in a while i go read chapters 149 and 183 because for me those are some of the most hype chapters i have ever seen in a manga

>the one who suffered most on-screen tragedy.
Nah that would be Ban.
Reminder that he is still in purgatory btw.