How can one man be so controversial?
Darling in the FranXX
>manlet with aids
He's a terrible milk snatcher
Holy fuck hype
I can't help but feel sad for Futoshi, poor guy.
>Rode with three different girls
So did fatboy deserve to get cucked?
*squealing pig noises*
It's time.
>No one can stop him
Im looking forward to that punch so much. Milkman fucboi face is about to get squashed
>it's a fatty ruins everything and gets decisively cucked episode
Can't wait.
Oh fuck milkman RIP
If you want to tug at that string so has Hiro
Wow its pure love!
Naomi, Ichigo and 02?
Can't stop the milk
>Milkman switches partners again
>Tries to dump Ikuno again
>Gets rekt again
Fuck, I feel bad for Ikuno
He did ride with naomi? Oh well
>fuck off """Darling"""
Ikuno will go Stampede til the end of the show
>all these self hating fatboys whining
So is fatboy freaking out because Milkman cucked him or because he was the reason why Kokoro got hurt?
Thanks, doc
Zero Two really acted like a 3DPD here.
>Hiro wanted to have a serious conversation about her acting weird that have been worried him
>"I don't want to talk about it, Darling."
The power of love will save her.
check out the green badge
fatty got cucked
>ugh why is this brat bothering me
>leave me alone for 2 seconds you beta orbiter
Grazie, dottore.
The PV is a bait and switch.
Futoshi will attack Milkman first and Kokoro will hate the fatman. She will go into stampede mode with Futoshi and kill the fat boy herself. She then becomes Milkman's official partner all according to keikaku.
Ikuno gets sent to the garden for being a lesbian.
Gracias doctor.
Thanks, doc.
>delusional NTRfag detected
So... are the writers trolling us?
Goro's ass and smile will bring all the girls' milkshakes to the party!
Zero 2 will come to love Futoshi
Also the episode name is Partner Shuffle
>02 silencing darling
Oh no my self insert kokoro
>Futoshi will attack Milkman first
For what purpose?
being a bigger cunt than usual
Is this according to Abe's plan?
Even in the 4koma Koroko stands by her man
GoroxKokoro confirmed lads
Does she go into that mode because Mitsuru got hurt?
So, boys threads?
I hate you milkposters. LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE.
Also it seems like restoring 02's genkiness will be left to the next episode.
Call me a cuck will ya? Laugh at me will ya? Fuck the woman of my dreams behind my back will ya? YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD MILKMAN
I can't wait for the milkman to just fuckin' deck him
Futoshi confirmed for the strongest parasite (other than 02)
P-please don't NTR me Milkman-Sama.
I promise I'll hurt you for trying to take my precious and cute Kokoro-chan away from me. Don't y-you even dare!
>decking anyone with those twig arms
I'm starting to feel worried bros
lactose intolerant people really don't like milk, OP. Its not hard to understand why the Milkman would offend them so much.
Those twig arms are solid calcium from all the milk he's been drinking
>episode is called partner shuffle
>02 is upset for some reason
I bet 02 and Goro find out about what happened inside the cockpit.
Oh wow this fucking PV.
>She's just a normal girl
>I-I'll restrain her
>Pls talk to me
Papa bless.
>tfw this episode is going to give enough material to the 02haters for their pastas about how she is a monster and so on
This is episode 5 all over again, uh?
S-sorry Futoshi-kun but I want to pilot(make babies) with Him
>try to communicate to your partner is bad somehow
Are Milkmanfags mostly incels?
Wow, he passed out again
>He doesn't want Milkman X Kokoro
Unironically why?
>Starting from today, Mitsuru is now my official stamen
For fucks sake.
1- 02 broke his connection with Hiro because of her insecurities
2- 02 is unable to connect with Hiro because of her insecurities
3- 02 doesn't want Hiro ride her ass because of her insecurities
Kokoro deserves better than an edgy manlet
nice people x jerks aren't my thing
Insecure fatty boys
>02 finds out about the Ichigo kissu
This isn't going to be a nice episode, is it?
Necause he doesn't give a shit about her, and she likes him. Just like real life
You mean to tell me this was just some shitty teenage drama this whole time?
>Having something worth listening to
Pick one.
Pretty sure she has more important things to worry about
>boys genuinely love and are faithful to their girls
>girls don't give a fuck
What did they mean by this?
4- 02 doesn't love her darling and wants distance with Hiro because she's going to marry ichigo
t. larping virgin
Sometimes it's not the right moment to try talking about things.
Milkman isn't faithful
How would Sup Forums react if Milkman instead fucks him up?
Shit would be hilarious.
She blushing. She obviously likes him.
The eternal roastie strikes again
Is Nana narrating this PV?
>Women hater
>closet gay
Really tingle my Newtype sense
Why would I ever root for infidelity?
it's not going to happen but milk shitposting would be off the charts
No point in crying over spilled milk.
I love Kokoro!
Milkman proving to be inadequate again, how will /a recover.
>the headband