Post anime Sup Forums liked but in reality it's fucking garbage that was forgotten a second later after it ends

Post anime Sup Forums liked but in reality it's fucking garbage that was forgotten a second later after it ends.

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your favorite anime

you first, op

the manga was good.

(Pic unrelated)

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Surely not pic related?

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Is that saika(female?)

chuu bra

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Is this bait? This show was great.

I bet you just wanted to know what the source was, so you resorted to reverse psychology-shitposting until someone drops names or the title.

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Hahah, what a fantastical idea, user. There's no proof you know what that show is either, of course.


You're kidding. Binbougami was great and I will forever hate Sunrise for teasing more seasons and never following up on it even though season one covered only like 10% of the manga. Also Sousei no Onmyouji is ass in comparison.

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>Is this bait? This show was great.

I'll just give it to you. Sup Forums is dead anyway, so it's not like spoonfeeding is going to make this place any worse.

Attached: [gg]_Binbougami_ga!_-_04_[A3B7F716].mkv_snapshot_21.00_[2016.06.08_05.43.43].jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Yes it is, that attitude is not good. Delete this post right now.

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I'm the victim here.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sakamoto desu ga - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.49_[2016.04.09_07.16.14].jpg (1280x720, 342K)

Thanks for spoonfeeding user. I'm not OP but I was really interested in watching because of that one gif but never knew the title. I didn't know it was a comedy, also I've never understood why Sup Forums is so against sharing information.

Is wanting to cum on her thighs enough of a reason to watch this show?

Totally forgotten. Still waiting for the 2nd season.

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I wouldn't say Working was garbage

most I couln't get through the 2nd episode. Like Shuffle, that was so front ended and garbage I couldn't watch anymore... I can't believe we missed out on a Kiddy Grade 2 for this shit.

I heard Sunrise really enjoyed working on the series, and would have loved to have done more, but it didn't make much money so they didn't.

Well the manga's over. I enjoyed reading it but I don't feel compelled to start a weekly thread like that guy that makes sure there's a 2pig2 thread at all times.


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I liked it, thought it was funny.

>was forgotten a second later after it ends
I think it's more that there is not much of a reason to keep talking about an anime that is finished when there's so much new stuff each season you could talk about.
I really liked Knight's & Magic for example and the threads were generally fairly positive, too - but I don't really see any reason to make a new thread about it, unless they announce another season or something like that.

this right here, i never understood why Sup Forums hates to give out info on the images they post. its like you guys hate discussing anime on an anime forum or something.

Elitism and autism. There is a legitimate reason for getting upset about people constantly begging for source, because it can potentially flood the thread, and takes post space, but leaving out information from filenames in shit like OPT-threads is just stupid.

Look at /h/, spoonfeed a bit and suddenly half of the posts of the board would be "sauce please :)"