Download series

>Download series
>dual audio
>have audio default to [jpn] so no big deal
>decide to see how the dub sounds just for shits and giggles
>All the gals talk like valley girls
>their tone of voice almost never matches the originals, giving scenes a completely different feel
>manager at cosplay cafe uses the word "cuck"

I wasn't exactly expecting a masterpiece, but what the ever-loving fuck is wrong with people? Who thought shit like this was even close to anything resembling a good idea?

Attached: [RH] Hajimete no Gal - 01 [Uncensored] [Dual Audio] [F35AAEA2].mkv_snapshot_00.14_[2018.03.22_03.27. (1280x720, 113K)

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Pretty much it.

>>manager at cosplay cafe uses the word "cuck"

That's actually hilarious.

Howdy y'all I'm comin down from ol' Osaka

>>All the gals talk like valley girls
this is because all the anime dubbing companies are in california, namely the LA area.

the other problem is they have the mindset of doing VA work for american cartoons- loud, goofy, obnoxious.

really though you should just avoid dubs altogether. even in cases where the dub is good, im of the opinion that you should watch movies and shows with the original voices because that's how the director intended them to be watched.

>loud, goofy, obnoxious
it really is a shame that all western cartoons are like this, even if it's a showrunner with good ideas and good inspiration they still are met by standards that the networks want them to meet.

I have a friend who does QC for a company that imports anime to the west. He's friends with a guy whose girlfriend does some VA work. Apparently, she did Yumeko from Kakegurui.

Sounds fine to me, plus it's in a language I can understand ;^)

>because that's how the director intended them to be watched.
They also intended you to watch them on TV or cinemas but there you go

A cancer on this world.

I guess that's why they sell BDs.

>tfw friend has a home kinoplex in his basement so I just drive over to watch my french and eastern yuro motion pictures

Attached: 1520359187586.jpg (612x412, 60K)

Now I'm curious on how an anime with an English or Australian accent would feel like.

Australian accent can sound quite plain when speaking in lower volumes, unless the person has a real thick accent.
Usually that's more prominent in the older generation who grew up with less multicultural influence, talking 60s/70s.

>Oi, Junichi, you gonna do sem' fuckin' karaoke or what, ya' cunt?
>Ah fuck, I think this gal wants me an' 'er ta' fuckin' root in 'ere

Most people's Australian accent is really mild and only really noticeable when using slang or telling cunts to get fucked. Bogans usually always have a very noticeable accent though.



I stopped goring to ANN the second i found out they think there is a debate to be had over SUB vs DUB.

It would be like Xenoblade I guess

That's a retarded comparison. Even if you watch your anime on a phone (which is ass) the content itself is still what the creators made. A dub is not the same as the original because it's an edit made by a separate creative team, where their content unavoidably alters the story, marginally or not.

>they translate "oniichan" as "guv'na"

Dubs could be so much better if the lazy cunts could just be bothered to map Japanese locations to western locations "Oh this character is meant to come from a part of Japan that's stereotypically filled with thieves, let's hire a scouser". I still wouldn't watch them but at least the faggots that do would get a better end product.

Southerners are the same, be it amerifats or japs.

Attached: 1518084222902.png (570x533, 8K)

Didn't Jojo do that?

This show is boring as shit normally. They actually improved on it by making it a gag dub.

I've seen that thread too, crossboarder

I fucking love the dub my dude , it is a masterpiece


Attached: db39fe16-a66d-4969-864b-af2a7ac4b02b.jpg (960x882, 59K)

My dad works at Nintendo.

>set default audio to [jpn] and default subs track to [eng]
>subs still defaults to the signs/songs only track
You literally can't win.

Robert in Peace

the voices of the girls in the dub are indeed horrible.

but are you trying to say you didn't laugh during that scene with the manager? really?

this. yes it has its faults and yukana's voice is complete shit but it was damn funny.

Abe did not like this dub. It mocked VN fans, unironically used the word "cuck" and mentioned SJWs. This caused Abe great distress

Attached: Abe facepalm of disapproval.jpg (950x688, 113K)

>Download show
>dual audio
>Eng dub audio is higher quality then the Jap
this has happened more times than I care to admit, how does this even happen?

Attached: 1497147141998.jpg (714x682, 54K)

>Download series
Your first mistake, why would you do that? This whole show is shit except for Nene.

Attached: Nene entrance.webm (1280x720, 2.57M)

>audio track: Russian [Fandub]
>it's just Ivan reading the script in a monotone voice

Attached: 1505831228813.png (720x720, 394K)

>The original audio still plays
>its louder than Ivan and you can barely hear him
why do they even bother?

When they go all Texas, that's what they think they're doing.

That's the point of it, dumbass.

It's like verbal subtitles. You absolutely can (when you get used to it) listen to the original audio whilst understanding what it's saying because Ivan.

My dad is a Nintendo


Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png (550x550, 177K)

A lot of really bad arguments.

This, but unironically

Attached: Nene-fondle.webm (1280x720, 1.61M)

There's nothing ironic about my Nene lust.

Attached: Girls Groping Each Other Nene.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

The dub is the only good thing about this show.

It's for normies, and for them anime is just another consumable shit, they consume it and that's it.

You must love dubs.

The only one who talks like a valley girl is Yukano. OP is full of shit.

Another trick I saw is when voiceover was delayed by a large time about 1 second, so you hear the original phrase and after that goes translation.
(it worked fine because it was a film, not anime)

Uh, why did you post that?

Attached: sugiura_ayano_drawn_by_rori_4chan.png (672x1000, 329K)

>downloading series

Attached: sandal.png (496x331, 215K)

I don't see the issue. Shit dub for a shit series.

>downloading that garbage
Honestly I hope that when you switch to the dub it just gave you a stroke that paralyzed your whole body. Not because you switched to a dub, but because you watch this industry ruining trash, think you're so funny and random for watching ironic shit because "im a weeb and I have a waifu xD" and then kill a thread posting this shit.
Kill yourself mate.

Attached: 1506918542826.jpg (400x400, 27K)

Lynch would not like your post.


Attached: Nene in bed.webm (1280x720, 2.37M)


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My childhood in a nutshell.

Attached: 1494624347237.jpg (850x948, 105K)

If you're 12

No I mean, it's hilarious the dub turned the creepy Otaku manager into a Sup Forumstard.



>this is because all the anime dubbing companies are in california, namely the LA area.
Very funny user, Funimation's based in Texas.

>this is because all the anime dubbing companies are in california, namely the LA area.
I'm so fucking sick of that accent

>manager at cosplay cafe uses the word "cuck"

Picked up.