
Would Jonathan have been an excellent father, or one that's too passive?

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Other urls found in this thread:

There have been two original Jotaro rapeanons and I've always been on the side of the one who wanted to be raped.

Dio would be a better father

He would have remembered the life he had growing up and would have held the child to the utmost standards of being a gentleman. He would have been understanding but firm in his ideals. He would have also held George to the standard of his father's namesake.

I'm sorry I was driving to work instead of holding your hand when you died, Dad.

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He'd probably end as something that would of be strict by today's standards but still lenient for the time.

Jonathan would have been the finest father the jojo universe had ever seen (not a high bar I know but still) and it breaks my heart every day that he never got to be one.

Fuck Dio.

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Better question:
How would Giorno have fared being raised by both Jonathan and Dio who had joint custody?

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Out tomorrow, bois.
rip when?

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Got them all now.

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Rai gets me high

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He'd be the best father.

I want trish to shit and piss in my mouth

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I want to piss in abbacchio's mouth

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Content creators make a JoJo dating sim when?

Doing God's work.

Based hairposter

I want her sexy daddy to piss on me.

I want trish to be real. And maybe take her virginity

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Hopefully I'll get a lot more to archive when voiceanon shows up again.

Based hairposter

part 4 was peak jotaro

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secretly hoping for this too

I'm gay

A Morioh State of Mind (King of Kings)

A Rap.
Yeah, yeah.
Ayo, Speed King, it's time.
It's time, Speed king (aight, Jobin, begin).
Straight out the tiny dungeons of an orchard.

The leaf drops fast just like a rock.
I never freeze, 'cause to freeze is an odd thing ta’ do.
Beyond the walls of sausages, life is defined.
I think of death when I'm in a Morioh state of mind.

Yo Old Tom, hope your life was fulfilled,
My stand don't like no dirty rocks.
Make an origami and get onto the chopping block.

In a Morioh state of mind.
What more could you ask for? An odd sailor?
You complain about rock humans.
I gotta love it though - somebody still speaks for the belief.
Belief that a good rock is a shattered rock.

I'm rappin' to the king,
And I'm gonna move your string.

Mild, rich, stunning, like a fruit
Rai, I tell you, this shit tastes excellent.
But ya, ya gonna see the evolution,
The evolution of a king,
Evolution of speed king, into the KING OF KINGS!

I can't take the rock humans, can't take their shit.
I pick up my pickaxe, and I smash them for their, shit.

I'm rappin' to the string,
And I'm gonna move like a king.
Universe unravelling, one by one,
Particles accelerating, one by one,
Rock humans dematerializing, one by one!

Yea, yaz, in a Morioh state of mind.

When I was young my son had a motif.
I waz almost kicked out without no belief.
I never thought I'd see that grief.
Ain't a soul alive that could take my son's life.

Except for an odd demon whom is also quite the seaman.

Thinking of death. Yaz, thinking of death (death).

Are you ready? For the King of Kings!


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Thanks, I was inspired by The Notorious B.I.G.

Fucking amazing, you should collab with the other content creators.

part 6 is 'damsel in distress' jotaro.


Me? The protagonist?

Jobin route when?

Jotaro stealing the spotlight:
Its more common than you'd think.

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>tfw jobtaro is better in 4 and 6

You know, I feel Poor Tom is really out of place in this fight. I really love his attitude an d the sheer bizzareness of it but he does feel insanely out of place. JJL has always had that harsh tonal shift with the bizzare villains like the start of Vitamin C. but Poor Tom seems jarring. His design seems a step down from Urban/Dolomite and Ozone Baby is the perfect stand but I'd prefer a different user. Urban's dialogue about the science behind the Rock Humans and Rokakaka complimented Rai very nicely. Poor Tom however feels like he should have been an antagonist for a Joshu arc.
Like this is the time where an Aishou or Dolomite type would have worked better, it's shown in JJL that it is pretty grey on who really deserves death and punishment. Araki complimented Yotsuyu/Aishou, Dolomite/Damo perfectly to show all the other angles of the Rock Humans. Yet Urban was so far down the "Humans suck" scale, an integrator while still upholding the Rock Human philosophy of being with nature and working with it organically. A comedic womanizer sleezebag was already touched upon with Damo, this is where the third part needed to be strong. We needed all three parties in JJL to be at their best and I find the Rock Human representative pretty bad.

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Poor Tom represents the true inner degeneracy of rock humans.

Pot calling the kettle black.

Voiceanon was amazing! I miss all the non-write anons when they're on. Need to start sleeping less.

Writing routes for a Jojo dating sim has been my dream project. Especially if we get to include bad ends. Would be difficult to narrow down what characters to include.

I liked his part 4 outfit the best.

Also, going to start that Dio-Mariah fic now since I kind of forgot about it before. I hope I can keep her in character enough for you, Mariahanon. Will finish the Abbacchio-rapefic later.

Jojolion has been bad for a while. Last good thing was Jobin's flashback

>reading JoJo

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>kira is smart

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best thing about kira is that he's hilariously dumb

i love when retards say this because it means that he's their self insert for the "le smart gifted reddit kid". kira is just really motivated and occasionally calculating, but he's a fucking idiot in all his fights

You said you work better alone but would you be willing to work with Kakfag for a dating sim?

He probably would have been a well-intentioned but not great father, like his father before him.

Yes, that sounds like it would be easier than a collaboration since I assume we'd both get different characters and not be working directly on the same parts.

I'm just not really sure how a fic collaboration normally works.

will this have oldseph in it?
if so I wonder if they'll cast a nip

Name three Jojo characters smarter than Kira.

Isn't this only the first movie?

1. Pericolo
2. Wired Beck
3. Arabia Fats

Based jobin poster


1. joseph
2. gio
3. jotaro

That's a sexy Doppio. I would fuck him but his asshole is too loose.

Fuck I posted the wrong version and I'm on the subway now and can't fix it. Supposed to have a white background and now I'm furious since I cannot post the proper one until after I get back home.

This comment is also making me fume even more

doppio's freckles are cute

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does diavolo cover his freckles? or is it a split personality difference thing

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I like to think he covers them up. I thought I had a drawing of him with freckles saved, but I can't find it.

I love the Doppio posters, even if I prefer Diavolo.

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>bored hikikomori who dyes spots into his hair and wears lipstick
He definitely covers them

I wonder how many anons of /jojo/ wear lipstick during their alone time

I would if I didn't have Donald Trump lips.

Last time I wore any makeup was Halloween.

I think Jonathan would try to overcompensate with how his dad didn't give a single fuck about him and was constantly favoring Dio.

>even if I prefer Diavolo
Pleb taste.

Voiceanon here! I'm not going to be able to record for 12 hours or more from now but I'm at least here if you have questions about stuff etc.

Regarding the dating sim, it sounds like the one thing we're missing is a programmer.

Why are girls like this? Can they even like jojo? Because it doesn't seem like it

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Reminder that girls can't understand JoJo.

Imagine there is a magical coin in front of you. If you flip it, and it lands on heads, you get Crazy Diamond as a stand. If it lands on tails you get Cheap Trick. Do you flip the coin?

>if I get CD I'll finally have a decent life
>if I get CT I finally die
What's the dilemma?

I wonder if the drawanons can draw porn

When will this God awful shit be stopped.

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Do you want us to reply with new requests? Also do you need a prompt at all times or is just characters and a scenario okay? Thank you for making the last thread so much fun!

I've been doing requests on /y/ and sometimes here's for ages. I just don't like clogging up the main threads with porn. Go make a /trash/ thread for that shit.
I don't wear any makeup but I like teal lipstick/nails if I go out. Although that habit didn't come from Jojo.

What Jojo merch do you own? This is an old picture from my old apartment before I moved.

No, not at the moment. I don't want to miss them. When I am open for them, you can give me a prompt or be specific, the only times I need something sent to me is if you request a specific scene, in which case you need to post the panel or the script.

I've met some pretty awesome Jojo girls and some pretty terrible ones, but the same can be said of guys too. It's about who you are as a person.

Absolutely not.

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Doppio is literally the pleb's choice

without a doubt
>get cheap trick
>show someone I don't like my back
>get crazy diamond
>become vigilante

>show someone I don't like my back
But then you die

Reminder that content creators made these threads even worse.

Reminder that I'm gay

Then post something useful

>An older DILF Jonathan will never exist in Canon
Fucking Araki.

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You heathens prefer shitty content over actual discussion.

I'm asking you to post a discussion. I've been discussing Jonathan as a father. What have you got to offer?

show me what makes their content so shitty.

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You say as if I haven't done the same.
Juvenile, amateurish. Out of character. No passion. Mechanical. Dumb.

not an argument

You just can't accept facts. They're all terrible and you all praising them proves you have miniscule standards.

you're not proving shit, you're just spouting words to make them look like legitimate criticism

They are and you're stupid if you don't understand what I'm trying to say. As expected of a low IQ idiot.

fall off your high horse dude

are some of you trying to drive away the contentfags again I thought we were over that

Sorry, not to you but to me for you've wasted my time. They have no substance and that is that.

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Not him but will you stop being so fucking pretentious?

I bet he's just trolling

Pretentious are those content creators you imbecile. Parading around their non-existent skills and pretending people care, why bother?

are you projecting??