I'm still mad he didn't get platonic with Vamirio

I'm still mad he didn't get platonic with Vamirio.

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Helck and Vamiro not becoming a thing is one of my few complaints with the series.

I can understand Alicia's importance to him (and his to her) from the backstory, but he spent the entire goddamn manga with Vamiro. How many times did it take time out to show how much they trusted and relied on each other in the most difficult situations? Feels silly.


Fuck no, they worked best as buddies.

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>Hiramoto Akira defies the logic of the long-ass heartfelt bonding plot with the best girl he wrote himself and goes with shit girl victory just because she was introduced as mc's love interest first
Why couldn't Nanaki go full retard like that? I wanted Helck to fondle those ears no matter what.

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there is clearly a lot of platonic love between them.

Frankly I just want to fuck the ever loving hell out of her.

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I'd like to put my penis in her vagina if you know what I mean.

w-what do you mean?

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Because Vamirio is a cute daughteru.

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Nah, it's nice to see a deep, trusting relationship portrayed without always seeing it turn it into romance

their relationship as bros is far deeper than one they'd form as lovers

This. You cunts always see the same plot every time, aren't you tired of eating the same garbage?

When is the new manga?
And that spinoff


It would have cheapened the story to have either of them try to get romantically involved in the other given their characters

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Just look at this, i'm still asshurt

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No everything has to be romance, they became great friends and confidants, this is for the best

>Write a manga with 100 chapters of buildup to a close, trusting relationship, always one step away from romantic and always seeming to lead there
>Nah the girl who was blushing at him in the flashback, who he showed 0 romantic inclinations to, is the better love interest!


Having a Human Hero and a Demon Lord getting together would have been a perfect, fitting ending to the entire goddamn theme anyway.

I’m more mad about how drawn out and convoluted the final arc was. The series was great up until that point.

>always one step away from romantic and always seeming to lead there
That's just you, user. They were always buddies. They could have been two dudes.

>Write a manga with 100 chapters of buildup to a close, trusting relationship, always one step away from romantic and always seeming to lead there
>Nah the girl who was blushing at him in the flashback, who he showed 0 romantic inclinations to, is the better love interest!

Jesus, it IS Prison School all over again.

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