This series is nothing but lolsowackyandrandom bullshit. Why do so many people flock to it?
This series is nothing but lolsowackyandrandom bullshit. Why do so many people flock to it?
>Why do so many people flock to it?
Only Re**itors
nice criticisms, I hate jojo now
Part 7 is the only good part because it's the only serious part
>needing to bump your own thread
>inb4 (You) photoshop
It's entertaining. The only people who wouldn't like jojo are "experienced" anime viewers who are too far up their own asses to have fun watching something.
>Look at me guys I hate jojo im so contrarian right
Did you see the IP counter you fucking JoJo browny?
Part 1 was very serious.
>no one can own a phone and a computer
You’re not that clever OP
It looks pretty.
lol, it's not even fun, that's the whole problem
This, and it's why it's the least memorable part
By that same logic Code Geass shouldn't be popular
TTLG is fun, Redline is fun, this is just bad. The characters are edgelords, the writing is shit, the asspulls and narration that has to explain to you everything like you're a child because it's poorly constructed so you don't see the tricks the MC do, they have to explain them to you (ever heard of show don't tell Araki?). That also grinds the pacing to a halt, the dialogue is bad jokes and not in a good way and so on and so forth... The music and visuals are fantastic in the anime though. The colouring is a bit wierd imo in the manga, but he has some good visual designs, I'll give him that.
Literally a show for teenshits.
The manga is b&w you fucking retard
>The characters are edgelords
You didn't even watch the show, let alone read the manga.
Only part I cared for was part 5, and the mc was written like shit. I think the character designs are the best part, just for how weird they can get.
You insulted my kid negro friend and granny IM GOING TO BREAK YOU IN HALF
dio's an edgelord if I ever saw one, and the MCs are so white knightey they revert to edgatrons who can't let even a smallest slight go unpunished (and punished 10x harder than the slight). And the racing ballshit is Araki going my MCs are too good, so I'm gonna make them a bit shittier, but he's an idiot so he overdoes it and so he becomes a straight up villain we follow (Zeppeli -- and he has go go zeppeli on his teeth, so you know I read the shit for which I want the time of my life back you fuck), and the cripple is an annoying crybaby, though he might develop but I didn't care enough to read and see. The Indian guy's alright, I guess, as a person.
Also, I can understand reading b&w for new issues, but who the fuck, that has discovered jojo in the last like 5 years, reads the old parts in b&w. More than half of the appeal of Jojo is how pretty it is, why would you do that.
what did you care about in part 5?
Good question, seconded.
I've known about my JoJo for a while but only read parts 5 and on in the last 5 years and read all but part 6 in b&w and only because the typesetting on the colored scans of part 6 is better. The b&w art is how the artist drew it and the colored versions were done after the fact just for the novelty and animeonlies that can't pay attention without color.
Jojo IS popular though
The author of Jojo really knows how to keep a story interesting. I'll give him that.
You sound like you saw some of the anime for part of 1 and 2, and read the wiki for 7.
I just can't get used to the artstyle.
The story just doesn't make up for it.
It gets better mid part 4
Only part 7 is interesting, the rest is pure trash, specially part 6.
Part 7 babies are the new part 3 babies.
Found the SOtist who can't comprehend complex storytelling, themes, and characters.
The three first parts are garbage
>You lived long enough to see Sup Forums turn against Jojos.
fucking petty cunts.
Part 4 is my favorite though. Part 7 is just extremely overrated and has probably surpassed part 3 in that aspect. Spin is shit
>The three first parts are garbage
fuck off, none of the parts are bad, you just feel the need to say "I don't REALLY like it" because you care what this faggot of an OP thinks of you on an anonymous imageboard
The art is BAD user, objectively, the writing is literally Araki ripping every manga and movie he can think of, After part 4 is when he matured as an artist and got himself a style.
The only thing that saved the first part's was Araki's natural eccentricity.
Calm down
woah you did read the wiki user congrats
i couldn't watch a single episode it looked like a gay version of hokuto no ken.
There are actual issues that could be pointed out for Jojo but instead of giving real criticism, you just spouted some buzzword bullshit that can only be taken as shitposting.
It is shitposting you dense retard
Because you're too smart to fall for the "JoJo is good" meme.
I'm I right, fellow intellectual?
part 3 is pretty fucking bad my dude, but 1/2 arent at all
I prefer Hamon over Stands
I should clarify that yes, I was indeed shitposting.
I feel like a lot of animeonlyfags miss this which is why you get people like OP. the anime exaggerates serious scenes, freeze frames, unlike almost every other manga adaptation retains onomatopoeias, and makes the voice acting as over the top as possible ("CHARISMAAAA").
People say that the old OVAs were too serious but its not because it actually changes things from the manga but because it doesn't add all of that shit above that the newer anime does.
>Johnathan Joestar
>Joseph Joestar
>Von Stroheim
Get a load of this idiot.
It invented "Muh unique special power manifested as some object or humanoid being" that would influence many other series and games, like Persona or s-CRY-ed.
>calling this suave mother fucker and edgelord
Don't even try to deny you're just bullshitting by reading the wiki to try and support you unfounded claim.
Maybe because it's still ongoing but Part 8 is the only part I genuinely disliked.
The colored versions are a nice novelty but cover up a lot of details that are in the B&W versions.
I miss hamon.
Why is that?
It's a manly anime. Believe only in testorone while watching.
Goku is also a weird character. He's retarded in real life, and would be very awkward all the time. But its all FIGHTS and FUCK YOU, and LETS SAVE EARTH and MY FRIENDS.
IT's why JOJO was such a relief in 2012. DO YOU KNOW the lack of manly anime then? It was a fuckin desert, with beta mc's and girly shit. DBZ and just PUNCH, naa none of that.
then JOJO. This beautiful, unbelievably handsome motherfucker, with a huge body, punches the shit out of people, because testosterone.
That was why I, and perhaps a fanbase grew to love it. I missed the shonen fun.
I know this is you OP, go to the store and drink chlorine
Part 8 is my favorite along with 4 right now even unfinished.
>hey guys look at me being so new
based hairposter
Because it has every thing most of the other series doesn't have and shits on themselves for that very fact. Look at Hunta Hunta for example. Has no hype, comedy, likable or developed characters while Jojo possesses all these amazing qualities and then some.
Compare Jotaro and Koichi vs Kira and Knuckle and Morel vs Youpi and then tell me which fight makes you appreciate the series for how entertaining it is. Also moments like pic related and Act 3 are what separates great shonen from boring shitty shonen.
>I'm I right
JoJofags can't even spell
>Look at Hunta Hunta for example. Has no hype, comedy, likable or developed characters
Go back to the dumpster, faggot.
Bait thread. Sage in all fields.
>No argument but there's always a hiatus
A typical bitch made Togashitfag appears once again.
>Has no hype, comedy, likable or developed characters while Jojo possesses all these amazing qualities and then some