Let's be frank

This shit never made sense.

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How does it feel to be too stupid to understand a children's cartoon ?

In other news water is wet.
It's garbage to begin with, liking Eva is just a meme

didn't even make sense to anno

Let's ignore OP and post best girl because I guess that's all OP's brain can handle.

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It does make sense.
That being said it's still garbage.


I didnt say I didnt understand it. I did but still this shit doesnt make sense.

well, maybe. But the tune playing in Misato's kitchen was tits.

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Ok... Hi, I'm Frank.

i totally understand it guys its the show that doesnt

Name specific things that didn't make sense.

To me, what's masterful about eva is how they managed to create a show filled with pseudo-intellectual bait and "hidden meaning" bait that people still "analyze" today. The story in it's core is about alienation obviously, but it has so many meaningless pseudo-symbolisms slapped on that people don't realize are there for no particular meaning, even though the creator has admitted this on multiple occasions.

This is what happens when your deepest venture into art is a television show

with no particular meaning*

it's a show with some interesting themes and it portrays them very well, the only meaningless symbolism there is the christian stuff and that shit looks cool af

it's not like the christian stuff is a small part, plus the freudian themes also serve no point.

i do think eva is good by anime standards, but it's not like it's some profound work of art that people make it out to be is all im saying

What do you think is a profound work of art?

itt: newfagging crossboarders

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No, you’re just dumb

in that medium, movies are still unrivaled i believe. but again, cinema (animation included) can never touch literature. i just find it funny when people try to extract life lessons and model their own ideology with cartoons. it's that line between "ye rick and morty is a good light-hearted comedy" to "wabba lubba dub dub nothing matters le intelligent face". people look to products to fill the gaps in their own perception of the world

Evangelion managed to build a world a lot of people sympathize about. Anno's use of imagery isn't always random, in fact a lot of it is deliberate, and there really isn't any real super complex truth to the message. The message is kind of simple and bold, and rather than an answer or a message, it's a question: Why are you here? Do you want to be here?
Throughout the series and EoE we see a shattered post-apocalyptic world and a 14 year old who's a skinny nerd with good heart but bad luck in life. We see his descent into depression and anxiety, among probably some other illness, until he finally takes a resolution, he wants to be here. He fucked up some stuff though.
The viewer isn't expected to understand everything, in fact most of the actual sci-fi plot of Evangelion was left without mention on the series or movies (seeds of life, far, etc).
The fact he isn't telling us all this information is a smart move, we're watching a series of events only from a couple of different perspectives, but not all. We aren't told a lot about SEELE, or how do Nerv works out using souls like Yui's or Lilith's. For half the show we think Nerv are the good guys, then we're revealed, along with Misato, that Nerv isn't the good guys after all, and that there might be no good guys.

t. retard who doesn't actually know anything about literature or movies except for the youtube videos he watched

Just because you can only handle garbage doesn't mean others also are the same.

>t. projecting ameritard

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>crossboarding faggot
looks like I was completely correct

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you're triggered because i offended your favourite cartoon? read a book

recommend me a book then, user

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What literary piece has that complex of a message?

book sucks

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are you fucking silly?

"cinema" is based off literature, and who cares if some random user thinks "literature" is better than animation. they're two different mediums and one isn't objectively superior to the other.
and who gives a shit if you don't like people extracting life lessons out of anime? people use art mediums including anime, manga, and light novels to give messages. what's so bad about taking messages out of those mediums because they're more relatable to you? because you can't act pretentious about it?

the iron heel

i'll answer seriously if you calm down

wow who would have thought he would recommend an ideology deconstruction and prediction novel based off 1984

I've read it

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