New translated chapter.
Blame the Princess. She can take it.
New translated chapter.
Blame the Princess. She can take it.
Was he jealous?
Man, I wish more people read Maou-jou de Oyasumi.
Rescue in vain hope!
Thanks OP
Fuck this was a great chapter. Poor princess, for once she didn't do anything but she's getting blamed for it anyway.
At this point and even more so in the future, the princess is a major driving element for the ongoings of the demon empire.
Thanks for the hard work and dump, I love this
But isnt demon monk like, the oldman of the place? Or is he taking the overprotective grandpa role?
Overprotective repressed christian uncle.
>giving the princess even more magic power
It's like you want her to rule over you, you goddamn masochist.
Thanks user.