Mårchen Mädchen

After two weeks hiatus to improve the quality, it become even more QUALITY

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bailed on this sack of shit weeks ago. the writing was on the wall when the big cinderalla reveal episode (what should have been the high point of the series) was a complete QUALITY fest

Why is Hazuki crying?

watch the episode to find it out

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What the hell happened here? Did they outsource animation to the chinese who shipped it back on a boat. They had 2 weeks and this is it?

Actually they had 3 weeks.

Anyone care for a sandwich?

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Let's see what will they do to episode 11 and 12 that they have infinite time to make it as they don't have set airing date yet (except maybe the BD release date that's half year out)

It's British school in the end card

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By me.

Imagine the quality if didn’t go on hiatus.
Missed opportunity.


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That ain't no sandwich.

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Sadwhora looking cute as always.

Seems like they outright forget they need to draw a door here and simply color the draft

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Happy birthday to Maria Rasputin's voice actor!

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I didn't forget my löve for Hazuki.

This can't be real

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Not even Häzuki can fix this shit quality

I want a spin-off with the Russian and Japanese teams being huge dorks while doing everyday things and occasionally trying to one-up each other with their magic.


Subs soon.

The Russians really could use their own series. They're just too pure and fun.

subs are out

It's finally time!

These dorks deserve to be on model.

I don't remember Daitoshokan or Kanojo Flag being this quality, what the fuck happened?

Look at this shit. It's amazing.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Marchen Madchen - 09 [720p]_22 Mar 2018 at 15.34.53.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

nice mobs

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I can't tell if this is worse or Twintails was worse.

>Believing in Hoods Entertainment after what happened to Blazblue anime

Heh heh.

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hahaha holy shit

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Nice clock.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Marchen Madchen - 09 [720p]_22 Mar 2018 at 15.46.09.jpg (440x470, 37K)

The entire quality episode aside, those old bitches trying to pull some bullshit scheme once again. Getting sick and tired of their shit.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Marchen Madchen - 09 [720p]_22 Mar 2018 at 15.56.34.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Someone should be shot for this school uniform.

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I keep pausing it to laugh.

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not bad

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Look at this slut, being all seductive around her sister.

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Seems like stepsisters just can't help wanting to fuck these days.

Are you not entertained?

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holy shit, that crowd looks like something out of a n64/ps1 sports game. my fucking sides

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I want you

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man, fuck these old bitches

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I love the morphing heights

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Surely it can't be that hard to fix something like this?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Marchen Madchen - 09 [720p]_22 Mar 2018 at 16.10.49.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

The studio knows what their audience wants.

I had to pause a couple times to laugh at the QUALITY this episode.

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Holy shit I'm fucking dying here.
This is an absolute disaster.

i have no face

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Marchen Madchen - 09 [720p]_22 Mar 2018 at 16.12.44.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

>introduce new girl
>outs herself as a dork 5 seconds in
This must be a new record.

Maybe they uploaded he old, pre improvement episode by mistake?

Wow that was really bad looking. I can only imagine without the delay it would've ended up a legendary work of QUALITY on par with Musashi Gundoh or QUALITY Code.


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I hope it only continues to get worse from here. The last episode could be historical.

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>Won't name names to respect the privacy of the people involved, but if you see Marchen Madchen literally melt despite taking a break keep in mind there's been... inner turmoil in the production, to the point of creators saying they no longer acknowledge it as their work.

>The schedule is irredeemably bad, regular staff are at the point of putting their health at risk, and there's even been many issues crediting people properly. If you don't like what you're seeing, definitely don't blame the animators in this case.

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I love that little cunt.

Anywhere I can find more details about the whole thing?

I have said that I'm going to treat the anime as animated illustration for the novel but I don't know they cam even fail at that...

What a trainwreck. This show took dork characters to the next level but all it'll be remembered for is the production disaster.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Marchen Madchen - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.22_[2018.03.22_12.06.04].jpg (1280x720, 67K)

They'll fix all this QUALITY in the BD's, right guys?


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I imagine he's taling about how the one guy who was credited as animation director for ep 7 was complaining that he only ever touched a handful of cuts, and the only reason he was the only one credited was that the many other AD's had all refused credit. In fact most of the episode didn't get checked by anybody.

Guess it's time to pick this up again, I love QUALITY.

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This episode really got me pondering, might become the 3rd anime I've ever dropped.


How many weeks have you been watching anime?

Only the 3rd? What were the other two?

Holy FS, lool at the credit, 原画/第二原画/動画/仕上げ are all same people

I'm not sure we'll even get BDs at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if they get delayed several times, at least. Whether they waste money on fixing it depends on the production committee's priorities and on how it will affect the LN. Some trainwrecks like Long Riders even got a re-air with somewhat patched animation, but that was probably Bandai's decision and money behind it.

I feel a bit sorry for the guy eternally sleeping in the waifu coffin, his last work got the short straw of this broken industry.

Though I feel much more sorry for the animators and ADs.

Don't. We're on a fast track to becoming a legendary anime.

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>this shit made me remember that one guy having his work animated but turns into a real failure

I'm fucking loosing my shit from this quality. My fucking sides.

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I wish they hadn't delayed it.

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There were at least two occasions where one character opens their mouth to talk and another character's voice is heard.

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Isn't this worse than QUALITY Code?

I really like this show. Which makes the QUALITY painful
This deserved a much better production

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Marchen Madchen - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.39_[2018.03.22_19.45.49].jpg (1920x1080, 397K)

No it's not.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Marchen Madchen - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.04_[2018.03.22_19.46.59].jpg (1920x1080, 321K)

You and me both senpai. ;_;

Nah. QC went to shit much earlier, got so bad you couldn't tell what was happening at times, had tons of stills, and even had cuts in the wrong sequence.