One Piece

- Title is "The last stronghold".
- In the cover a New Kyohei Pirates appears, he's Goldberg.
- People around all Big Mom territory are worried about the situation in Cacao Island.
- Bege leaves wedding cake in an island, Big Mom is in front of the cake.
- Judge protects the Sunny with his castle from Big Mom ships. He's injured with bandages in rigth eye.
- However new ships appears in front of them becouse they surround Cacao Island.
- Daifuku attacks Sunny with the genie but Sanji stops him.
- Something appears under the sea... It's Wadatsumi!!
- Taiyou pirates appears to help Mugiwara crew!!

No break next week. To celebrates One Piece chapter 900, Jump cover and Color Spread in next chapter!!!

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Arc wrapping up for the escape.

>Did marriage and Hawaii vacation ruin his workflow permanently?
It did when he found his wife riding Sanji's Clima Tact

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Please let 900 end this arc, everyone is already tired of it

Did this actually happen

>still no Crocodile

Shit arc to be honest.

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Shut up.


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>Big Mom confirmed to be eating the cake on 900
See guys. I told you something big was happening on 900

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Is a meme born from a photo with Oda, his wife and Sanji's VA, and that would explain all this years of Sanji's bullying. I like to imagine Oda laughing hearing Sanji crying when the anime adapts one of many Sanji's bullying

And it was the most predictable thing imaginable

Meant for

>everyone is already tired of it
But that's wrong you retarded piece of shit.

Nah, he is 100% right dicksucker


You are shit.

Wait really? Was Oda cucked and is that why he's losing it? Sana never going to happen except if Oda gets off on that.

Fuck off.

Next chapter will be when they finally escaped and have a celebration party for their new nakama. This is it guys.

>Chapter 900
>"The Ninth"

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Another day closer to Monet’s return!

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Brave on the internet, I see. Say that to my face IRL, see what happens.
But the arc is pretty good compared to the others after the timeskip. The only problem is that one of the Yonkou is such a non-treating factor so early in the New world.
Even Doflamingo, the evil bitch king, was more scary.


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>No break next week. To celebrates One Piece chapter 900, Jump cover and Color Spread in next chapter!!!
Why do you type like this?
Or why did you include it? Reddit much?

Brave on the internet huh, say that irl and I will fuck you up nigga.

This arc is going on forever now and this vhapter is objectively shit.

Shit pacing.

More details from redon:

It's a chapter with a bunch of texts so it might be a bit until we get a full translation
Sanji and Judge argue about somethin in the distance. Luffy tries to thank Judge for the assistance but he cuts him mid-sentence, which angries Luffy. Jinbe on the helm laughs about it.

>K-kaido is going to kill me f-fuck *sweat heavily*
Very scary indeed.

Please it happens next chapter! What would you do if she never did come back?

I said COMPARED, speedreader. He was a bitch, but Big Mom is some dumb autist chasing a boat for 50 chapters.
She is the new Smiley.

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Ooooooooooo Ben Beckman!

Kaido appears out of the cake

Just drop it already then. One Piece has been incredibly consistent for over 20 years. A few slower chapters won't change that.

What did the weebs mean by this?
Fishemen? Why would they say it like that?

And Doflamingo needed 3 Supernovas to take him and his crew.
Big Mom is getting fucked just by Luffy and and the weakest part of his crew.

>A few

>This arc is going on forever now
Read it in one sit when it's over. Hell i'll dump it myself when it happens
> and this vhapter
The one who hasn't been released yet?
>is objectively shit.
Nice subjective opinion

Which was more scary than Doflamingo.

>this vhapter is objectively shi
No, it's not.

> Goldberg

You are right user. EVERYONE who complains about anything in this arc is wrong and its only the minority who want to move on. My bad.

>3 Supernovas
Doflamingo didn't even fought Zoro, while Luffy has aid of another Supernova and a former Shichibukai.
Also, Doflamingo needed aid from an Admiral to deal with Law.

>Bege kills BM
Say hello to the new Yonkou

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Oda dicksuckers are worse than shipper and power level fags

Don't put words in my mouth

>tons of people killed WB
>they didn't become yonkou

It was Oda mistake to make Luffy fight now instead later, he should have jobbed against Katakuri and come back later/meet them on Elbaf and fight against BMP with the full crew and Law's crew

+Capone's crew
+Jinbe and his former crew
+Germa 66

Luffy would’ve never gotten this far if it wasn’t for these allies. Also the Tamatebako pretty much saved all of them from inevitable death.

You mean... People who actually enjoy the manga are the worse poster in a thread about... The said manga? Get the fuck out hackposter.

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inb4 big mom becomes the next big fat ugly monster that luffy befriends who helps them again later on

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not him and this arc is making me puke

>they didn't become yonkou

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>didn't put a scratch on WB
>becomes yonkou

The pirate adventure thing loses his meaning when Luffy makes allies every two days. Oda should control that

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Also, they are just running away from the BMP. They have no chance against them. But they defeated the whole Doflamingo family.

>criticizing the manga means you don't like it
You are so blind because of how much dick you are sucking. It's sad really

What is it like to hate this manga so much and yet keep reading it? Meanwhile everyone else loves the shit out of it. It must suck to be such a minority.

Did I say that? WCI is the best in the whole manga. Maybe... You just have terrible taste? Or maybe you are just an hackposter?

>this arc is making me puke
I think you need to see a doctor if that's the case because that clearly not normal

BM isn't fat though.

i really don't know why i still read this garbage, i've just been doing it out of habit for the past 15 years

i'm a doctor myself, and puke is a normal reaction when confronted to something disgusting, like a dissected rotting body or wci arc

Yeah sure, samefag. You more than likely don't even read OP.

From Redon:

This Goldberg is nothing like that XD

He is the chef of the New Kyohei Pirates. It is a chubby giant, with a slightly crushed head and a helmet with horns (similar to the helmet of the Taurus armor of Saint Seiya). Use as weapon a long club of spikes and has a shield with eyes and mouth that sticks out the tongue (will it be a Hoomie?).

Regarding Big Mom, we did not see her at all but she is slimmer than ever. The face looks a little and the cheekbones are very marked and the nose too. We do not see how she begins to eat it, she simply lands on the island and already has it in front of him. She approaches her salivating and we see no more.

Surely finally eat the cake in chapter 900.

What kind of argument is this? Dragon ball is super popular does that mean that writing is good? Fucking spics are dicksuckers I knew it
You actually did say that. Are you backtracking now? Here

No you haven't.

>with horns
Oy vey shut it down! ODA NO! That's anti-Semitic

Maybe it's popular because it's an actually very good manga? Crazy thought, I know.

>i'll dump it myself when it happens
I'll look forward to it. Use the Viz scans. It's going to be great.

the mc has the properties of both rubber and gum. how could i know it without being a top notch reader?
checkmate retard, go choke on a dick

I never said you can't criticize the manga. YOU are calling anyone who enjoy the manga "dicksucker". I'm not backracking on anything. You just think way too highly of your own opinion.

The absolute state of dick suckers

>WCI is the best in the whole manga

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My only problem with this arc is that if you count Luffy's friends as part of his fleet, Luffy's fleet totally outclasses Big Mom fleet, yeah Big Mom alone can take over half of that fleet but Luffy's has a pretty crazy army, apart from the Straw Hat Grand Fleet they have the Sun Pirates, the Mink Tribe, the Heart Pirates, support of kingdoms like Arabasta, Gyojin Island and Drum Island, support of Boa Hancock among with the Kuja Pirates and Amazon Lily, im also sure Elbaf will support the Straw Hats thanks to all the times they helped the giants + messing with Big Mom, etc.

And im sure im forgetting about stuff and that pirate crews like Firetank Pirates or Buggy Pirates will ally with Luffy in the future, Luffy has a really crazy army if he can gather them for a supposed war


>YOU are calling anyone who enjoy the manga "dicksucker"
And you are calling everyone who criticized the manga a hack poster as if name calling invalidates the critism.
You are pathetic


>WCI is the best in the whole manga

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Some of these groups need to get taken out by the Marines/World Government. It’s too unbalanced.

It wouldn't even outclass Big Mom's fleet. You are heavily underestimating her fleet.

Oda is not a hack

>WCI is the best in the whole manga.
Fucking dressrosa was better than this literal shitfest

why do you still read one piece Sup Forums?

No. I'm calling anyone using the word "dicksucker", an hackposter. Next time try hiding your powerlevel, hackposter.

Her fleet is not impressive. She doesn’t even seem to have any legitimate allies.

>doesn't want power or territory
ya no

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uroge falls from heaven and lands on the cake

>It's a chapter with a bunch of texts

Oda lost his shit

Zoan shield?

>WCI is the best in the whole manga

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Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

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>someone gives their honest opinion/critique on the arc
This is why nobody takes you dicksuckers seriously.

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You both are

Nah. I’m not sure how that’s even possible.

Snack gets scared and orders BMP to retreat

Little test:

1) Did you like WCI saga?
2) Do you think traps are NOT gay?

For me, it's:

eats her arms then chokes on the cake

This unironically

Honestly just to see what happens to my fav character, kaido.
Hope he doesn't end up as a disappointment like big meme