Shitposting aside, is that EV anime actually good?

Shitposting aside, is that EV anime actually good?
Both fans and haters are obnoxious here so I don't know how to judge.

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Now the opinion is quite divided but years from now it will remembered as AOTY, the Kyoani slow burn so to speak.

How about you watch the fucking show and form your own opinion?

I dropped pretty much everything else.

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After watching VE, everything else kinda just looked like vomit that I had to drop everything but VE.

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You're not supposed to have your own opinion. You have to go along with the Sup Forums majority or get told to kill yourself.

It's a very pretty anime and while the narrative is nothing spectacular it is pretty solid. I like the characters. Really, you can't go wrong with giving this show a shot. It takes a bit to take off so keep that in mind if you feel like dropping it early in.

It's okay.

Watch it you faggot.

I don't think it can be fully judged until it's over, but right now I think it's okay. The animation is obviously very good. The writing has been competent for the most part, but not as emotional or memorable as boosters of the show would lead one to believe.

It's good.
It's not the AOTYAY some kyoanifags say it is. It's not the worst anime of the season like some anti-kyoanifags say it is.

Not before you tell me how much I should hate it.

Why ask this on a board that almost unanimously hates anything Kyoani makes, yet has never seen any of it?

Because it's not smart to go against the Sup Forums hivemind.

No, I tried to watch it but it felt very immature and forced. Like... A cute, perfect girl who is also a killing machine, who is also mentally a child unable to properly feel emotions and trying to rebuild her life.

All this inside a faux european 18th and 19th century setting.
After the third episode I never watched any other again.

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VEG : pretty, great atmosphere.

I dont like the story, its an adaptation anyway. its not like A-1 can do something about it.

quite okay, but not AOTS.

Isn't there a rule against posting non-anime images on Sup Forums?

Doesn't matter. Mods don't care about VEG threads.

Beatiful art and decent animation, the story so far is lacking impact and there are tons of inconsistencies. If you only care about the animation/art and soaps are your cup of tea go for it, if not ignore it there are plenty of better anime.

like waht?


I cant feel emotions, im a atheist and intellectual man

*tips fedora*

>can't even redirect properly
>no counterarguments

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It cured my insomnia. No but really just save your time, it’s a bad mid day soap opera.

I don't have to post any counterargument when I explained everything you need to know. Also I was just to lazy I mean why I should even take seriously this