
RIP Raildex 2004-2018

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God fucking netflix.

Nice Photoshop

That's alright. Means ShittyRoll wo't be able to get their filthy hands on it.

Netflix is actually indirectly bringing back fansubbing and I like them for that.

>it's fucking true

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I dont mind if it has animation like B The Beginning (which was one of the few good aspects of the show)

I really wish I saved that "one more year to live" Frenda image

They are not involved in the production, right?

Its not
They just throw money at shit

So what's the negativity about? The fact that it's confirmed another year wait?

Fag never did reference the passage or even which volume he was pretending to quote to support his flimsy argument.

Is this legit?

Big, if true

No way shitdex will get into netflix

Where are all the Baitdowner pics?

source? no? [/spoiler]THEN FUCK OFF

No sauce was provided and I couldn't find anything about it on google.

Maybe I'm retarded but until someone posts a legit source, just a grain of salt.

>1 Season
Confirmed fake
Netflix always mentions the number of episodes

We'll never see Hamen Rider again will we?

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Are we expecting anything from AnimeJapan 2018 about S3?


That's right you didn't at all compared to me, child.

>All these people falling for blatant bait especially when you can see that's VO Touma
You're not called Raildexmonkeys for nothing.
No, wait for summer.

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Based, I can watch all of S3 in one go when it comes out if Netflix are real about this
>b-but muh comy threads with discussion
LN has been talked to death already, everyone already knows the content in an out, no need for more discussion and raildex threads are just full of spammers now anyways, get fucked

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Id' be okay with this. If successful they would surely fund a fourth season


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Who cares if you are going to HS the show?

for some reason Sup Forums thinks that netflix will shove western politics in every anime they finance

The biggest issue with them is clearly their batch release bullshit.
I really hope this never happens to an anime I actually care about.

>Samefagging for (you's)
Guess this thread's dead.

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>batch release bullshit.
If they do a batch release at the beginning of the season like they did Devilman Crybaby then it's the best but if they wait until the end of the season like they are with Violet Evergarden then it's the worsr

it could always be worse user

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No, it's all shit. Don't release anime in batches, it's fucking stupid. I will ignore any anime released this way.

No fuck getting blue balled every week it's fucking bullshit


t.Sup Forums Netflix shit eater

>Wanting to get blue-balled until months later rather than watching it week by week

I said it's best if it's released all at the beginning of the season like Devilman Crybaby was

It's weekly everywhere outside US. You should've used Fate as the example or Whales.

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Terrible thread.

Weak testosterone post.

He should have used Aico or B as an arugment instead since both of those got released weekly in Japan and had subs within a few days.

Enjoy your dead anime nobody cares about

We could always discuss the fact that there are people in here who have "read" over 40 novels of this and don't understand half the shit that's in it, even when it's obvious.

>try to follow nogi
>get blocked

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>for some reason

There is not a single piece of western media right now that isn't full to the brim with worthless politics.

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I'm so sorry bro.

There are. You are just following the movie and media equivalents of clickbait.

Now you will understand our pain.

t. Fatefag

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Honestly, I don't think this is going to happen to any big going franchise.
Netflix will just get the distribution rights for such anime.
A batch release of an anime based on a ongoing source is counterproductive to the standart business model, the main goal of adaptations is to adertise the source material and this works much better with weekly releases.


Why so dead?

That's what shitposting threads deserve.

What the fuck did you do?

Given that Zeus wasn't even human and was known for his transformations, even fucking a girl as a sparkle of golden light, I don't see any reason he couldn't look however the fuck he wanted to. Achilles being black seems kind of silly though.

Why did you shitpost? Did you have some nationalist profile? racist? pro white? what did you do?

Does Nogi need a reason to block people?

He has no reason

Seven year ago
>Index S2 is finished airing, fans are loving it and demanding more- what will we do from here on?
>Good good, begin production on Railgun S2, make it half filler this time again, bitches will still eat it up.
>B-but fans wanted Index S-S3
>No no of course not supreme one
>Railgun have aired and fans loved it too, sorry for questioning you earlier.
>Keikako dori, now we can begin production on the Index movie. it will be about a moon elevator and an enternal loli
>S-Sound like a great i-idea supreme one!
>Fans didnt really like the movie, maybe now we can begin producti-
>Fucking faggots who cant appriciate my magnus opus, I will make them feel the same pain they made me feel!
>What will you do?
>We will wait 4 years and then put out a fake spoiler about S3, it will make them go crazy
>Fans were pretty bummed out about that fake spoiler. And it have been 5 years since the movie now
>Perfect, now give out a fake announcement for S3
>They will soon learn
>The ride never ends

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He doesn't do it unless there is a reason. If he felt like it, he wouldn't have followed my random ass.

>Fans didnt really like the movie, maybe now we can begin producti-
Stop using Sup Forums as your barometer. The ones that mattered actually did enjoy the movie.

>when both Raildex threads are the designated shitposting threads

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She was best girl who didn't get enough attention.

will all the girls get BLACK'd?

I finally caved and made a twitter to follow anime announcements and whatnot. I remembered Nogi and tried following him but 2 minutes later he blocked me. Oh well

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I'm asking what your profile shit is nigga, he doesn't block people for nothing

My profile is literally nothing, I hadn't even picked a profile picture yet. Maybe he thought I was a bot?

So nothing problematic? I have to ask since Sup Forums is cesspool for these views so what you had on your profile can easily be a factor.

Oh probably. They have a feature where you auto mute or block egg/no icon ones, I think. Twitter thing.

You don't need a twitter account to look for updates, even if twitter keeps making it more difficult.

This dragon comes by and possesses your pregnant wife then tells you you're the prophet of the new Aeon. What do?

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Fuck him silly?

She was nice but I wouldn't say she was best girl.

They'll get THELEMA'd.

Rumia > /jp/ > pig > the rest

That's because they do and indirectly they will force "unwanted" tropes out of anime because the west doesn't approve.

And then Aiwass gave birth to the Book of Law.
>yfw Book of the Law if interpreted correctly is actually a cute girl

Japs never gave a shit about the West's opinion, why would they now? You're talking bullshit.

That's not true, there's been increasing pressure from the west on some issues which has led to things like the Tokyo bans on certain content.

But the reason this matters is because if a director has a choice of making two anime, one which could potentially bring in Netflix money and another which would be too controversial to air on Netflix/in the west, he's going to pick the safer choice because it could potentially end up with him making more money.

not funny user
>it's real

Alright, then let's say they do force out those "unwanted tropes". Which ones would that be, can you give an example?

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Anything too sexualised, loli, Fate/Illya comes to mind for those two especially but things like Cross Ange that arent /l/ too.

Also stuff where age would attract unwanted attention like Koi wa Ameagari no You ni this season.

>THE CARTEL IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys really need to stop with these conspiracy theories of people wanting to kill your anime.

>the cartel isn't real
yeah sure, let's all go to sleep

It's not a conspiracy theory about killing anime, it's about all forms of media being forced to abide by US SJW standards, you only need to look at the video game industry to see the effects it's having.

More expert opinions from people who have never set foot in Japan

Even if you set foot in Japan, you should never trust Sup Forumspinions.

>Also stuff where age would attract unwanted attention like Koi wa Ameagari no You ni this season.
Honestly doesn't sound like it would be much of a controversial thing to me. Other than that, good riddance for that other shit then, I've no reason to miss any of that.

I fap to lolis fine. Japan seems fine right now, proof right there.

Who cares if you won't miss it? I won't particularly miss a lot of shows that will vanish either but one of the best things about anime is that it doesn't worry about western values and standards, as soon as they take over anime it'll become very standard and boring, we may as well just watch western cartoons.

this has been happening ever since japan won the olympic bid

Honest question: Are the people replying right now raildexfags or just anons visiting because of the shitpost OP?

>it'll become very standard and boring
Are you honestly implying here that the anime industry is any less creatively bankrupt than Hollywood in its current state? I don't know why anyone should care about potential changes, as long as they don't start cutting shit from adaptions and create serious diversions between the source material.

every fucking country that hosts the olympics has to make changes to fit ONU's policies or else they won't get the precious money from the Olympic Committee the event will be moved to another country., you retarded faggot. things have always been this way

Gave you multiple sources from specific novels which contradicted your claims. In contrast, you kept going on about Ichiranahasai while never stating which novel it was said.

I'm saying that's the direction it will head if american money gets their hands on it.