Was she the biggest cuck?

Besides the fact that she's the qt GX waifu and a sexy jobber. Was she the biggest cuck in the entire franchise in general or is there an even bigger cuck because so far I don't think anyone can top the Queen of Jobelisk Blue. Only way she can redeem herself is if she actually confesses to Jaden. Does she have a chance? Will she finally be able to stop being a cuck or be doomed to remain an eternal virgin? (much to Atticus' dismay)

Attached: AlexisRhodes-DULI (1).png (498x815, 257K)

Other urls found in this thread:


When the fuck would she be able to confess. Given the answer to that, yes, she's the biggest cuck in the franchise.

Nope, Aki lost to a bike, so I say that's worse.

Given that Jaden is the protag who travels the world, it wouldn't be a surprise if he went to America and crosses paths with her once again.

>loses to a futa demoness
to be fair, she had some pretty tough competition

This is fair, yeah.

Yuzu, after all that build up only get's a hand shake and the guy immediately runs off to duel his dad.

The only non cuck is Aoi because she's not even into Yusaku nor will she ever be.

>nor will she ever be.

She's already been demoted to non-characters, so she'll lust for him soon enough, since she won't have anything else to do.

>Yuzu, after all that build up only get's a hand shake
This is when I stopped watching yugioh shows

She'll settle for Manjoume.

>He actually believes this

Alex was made for f...

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Yugioh girls have the best designs, I'll give you that

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Has every Yu-Gi-Oh! Protag been blueballed?
>Yugi - Téa likes a 5000 year old pharoah and purposefully puts herself in danger just to be with him but friendzones Yugi
Alexis - Cuck, couldn't muster up the courage to even tell Jaden, instead tells him she wants to stay rivals, literally cries when Jaden walks away and writes " Let's meet again somewhere, okay? " as if it matters.
Akiza - Yusei pays attention to his bike, had a chance but like Alexis, decides not to confess and she loses him
Idk about Zexal because no one cares about Zexal
Yuzu - Gets a fucking handshake after all that build up, Yuya's chances with Sora higher. FUCKING Alexis wanted to scissor her

Kotori won right at the end.

>you will never open a card pack and see this in it
What a shame

why did the artist literally use kaiba's face

he took the female Kaiba meme too literally

Post Tenjouin lewds

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>"nobody cares about zexal"
>cares about arcv

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Alexis got the best design though of all the YGO girls

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Zexal has a retarded protagonist with an annoying voice
Arc-V has Alexis
I only watch anime with superior american voice acting, sorry weeb!

Why does she have such lewd pits?

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>Jaden's dick


t. Manjoume

Judai preferred the tranny, Yusei wasn't interested, Yuma and Yuya will probably get the girl eventually. Only Yugi actually sounds blueballed, and even he might actually get Anzu eventually.

user, Anzu liked the pharaoh. Not Yugi
>Be Anzu
>Be head over heels for a 5000 yr old pharoah
>Purposefully gets herself in danger to be around him
>Only stops when she realized she was hurting Yugi's feelings
>Friendzones Yugi

She was more into Atem, but there are a few scenes that suggest she liked Yugi too. Though at this point if they do get together it will just look like she settled for Yugi because Atem isn't around anymore.

Alexis is cute! Cute!

Slifer is red
Obelisk is blue
How does one girl be so pure and true?
Jaden is faggot who likes a tranny
Alexis Rhodes is the girl I want to marry

ITT we write poem for Asuka.

>Only Yugi actually sounds blueballed, and even he might actually get Anzu eventually.
In DSOD Yugi got over his crush on Anzu. He is obviously sad she is leavingn because they are friends, but there isn't even the smallest of hints he still feel something else for her and she liked Atem, so them getting together would make no sense, even if it happened years later.

Fuck this gay earth

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Who is the tranny?

>Your hair is graceful and mellow
>It reminds me of Ojama Yellow
>When you smile it makes grin
>I hate the fact I never win
>Cyber angels are clearly your thing
>Please be my Ojama Queen, and I be your Ojama King


What are you talking to?
She's Kaiba with tits

I'm not sure where you're getting that from. DSoD showed Anzu acting in a way that could be seen as a bit flirty with Yugi but it was in a very vague way that could just be close friendship. It just didn't bother resolving that either way.

>Female Kaiba
stupid meme

Would you stop retard?

>I think your deck is really swell
>Most of mine I found in a well
>From North Academy I got Armed Dragon
>I'd rather be on the Ojama Wagon
>I fear the worst when I duel you online
>But I'd really want to make you mine


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Why hello there /dlg/, so nice of you to stop by

Aki's hot but nobody can compare to Alexis.

Nobody likes people who use ojama cards Manjoume.

Kaiba didn't job to every minor villain when he lost to the Pharaoh.

>It reminds me of Ojama Yellow
fuck off Chaz

>Arc-V has Alexis
Is it true that arc v for some reason just took Alexis and made her a main character?

Bassed Kaz said there was a chance of them getting together.

In the manga, that's how she always acted with Yugi even before the dark yugi business started.

>every Yu-Gi-Oh! Protag been blueballed
Why is this allowed?

Like when? She was protective of him, I guess, but nothing like that. The closest I can thing of is when that "Yugi is Yugi" thing in Duelist Kingdom, but that was when she already knew about Atem and didn't really amount to much in the end anyway.

more like a side/minor character, appears on ep 100 of a total of 148 and doesn't really do much she has a grand total of 2 duels loses the important one


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Some serious delts

God I love Asuka Tenjouin she's such a beautiful girl

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>Your beauty knocks me away like Ojama Delta Hurricane
>It pains me to think that you love Zane
>His Cyber Dragons are really lame
>The monster spirits certainly agree
>That you truly belong with me
>If you gave me a chance you would clearly see
>That together we would be happy


>You're the best duelist in Obelisk Blue
>I've never known a heart so true
>Jaden Yuki is a filthy jew
>That ladyboy is the one he likes
>Together we can gas the kikes


I mean she was pretty sexy to be cucked
what a waste of potential

>Your ass is like an Ojamas
>I love it more than your mamas
>Even more than the ass of a llama
>I love it in panties
>But also in pajamas


You all say she's Kaiba with tits but I think she's more like Joey with tits.

I remember some people thought she was Joey and Mai's daughter before GX started.

It would make a lot of sense. She'd have inherited Joey's face and hair and Mai's body.

What would Alexis be like as a mom?

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>Besides the fact that she's the qt GX waifu
Yeah shes's definitely the best girl of all the series.

>and a sexy jobber
>Has the most onscreen wins
>Only lost two times to powerful characters
I know this is some high potency autism you put in your bait but you're just lazily lying now.

Also the ending confirmed Judai got the pussy or are you blind as fuck too?

At least she doesn't get cucked in the manga

>and a sexy jobber
>Has the most onscreen wins
>Only lost two times to powerful characters
>Loses to many minor characters
>Doesn't realize percentage of victories in a duel is what counts

>I know this is some high potency autism you put in your bait but you're just lazily lying now.
Pic related is you
>Also the ending confirmed Judai got the pussy or are you blind as fuck too?
He didn't get shit, the note means nothing. Unless she confesses she will continue to remain a cuck.

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GX Movie when?

I know all the Nostalgia Train is on Duel Monsters, but it couldn’t hurt to try.

In due time user, the train is on DM but soon GX will have it's time to shine

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With how gorgeous they made Anzu, I wonder how amazing Asuka's movie redesign is gonna look

>When the fuck would she be able to confess.
>not sending him 'accidental' pics
never gonna make it

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>the ending confirmed Judai got the pussy
Yeah, he got the Yubel pussy alright.

That letter was just a final farewell from all of his friends, if Judai was really interested he wouldn't have just left like that, without saying goodbye even.
The ending and the movie make me think he will spend the rest of his life traveling alone with his cat, the ghost professor and Yubel.

It better have Asuka confessing, it'll be the best YGO movie if it does happen.

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Asuka lost user, it's time to accept it.

I'm sure Yusei lost Aki to the medicine.

She would be a better character if she was indeed Kaiba with tits.

>if Judai was really interested he wouldn't have just left like that, without saying goodbye even.
Yuki Judai said that he doesn't like saying goodbyes

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>Doesn't realize percentage of victories in a duel is what counts
What the fuck is this post?

>the note means nothing
Judai gets Fubuki's blessings to fuck his sister and Asuka even tells him to meet up with her so they can fuck. You just described yourself as a brainless moron who thinks Anzu's, Aki's, and Yuzu's endings were somehow better when they each got embarrassingly cucked right in your retarded face.

I'll give you she has the most wins, but she lost more times too. Aki had three losses if we count the WRGP riding duel, but two of those were to Yusei. Three and a half or four if we count the interrupted duel with Misty. Asuka had five total losses, with only two being to Judai.

>Yusei wasn't interested
Did you watch 5Ds last episode? Yusei was ready to fuck Aki right there in the dark garage until she declare she was going to study medice overseas.

Atticus is irrelevant, and the note still means nothing unless one day we get a movie where he actually does encounter her again in the U.S.
>Asuka even tells him to meet up with her so they can fuck
>Purposefully leaves out "Somewhere"
Try again

She looked better with Zane or Chazz anyways

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Nadatheo is a pharaoh descent with with high fashion standards. Just like how Dr Crowler is meant to represent the ugliest effeminate man possible, Nadatheo is meant to represent the prettiest effeminate man possible. His clothes are heavily inspired by the Egyptian female royal outfits. His body is thin with an unbelievably high waist - being considered the perfect figure for a woman in the Ancient Egypt.
He comes to Duel Academy to humiliate Crowler,especially make fun of his fasion sene and dueling skills.Nadatheo plays an Ancient Pharaoh deck.

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Get the fuck out

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Fubuki is a retard shipper so no surprises there; Asuka may still have feelings for Judai but he's never reciprocated before, don't see how and why he would start now.

>if Judai was really interested he wouldn't have just left like that, without saying goodbye even
You're a true goofy alright. Every time a character does this is because it would be one of the most painful things for them to do but he did want to stay.

>The ending and the movie make me think he will spend the rest of his life traveling alone with his cat, the ghost professor and Yubel
That's a retarded thought but that doesn't sound bad at all anyway.

Kotori is the only winner there.

>Aoi because she's

Attached: Kotori uncuck.png (1280x720, 602K)

If they really did make a sequel movie to GX I really doubt they would make Asuka confess.
She had her chance and she chose to give up and focus on other things, why would she change her mind?
Also the fact that Judai is bound forever to Yubel now, who he swore would be the only person he would love in a past life, would make things pretty awkward to say the least.
AsukaxJudai will never happen.

>Aki had three losses if we count the WRGP riding duel, but two of those were to Yusei
>Asuka had five total losses, with only two being to Judai
Of course you're one of those retards who count the losses from the MC. Also Aki barely dueled so it's no surprise she has a small amount of losses speedwatcher.

My point is that Asuka is not special, she got the same treatment as all of his other friends.
To him she's a precious friend but a friend nonetheless, and nothing in the show or the movie shows otherwise.

>Asuka may still have feelings for Judai but he's never reciprocated before, don't see how and why he would start now
You can say this about any MC in any particular anime of your choice.

Yuma never accepted her feelings since he's super gay for Astral. She's still ahead of the other heroines.





You all can't argue against this


>ends up with a tranny
>not bi