Why are flat girls never proud of it?

Why are flat girls never proud of it?

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that's a nice armpit


They are

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They know their worth.

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For some reason in society women believe men only like Super Mega Moo-Moo Milkies much like men believe women only like King Kong Godzilla Dong

because they are envious of the attention

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Watch more anime.

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B-cup-tier is better than both flat and titcow

>not titcow
You read too much hentai.
Real girls' breasts are not that big.


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>the chestlet sacrifices her dignity to make the woman on the left look even more attractive by comparison
How nice of her!

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Where do you think we are?

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Because there's nothing to be proud of?

A, B and C are fine
Anything outside of this range is meme exaggerated shit

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Is this an OL thread too?

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Those hips tho...

What's there to be proud of?

>look how underdeveloped my body is!

How fucking rude can you possibly be honestly

Sauce on this toned spoon creature?

most girls don't want to look like 12 year old boys

You are now using the image search (IQDB) and feeling slightly foolish.
You are also slightly less new.

No harm in that.

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Use iqdb

We're just stating facts user.

this, a good tier taste men likes asses over tits

and women likes cash over your dick

Can I be proud of having a small dick if they are proud of being flat?

Sure. Small dicks are cute.

Small dicks are better for blowjobs and anal sex.

I don't see why not

It's not the size, it's the shape. It's like that retarded subset of legsfags who only care about length and not whether the legs are sticks or actually shapely.

Why is she negating understanding in second sentence?
Is she really saying that distinguished people are not able to understand the greatness of flat chests?
I feel like i messed something up

Because they are cuter when they're insecure.

Why are dicklets never proud of it?

Same principle, fucktard.

Are you proud of having a tiny dick?

This guy gets it

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i am now, thanks to anons

I respect flat chest. I am disgusted by big breasts.

How big is it anyway user?

I think it's just the rhetorical negative.
>Can't distinguished people appreciate them.
or more loosely
>Distinguished people can appreciate them, can't they.

Pear shaped flatties are underrated

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>Why are flat girls never proud of it?
Konata says you are wrong.

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because large breast is consider a crucial part of becoming a woman. why do you think all animu have some chestlet pining over her busty friend? the envious feeling of watching your close friend a woman before you is enough to shatter the very soul of even the most confident girls.

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This is fair, but you have to consider all these factors:
>body type
So you can't put huge, righteous ones on a skinny woman, it just looks bad. Shortstacks are okay, obviously.

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im too embarrassed to talk about it now
its really a definition of "nothing impressive"

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It's part of the appeal.

So, she's gay? Or is that just a friend?

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Chestlets know they are inferior.

flat tiddies is the female version of small penor , would you be proud of having a small dick?

It's always easier when you know the context. if the girl she is talking to is "distinguished" and is dissing or mocking flat chests then that girl's response would make perfect sense

Quiet Kanasuke. You have not met the minimum breast size to have an opinion.

Just a friend.

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fucking gross

They're clean, see?

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theyre feet

>holding an individually-sealed cookie with her foot
That doesn't seem very hygienic at all.

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>Being ashamed of being average

especially since this line is basically a reference

Like who cares

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why are micropenised men never proud of it?
why are quadraplegics never proud of it?
why are asian midgets never proud of their BB dunk skills?
why are lesbians never proud of their boyfriends?
why are babby never proud of how to shot web?

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Need flatter

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Turns out you don't get your ass without tits.
Estrogen doesn't work like the OP pic.
Yeah you can find pics of muscular asses with modest breast but a titcow is more likely to have fat deposits naturally.

If you can't destroy tokyo with your cock, your woman's gonna just run off with all the cash. She may not like a giant dong, but you will make her respect it.

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Which are better at triforce: sexy women, or chestlets?

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Kanasuke surprisingly has B cups

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Context here. And no, the girl she's talking to is a literal who

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raita would like to have a word with you


Raita does some incredible things. I think one of Raita's works, years ago, was my first time encountering (and furiously masturbating to with wild abandon) 'x-ray' in hentai...
Life was never the same after that.


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Is flat chest = tight pussy?

that's a man hiding his gun

>flat chest + bushy brows
Fight me, mortals, but know you will lose.


Look at those child bearing hips

Because they should not be

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Why would I fight you? You're right.

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>flat chested.

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Oh my lawd, wtf is this? I NEED this source. Yandex and SauceNao Gave me nothing.

A man of culture

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Fucking plebiscito.

>Implying you wouldn't fuck it either way

>ywn find the tall, flat OL cake with long, black hair and a dominant personality
Why am I denied my waifu?

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>not knowing sexy tamato already

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I respect your posts.

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I want to lick the sweat off her tiny chest

Was that pic coherent with her canonical design?