Will Rias ever be good again?

Will Rias ever be good again?

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>she used to be the temptress in charge
>now she's a cuck
where did it all go so wrong?

Those hips want to bear a child so bad

A couple of reasons:
1) As the "legal wife", she failed to forcefully limit the size of his harem; should've laid down the law early on that his harem would only ever include a handful - maybe two handfuls - of girls, period;
2) her relationship with Issei got swallowed up in political crap due to him being front-and-center in the wars/politics; Issei probably feels more of a duty to taking care of business than to making sure she's first and foremost in his heart and mind.
She's definitely a cuck at this point, and it's at least partially her own damn fault.

Nothing will top the scene where she greets Issei's mom good morning while she's naked in bed with him and he looks like he's about to penetrate.

No she is shit

>if Ishibumi didn't pussy out he could've kept the early tone and made Rias murder all the haremettes so only she remains
>maybe spare Akeno because she probably wants to fuck her more than Issei
god fucking dammit

a small possibility

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Hmm, now that I think about it, a yandere murderhobo would definitely spice up the harem a bit.

>le fetal alkohol syndrome face

Not as good as Yumi

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>temptress in charge
we need a training arc dedicated to Roas regaining her composure and actually becoming what she used to pose as

>Will Rias ever be good again?
>good again
Implying she was ever good.

At this point Rias and Akeno are hard dividuals, so you can count them as one person.

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I'd be good with that.

Supreme Girl.

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>it'll be revealed that Rias and Akeno are in a symbiotic relationship
>the real reason Rias has lost most of her mature sexy vibe is because they're in a current phase where Akeno gets to take it all back for a few years leaving Rias with only the cute
>many years later the scales will tip back and Akeno will become the spaghetti spiller and Rias will become the alpha female again

No Ravel is best girl now

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>It turns out that Kurenai was actually named by Rias.
>Akeno shared him with Rias until Ex was born, then she even helped breast feed Ex. Rias did same with Kurenai before.

Why koneko is so shit even Asia is better than her

Akeno born being a fucking slut and places fat old men by lust

Kiba should stay in that form.


Ise just told her he won't be using her plans anymore.

she will manipulate him into going along with her plans anyway

He didn't follow her plans in vol 25 and won actually. The other reason is that he'll likely get matched up against Ruval and he's guaranteed to be a way better tactician than her. IIRC in vol 11 Riser said that Ruval is the smartest rating game player and puts Sona to shame

This is better animated than all of S1 to S3

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>the first training match in s4 is better animated than every other DxD fight and the entirety of DB super

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Do we know yet how Ise's rivals reacted to his new form?

No one mentioned it yet but maybe the male harem was fighting over him for rights to spar with him now?

For clarification:
>XxX is not referring to a world, at least in this volume. XxX is Kanzaki's name and also his faction
>Shiva did not join Hades, damn chinks read the Japanese runes incorrectly

Tht would be fun to see.

Thanks for clarification.

Best girl wasnt even in the poster. I fear Hero will have little Rias.

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Because Rias isn't in the first arc? She has a few scenes in the first episode and appears briefly at the end that's it. The first arc is about the ones you see there and new characters

And it's a pretty glorious appearance

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How can anyone actually like Rias?

best girl
because she the best

Devil's advocate: being a temptress in charge was not her real personality. Why would she keep up the facade she had been using before she fell for Issei?

Just finished the second season. Honestly, none of the main girls really appeal to me that much. I'm a huge boob lover, but the girls feel extremely shallow in every other way. I am only continuing to watch because the Boosted Gear is /m/ as fuck.

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How was temptress-in-charge not her real personality? She's in charge of her peerage, at minimum, even as it evolves to the point that Issei splits off and gains his own peerage. I'd say it's more that shitty Japanese cultural norm of "muh main love interest must be pure and meek". Also, I won't deny that she's not best girl (that honor belongs to Kuroka or Grayfia).

is anyone else worried the new anime won't have enough titties? I'm anime only but it sounds like the later novels focus more on shonenshit fighting than boobs.

The oppai deus ex machinas are always there. You gotta realize that the anime already added most of the fanservice via battle damage. The fighting just escalates at a certain point where it starts putting WSJ manga to shame.

We might get the tits through battle damage like past sesons.

You can't have a harem if you murder the girls
Also Ishibumi already changed his mind about making an edgy horror series, because of Rias herself

He would've been like 19 or 20 when he made Denpachi so he probably outgrew the edgy phase

Best xD

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>Why would she keep up the facade she had been using before she fell for Issei?
Because it exudes confidence?
Being revealed as incompetent and spineless will always give her opposition the advantage in ratimg games and such.

>finally appears in Hero
>probably getting a relevance boost in Shin
Best times ahead for best youkai

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>You can't have a harem if you murder the girls
sure you can since most harems have all the girls who didn't win fuck off in the end anyway.
Killing them as the series progresses makes no difference.

my favorite episodes were pokemon in the first season and the pool one in the second. also the beach extra and the mummy ova. it sounds like that kind of scene is gone from later volumes and I think the anime ovas were original to begin with.

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>implying the opponents won't underestimate a weak girl and then get wrecked
Besides Rias is fucking insane, remember she wanted to go kill Azazel after Issei came back crying after he revealed himself
Those aren't true harems, they're just relationship dramas
To be a harem you need a harem end, that means all girls win, or at least most girls
3 and up is the minimum to be considered a harem
Otherwise you get Kami Nomi and Haganai

Born OVA were all from LN

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Pokemon one was a side story and all OVAs except BorN was anime original

>>maybe spare Akeno because she probably wants to fuck her more than Issei
Nah, they both love him the same way. They even have the whole double paizuri laid out for him.

Are you kidding? Ishibumi still has creative control, and there's a hentai artist in charge of character designs.

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>High School DxD can be read as Sekiryuutei of Kuoh Academy
We've come full circle

>High School DxD can be read as Sekiryuutei of Kuoh Academy

In the epilogue of volume 23, Vidar calls Issei [High School DxD]
>“It’s truly something to look forward to. As comrades who have been forced to take up the next generation, this should let us make a bit of a rumble, right? —Hey, [High School DxD][2]. I’ll be treating you the same as a god-class enemy.”
>2. Alternate Reading was Sekiryuutei of Kuoh Academy.

>in the end, we were truly highschool DxD
how do they keep getting away with it

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>Issei's new name after DxD mode is Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth
>True High School DxD
>True Sekiryuutei of Kuoh Academy

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I wanna watch this show for this goddess alone.

Best DxD

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>sakuya ripoff
>best anything

>the thing that attacks Issei's dad used Samael's blood
>Hades blew his cover

>Improved Sakuya*

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>Issei's queen

The best.

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Grayfia's too weak now, I think Verrine will become his Queen permanently. At this point, everyone except Nakiri, Bova, and Asia can beat her


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What does alternate reading mean?
Does it mean the kanji?

Grayfia is human-Sirzechs level
Remember that Sirzechs risked his life against her, nobody is actually on her level except Issei
Maybe Gasper and Rias if they pull that combo move

Xenovia just went toe to toe with Apollo and came out unscathed. I'm talking Issei's team here though. I mean, Issei already beat her Onii-sama who was using a boosted gear too, in CxC.

Yeah, a boosted gear copy with none of the fancy stuff
And Xenovia is that strong only because of her equipment, Grayfia is as strong as Levia-tan, who as a maou is god-class

Grayfia is lowing her power cause she doesn't want people to know she is his queen.

Which is weird because she is using a younger appearance of herself, which any "old" demon would know and recognise

Aren't her tits bigger than Rose?
Issei's oppai cannon would probably be more effective if used with her
She's nerfing Issei as well
That's why she wears the mask

Grayfia looks to be about the same size normally but if she's making herself look younger she's probably more like Xenovia/Irina

Yes they are. But Ise hasn't got the guts to use Grayfia's tits. Now if she gave permission then that is a different story.

Issei could still get permission and still wouldn't, he's a bit of a moralfag cause of his relationship with Sirzechs. That, and I think Ishibumi already danced around the mature woman spot with Roygun, as of this new vol.

Do we have Grayfia's 3 sizes?

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We don't need those. We know she's perfect.

>where did it all go so wrong?
Unable to produce a child before 75% of Issei's bloated harem. Said child turns out to be one of the worst.


Literally best episode of the whole show by far, and the girls aren't the reason.

I know she is, but it's still nice to know.

Damn right, user.
>anything other than shit
Pick ONLY one.

>How was temptress-in-charge not her real personality?
When did she act that way towards the others?

>implying she hasn't been ordering her subordinates around since the beginning
At the very least she's done that much, even if it does get relegated to the background in favor of harem hijinks and shonen battles.

S2's finale might be one of, if not my favorite episode in battle harem history. I never laughed so hard at a fight

>battle harem history
It's not like their standards are high anyway.

I kinda like it

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