ITT: Anime characters who look EXACTLY like you

EXACTLY like me.

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I don't believe you

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I look like that guy who is a failure in life and never talks to girls and his only worth is being good at rugby

which ever one fits that

also a raging alcoholic starting in High School

I look like that guy who is a failure in life and never talks to girls and has no worth

which ever one fits that

Is this the thread where we all pretend we are little girls?

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Looking like the semen demon Lisbeth

sure OP, sure.

I look like that guy who is a failure in life

which ever one fits that

atleast your joints won't be fucked by the time your 30

No it's the thread where we pretend we aren't

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My joints have already been fucked for a long time and I didn't even have to do anything

tf how?

oh your fa

I dunno
Lack if exercise I want to say it at the same time, I don't think I should be this fragile simply because of that
Woke up this morning from the pain in my lower back

Aren't I, like, totally dreamy?

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fucking RIP bro, all I have is a little pain in my legs and arms and almost constantly bruised face

You've been posting this for a few years now but originally you said anime characters you want to look exactly like. Do you look like her exactly now?

also my ears are fucked to hell, cauliflower ear like crazy

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I'm sorry to hear that, user

I always looked exactly like Koito. I just didn't want to brag.


What's her name?

Why? What did you do?

>That text still in her leg

Come on now, clean up your work.


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Shut the fuck up ugly whore and kys

Only accurate depiction of someone here.

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Hey, you sound a bit like me, except I smoke and don't drink. chap.

It's a tattoo.

I want to sexually fuck you.

You need shout a stupid long poem for use your powers?

stop impersonating as me you faggot

I tought we were all lolis here

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>short fat guy with hair past waist

hmmm, not sure

it's pretty amazing how much worse Aizen looks wearing glasses

I am a little girl in my heart


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For me it's Nunally - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

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Ah yes, I love larp threads

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minus the hair, I also look damn good in tutu

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too real

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the resemblance is striking

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underrated port

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For me it's Nagatoro - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

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I want to impregnate you.

Please all of you be in london

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close enough

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Hair isn't long though

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Are you an inorganic lifeform?

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I would like to rape you OP, softly in the missionary position.

I don't think even 1 person here posting a girl actually looks like that, or is even a girl at all.

Literally me

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You're cute user. You can come over and fuck me.

Literally me

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