Darling in the FranXX

How Do I Know When I Am Lying to Myself?

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Hiro better man the fuck up this episode, I can't take much more sad 02. Healing soon.

I was told this would be healing since episode 1 and I keep getting only drama.

I hope 02 dies shes getting annoying

user's Guide to DiTF Shitposters
02Hiro posters
And another type of partnering listed here that isn't the following.
Any /u/ posters
Anons complaining about Goro or Hiro being a beta male or a cuck
Anons claiming that ichigo friend zoned Goro.
Remember user do not reply to any of the shitposters listed here otherwise the entire thread will turn to shit.

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It feels like he doesnt really gives a shit about anything and still keeps same disposition as in
>Wow, i died? Well, tough luck, nothing to do here, bye zerotsu.
Like end of ep 6 never happened. Or he's just too autistic to notice anything, even though he doesnt really give impression of autist. Cant wait to witness this biting him in the ass for real, but apparently it's more important to have drama with irrelevant fags like fatso and milkman who'll probably end up dead anyway.

What are you on about? He asked multiple times if there was something wrong with her last episode, and will also do in this one
She keeps dismissing him

What is with the floweranon and his followers?

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floweranon is contributing like aut/his/friend, good in my book

Why do people keep saying that Hiro needs to man up when he did this? He's reaching out to her. What more do they want?

Marry fuck kill

I hope we get an all Stampede episode. Reminds me of the whole awakening business in Majestic Prince, except we'll never get an episode where they're all awakened for the final boss battle or something.

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Marry, kill, fuck.

>K-Kokoro Chan why yo do dis to me

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Kill marry fuck

none kokoro all

We've had 1 full episode of sad 02, thankfully Hiro noticed. Still, episode 11 seems to have a lot of other shit going on so I'm not currently expecting a lot of progress. Hiro will probably try to do something, but real healing in episodes 12 or 13 only (and hopefully it doesn't get dragged on more than that unless they have a good reason to).

02 wants him to kiss her I think. A kiss is a sign of commitment and love in her mind, she has kissed him way back but he hasn't kissed her and the self-loathing dino is probably having extra issues with that on top of slowly turning more monstrous. He already told her he dedicated his life to her, but she isn't exactly thinking rationally about this and that probably wouldn't fulfill her need for affection anyway.

Stampede is a bad thing, though. It would mean all the stamens are fucked and the pistils are in a horrible position, as stampede mode seems to be much weaker than maiden mode and they'd presumably still be in combat with whatever wrecked the boys.

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If dubs milkman gets kokoro pregnant

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Insist more hiro with 02 !, If you see well 02 she has her eyes closed and talks while she moves away from hiro (a sign that she does not want to listen) She puts her hand on hiro's mouth to interrupt him and as she moves away, 02 does not immediately remove her hands but removes her as if I were a caress In fact, the fingertips remain still attached to the hiro's mouth ...

In my opinion, this whole scene means that she is not rejecting hiro .., but she does not want to open up with him .. She does not want to share what she feels because, she is afraid of hiro's reaction (in fact in this scene she runs away from him) or of all children, and this at 02 would really hurt him ...

According to me in ep 12, 02 will be able to open with hiro and hiro will give her a kiss, because hiro wants to prove to 02 and keep her more than any other person, and he has accepted her completely! This ep will be parallel to ep 5 ... So it will really strong ...!

Are you a shitposter user

We need a based janny to purge these shitposters.

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I'm REALLY hoping that the sad 02 drama gets resolved in the next couple of episodes and this doesn't just become her personality for the rest of the show. The webms of 02 acting happy and energetic in the first few episodes is what made me pick up the show in the first place.

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So who made Kokoro go berserk? Milkman or fatty?

Soon the other thread will die and they will come. There is no salvation.

>this doesn't just become her personality for the rest of the show
Nah, give it 2 episodes. If I have to guess episode 11 will still give us some screentime for the two of them, just to reach the climax for this whole drama, which will be resolved by the end of episode 12

Please describe in detail how 02's dino vagina smells different from a normal human vagina.

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Honey and Darling's cum

Why she up her hand?

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I love Darling!!!!!!!

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>So who made Kokoro go berserk? Milkman or fatty?
>Next episode is called "Partner Switch"
>Fatman is crying & triggered
>Milkman acts like a arrogant cunt
You should be able to solve this

She's probably the one who suggests riding with milkman.

>Can i have some milk please, Mitsuru-sama?

I want to lick her hands

So what do you think the other beserk modes will be? It should match the girl's personality so I can imagine Delphinium being a donkey or a mule of some sort.

>I-I would like to volunteer to make babies please, if that's ok...

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I like these edits

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I'm more interested in what it means when the mechs have gone berserk. Is someone finally going to die?


Top kek

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>Episode 11, "Partner Shuffle"
Oh shit, she really is gonna ride with Milkman.

She's asking for her milk.

>Kokoro in perfect condition when she asks to be with Mitsuru
thinking who could it be??

desu, Ikuno could be good for futoshi. She will be straight with him instead of giving him constant empty praise. He will support her, since he has a kind disposition, instead of being ungrateful to her. Sure, they wouldn't be lovers like Milkman and titcow, but they would probably work together fairly well. Realistically, a partner switch could work out well for all parties.

Kokoro is headed down Mami Tomoe's path desu. She gambled her maidenhead and the other one too. You never cuck fat men.

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>Milkman passes out/dies to dinoaids during the battle
>Genista goes into stampede mode
>Strelizia has to put her down
>NTR will result in death

NTR shitposters taking over once again.

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I feel like the writers have laid so many potential traps. Like there are so many ways this show could veer off into absolute mindfuck territory. I really hope we get to see some shit go down, rather than them just playing it safe.


you are right, we need more Zero Two.

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So after fatty, no more character focused episodes right? I want to know more about the fucking world already

02's whining is terrible forced drama made to pad out screen time since this should have been 12 episodes instead of 24.

You're the best thing that came out of these threads, keep going /his/friend-kun

>no more character focused episodes right?

oh my poor sweet child.

Mitsuru looks hot in the PV

dying in the hospital ward?

Na, you'll have oni crying about her fangs for 3 more episodes before she gets swept away by Hiro's blonde clone and we enter another ntr arc.

He looks hot in general

I wonder who is behind this post.

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What could they do that would significantly change the story like that? That kind of plot element would have to introduce it in the next few episodes if it's to be properly explored by all the characters

Every time she's got sad/distant shit has hit the fan it's like an omen. Cuddling will come soon enough though I don't think this is an edgy show

Why do Ojou-type girls love bad boys so much?

>I want to know more about the fucking world already
Well, you just got that in the last episode.
I don't think this episode will be filler. At the very least, Genista going berserk looks interesting, I'm curious to see what causes that and what implications it will have.


Ikuno still needs an episode, but I don't think her character is strong enough for a solo episode so she'll probably be paired with other characters like how 11 seems to focus on 3 different characters. I'm hoping Ikuno's episode is pushed to the second half because I really just want Hiro and Zero Two's building drama resolved sooner rather than later.

If you were one you would love them too.

they want to be dominated. they are a natural M.

Well have you, guys?

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I want to hear the song of her rosebud, if you know what I mean.

Please teach me, Kokoro-sensei!

Why does berserk Genista look like a fucking duck?

>we want the cuck audience

It looks like a dinosaur.

Reminder that nips are rooting for Fatoshi getting cucked.

>Threads are awash with Milkposting
What an utterly terrible yet profoundly beautiful sight. It feels very poignant and reminds me of older and simpler times.

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Yes. They say you are a slut.

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These kids wern't exactly raised to have good communication skills.

Why is Hir02 so irrelevant?



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Death penalty for heartless Kokoro.


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>Z-zero tsu? w-what's wrong? where are you going??

How can Fatoshi be so based? I want him to fuck up Mitsuru

why yes, my child

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He's not a badboy he's the CEO of Franxx Ltd.

Based Viper.

I met a Parasite from an antique land,
Who said“Two full and glimmering jugs of milk
Stand in the Plantation. . . . Near them, in the greenhouse,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its Kokoro well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The Pistil that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Milkman, King of Dairy;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Dairyman, boundless and bare
The lone and silent Plantation moves far away.”

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>lanky edgefag hurting a bear

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who /teamfatoshi/

noone deserves to be cucked, that is cruel

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>is a flowerfag
>has cute feet
>is kind and caring
>has cute tummy
>is a virgin
>has cute hairstyle
>likes to hand-feed
>likes to swallow cum
>drinks milk
>likes anal
Literally perfect

Everyone wants it
Will they deliver?

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>>likes anal

It's onesided, why would she have to keep up with some ugly fat dude.