Do people actually like Violet as a character? Or is it just some elaborate ruse?
Do people actually like Violet as a character? Or is it just some elaborate ruse?
Violet’s character falls flat. The show is absolutely carried by its supporting characters, unfortunately they aren’t always interesting either.
She's beautiful, that's maybe her only redeeming fact.
She's relatable. Good enough for me.
Is this show supposed to be episodic?
Story just stopped progressing a few episodes ago
I think people like the concept of Violet and what's around her, and not her personality (or lack thereof).
Pretty dumb question, of course, i love everything about her, why the fuck do i watch it then, if i don't love her?
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
She’s a perfect fit for her show, both bland, boring and devoid of soul.
Eva did it better.
I've enjoyed watching her grow as a character, so guess I've grown to like her.
Episode 1-4 violet is absolutely unbearable though
I don't really think I "like" her. Fortunately the series is not actually about her persé, but more about the situations she gets in and the characters she meets.
Rei never grew as a character though. She was just there as a catalyst for Shinji.
You should rewatch it. Rei is definitly not the same in EoE as she was in the first arc of the show. Especially episode 5, 6, 11, 14, 16, and 23, as well as EoE all shows the progression of her character quite well. Just because they don't rush her developement as in Violet Evergarden doesn't mean it isn't there.
I've read some people seem to think she's a relatively accurate represenation of an autistic person and like that.
She's a great character but I don't think her personality is one to carry a show as a protagonist.
Violet and Gilbert are the blandest parts of the anime.
Not really, Rei doesn't develop at all. VEG is the one doing the gradual development.
>Anime named Violet Evergarden
>The character Violet Evergarden is the worst thing in it.
My wife Violet is very cute and NOT a boring lifeless shell!
As I already said, she had plenty of development but it isn't as noticeable because firstly it is not about her not feeling emotion, but about her actualisation as a person, her emotion just come with it. Secondly she isn't the main character so she doesn't get the focus, she also get somewhat sidelined after Asuka is introduced.
Rei in episode 1 wouldn't have cried like she did in episode 23, nor go against Gendo like she did in EoE, her development is aparant already in episode 6 when she smiles at Shinji.
With Violet it felt a lot more like one episode she is an autist the next she is able to understand and feel emotions.
>With Violet it felt a lot more like one episode she is an autist the next she is able to understand and feel emotions.
Stop speedwatching. Violet has had better development than the entire cast of Evangelion.
Is she suppose to be what Saber would have looked like if KyoAni did all the Fate animr?
I love her and I will marry her.
Maria's dem milkies
Best character of the season.
I dropped sakura because of Eriol.
Worst character of the show.
>She's relatable
user, are you extremely autistic by any chance
Shut up.
Violet is kinda the only reason I’m watching the show.
I like her because kuu is my favorite dere type. I also like the mix of being in love and having combat trauma.