I fucking love Yu Yu Hakusho but anyone find it odd that Hiei doesn't at least visit the group on the beach at the end?
I fucking love Yu Yu Hakusho but anyone find it odd that Hiei doesn't at least visit the group on the beach at the end?
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Too busy fucking Mukuro. It's been so long I honestly don't remember the ending.
Isn't he there in the manga? Can't remember it though.
Also why did the anime creators hate Kuwabara so hard? He had super speed and was S rank in the manga.
Not really. Yukina was happy and safe, so there was no reason for him to stay in human world.
Someone had to be the comic relief butt monkey. While he haven't explosive fights like Yusuke and Hiei, Kuwabara's fights are generally fun. When he wins, of course.
>when he wins, of couse
Unfortunately it didn't happen once
Botan was literally cucked
By Kuwabara and Yukina
Someone more finds his crush on Yukina forced as fuck? She's so uninteresting, be part of Hiei's backstory is her only positive point.
She and Yusuke get dangerously near to cuck Keiko in the movie.
Jorge is kino
Yeah Yukina sucks, she looks like Botan but isn't a crazy basket case.
I've just started watching the dubbed anime to keep someone happy and I've found myself drawn into it by Kuwabara.
Please tell me he doesn't get shit on for the entire series?
>Too busy fucking Mukuro.
I wish I had a deformed demon lord wife...
He is the emotional core of the series. The two, possibly three, most emotional scenes are built around Kuwabara
It annoyed me when they simultaneously revealed that he can slice apart space/time like some high level feat AND treated him like a damsel in distress.
Could toguro have beat sensui?
Nope by the power level lore. Toguro was B+ level or something and Sensui was S level. Even possessed Yusuke won only because Sensui stopped to fight after Raizen took the driver's seat with Yusuke's body.
I forgot he was b class but it makes sense, yusuke got progressively stronger then so would his opponents. Speaking of which, was sensui holding back when raizen took control?
Beach episode was a mistake. Hiei knows that
Why is hiei so cute?
Not exactly. Dude simply stopped to fight back. Or he noticed Raizen was too much for him. But, again, be killed by a powerful monster was his goal since the begining, because fatal disease and all.
Botan a best.
So he gave up cause he wanted to be killed by a demon, I thought he was holding back but I guess not.
Because he was against the SJW snow youkai women who abandoned him to die because he was the only boy borned in the village.
No, he's like two tiers lower even in raw power.
Was Sensui a homossexual?
Yes he a homo sex
No, but his boyfriend was.
togashi said yes
so yes
What would the S+ Abilities of the Urameshi team be?
Kuwabara's psychic abilities are fully realized and can read the mind of his opponent and predict the future, and his sword can cut through the third dimension
Yusuke can control his Raizen form
Hiei can use multiple Dragons of the Darkness Flames
kuwabara was the best desu
Is it me or was hiei proto sasuke?
Well I loved Hiei and always found Sasuke to be obnoxious so Sasuke must have did something wrong during the mass production phase.
Sasuke had much more spotlight but they're definitely similar in personality
God. She along with Asuka are my targets for impregnation as a child.
sensui was underappreciated
Kuwabara the GOAT
Hiei doesn’t care.
There will be a new episode by the end of this year.
With those quads you might get one.
He actually went up to at least A- by the end. Too bad he was actually the best villain.
You would impregnate anything.
Hiei is pretty much the reference edgy character and one of the few likable actually.
It's a Bleach reference.
Nope. Yukina was a bit bland but Kuwabawa's crush on her I can just wave off as being related to his psychic inclinations and being able to feel more faster.
No. Hiei isn't the type to stick around playing around. He'd show up if they were fucked though and genuinely did care when yusuke was "killed".
>yu yu hakusho
I thought this was some nickname for takahiro for a moment
What happened?
Sensui was way more interesting and paralleled Yusuke much better.
Hiei was a Vegeta ripoff.
Man this anime has not aged well. All those boring shots of people just talking. Might as-well just make a colored manga at that point.
but better