What do you use to watch anime?

What do you use to watch anime?

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Your mom

ur mom lol

my eyes

My brain

Nyaa and BDs, mostly the later.


If you're not using mpv, you're a retard.

My good taste

mpv is horseshit, worse than vlc


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SMPlayer with mpv
Looks like MPC-HC but also works on gentoo

We use Netflix and Crunchyroll.

I was just thinking of typing that as a reply. But then I stopped for a second and realized how autistic that would have been.

As for me, I stream on Kissanime but if I really like a series I download direct from Horrible Subs.

Where does everyone torrent/steam anime and manga lads



My eyes.

I stream from animedao. Why would i waste time downloading something I'll only watch once? I'd rather officially buy something than torrent.

Now serious question, I wanne read Gundam: the origin but can't find the complete collection anywhere. Help is appreciated
I tried but I just don't find them all

How's Baka MPlayer?

I tried looking earlier last year and couldn't find much. I ended up just buying them. Maybe I didn't look hard enough but I don't give a shit because I really like the Manga and it's such high quality. I hope we get zeta define.


Windows movie maker

People who torrents= retarded elitism loser virgin trash
People who stream= they just don't give a fuck
People who use CR and netflix= High IQ who want to support the industry is not a virgin and love to watch anime netflix with their gf


opened the thread just for this post

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Youtube 144p with spanish/vietnamese fansubs

>vietnamese fansubs
Yo, hook me up

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What about people watch it on live ?

mpv or kodi

Autistic retard who wasted 10 years of their life to learn a language.

Have a (((monster))) (((/sip/))) on me (((friend))) :)


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VLC or MPC, whatever opens when I click the file

This, but for Windows. It runs better on my toaster than MPC-HC, and I use it to watch stuff at accelerated speeds.

VLC unironically, it works fine nowadays. Might get a pixelated frame of death every other week but otherwise fine.


kissanime and netflix


This is something you could easily buy in a store. Which you should because its beautiful and the right thing to do.

>Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll and Youtube

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>only shows the important bits
wtf i love vlc now?

kissanime, netflix, crunchyroll, and hulu, all dubbed. fight me

Netflix, Hulu and Crunchyroll. Get with the times you retarded grandpa

Why doesn't anyone fuse those two projects? Imagine a player with libmpv and vlc's gui.

MPC-BE. mpv is autistic garbage from Sup Forums with no real advantages

My eyes

Why would you want VLCs GUI?

t. Pleb who can't into config files

Yeah that's the one, and the nr of volumes is correct. What's the site's name?

crunchyroll of course what else would I use????

AnimeBytes. Just apply real quick.

It's an existing gui on linux? I don't wanna have to go through three pages of manual in order to learn how to make subtitles show earlier/later with a keyboard shortcut.


mpv but it just werks

Why not use SMPlayer? Literally mpv or mplayer with a very usable GUI
There's also MPC-Qt but it's still alpha quality



if you dont use netflix you should kys


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MPC for 720p
mpv for 1080p

Might give SMPlayer a try, that psuedo gui gets tiring after a while. MPC-Qt sounds promising.


You can enable an MPC-HC like GUI in smplayer if you set GUI to "MPC" and icons to "classic" in the settings

Kissanime, Netflix and Crunchyroll

>he didn't watch inferno cop and turning girls on youtube

This guy gets it

A fucking Macgo Blu-ray player.
What's the point in using a mutated MPC, if you can't watch bd rips.

Looks like SMPLayer has been improved a lot in the past few years. I tried it on Windows ages ago and it was shit.

My sister uses animegg.

this, too lazy to torrent these days

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VLC it just werkz and its opensource as approved by stallman. But I usually use CCCP anyway because i'm a kurd liberalist socialist.

Because I am the communist and 9 anime died.

>his video player can't make webms from within playback
>his video player isn't customizable to his every needs
"Just works" is the last thing you want with something as complex as video playback. If you refuse to learn, then you're an enemy of anime and don't belong on Sup Forums. mpv masterrace.

Attached: [Vivid-Asenshi] Violet Evergarden - 01v2 [05E4F451]_00:06:17.209.jpg (1600x900, 204K)

Fuck off kyoani shill

>being a brainlet who can‘t into cmds
Absolute haram

But do you use arch linux?

Bait? Yes, bait. Bait.

I love shitposting about player console wars as much as the next autist, but really all players have their place in the eco system and each fits different needs, operating system,etc. There's nothing wrong with using EVERYTHING as long as you know their features and limitations.

You can specify frame-exact timings from the statusline. Having to do that from ffmpeg is a pain in the ass.

watching anime the way it was made to be watched, I salute thee good sir

do you ever find mpv to be quite volatile tho? Like it will crash at any given second, especially if you run at 60 fps. It is better at running web streams though

>using VLC
What is this nu-Sup Forums bullshit. Kill yourselves.


>downloading anime
How do you people manage?

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Pot Player.

We're not new

Just use mpv.

What do you even expect from svn quality software
It's a meme player for bleeding edge autists


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It automatically searches for subtitles if they're not there so that's neat.


>not watching thai crabstick subs on veoh
what a pleb

>just an mpv front end anyway

mpv looks terrible on macos so iina is the best

I remember using that. It was a long time ago. Too slow and shitty. Now as I've ascended, my player of choice is mpv, of course. Not only does it give you the best anime-watching experience on any PC operating system, but it also has the niftiest of scripts.

Attached: Li Head-spinning.webm (1920x1080, 2.54M)