Koi wa Ameagari no You ni - 11 [480p]

Koi wa Ameagari no You ni - 11 [480p]

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Ha, she doesn't get the wrinkly old D

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Poor old man...

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At least she btfo some running slut who was introduced at the last minute

Now this was uncalled for. I mean, what the fuck?

not right now but there's a solid foundation for it to happen later on down the track

so she's going to be an athletic superstar and a muse for him as he becomes a famous author, with her love of literature keeping her glued to him

all is well that ends well

I really liked this episode, the adaptation of the manga has been amazing. The next episode will end the story. Sure, they will skip all the romantic development from Kondo's side, but after all also the anime only watcher can understand he already has an interest in her. I think they can make a very good job with the final episode.

No. She will probably stop running after high school, and old man will probably never even get published. That is what the manga implies at least.

Liar, the manga didn't imply she will stop to run. And about Kondo, he is writing again, and you can't say if he will be published or not.

yeah but we're obviously talking about the anime where she's a record holder and similar to a famous runner and he's good pals with someone in the publishing / movie industry who'll give him a leg up

But he said bullshit about the manga, user.

we're talking about the anime, user


But one guy said in the manga they implied she will stop running after graduation. It's not true.

of course, she hasn't even started running again

Nothing about the manga implies shes good enough to go pro,which in turn implies she will probably stop running after she graduated from her club.

Nothing can be done about this, we know that the story has to end with the next episode, even so it's hard to accept. Rushing the story in this way makes it looks that in the end, Haruka and Chihiro had a lot more of merit in reuniting their friend with their dreams.

The manga is already over, probably you don't know it.
She won the school competition, so stop saying bullshit. Are you mad just because there wasn't romance ending?

Yeah, this is true. Let's hope the interactions between Kondo and Akira in the final episode will be strong enough, to change this possible impression induced by the choice to make only one season. It's like Erased.

There's only 1 more episode?! Say it ain't so

Kondo can tell Akira to go back to Track, but what about her? "I go if you start writing again"? It's unnatural.

the runner shown in a magazine is slower than Akira, this implies Akira has the capacity to be a pro

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Yeh. Japan is famous for their superstar runners...

This episode seemed a lot darker and rainier than usual

lots of metaphors were in this episode

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Literally nothing happens: The Manga.

It's still really moving and comfy?

I like these 2 a lot. Would be nice to have a spinoff about their college years.

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I planed to binge watch this.
Now I can delete the folder and don't waste my time with this bait and switch, thanks Sup Forums

>will probably never even get published
how can you be wrong about so many things? did you even watch the episode before shit posting in this thread

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>"Literature isn't something that's supposed to help people. Literature should be a poison."

What did he mean by this? To others or to yourself?

I think it's still good but I'm not a deluded shonenfag


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Maybe I'm just sleep deprived and reading too much into it, but I thought he was talking about himself there, who he used to be when he could still write.

No, shes going to get into an athletic accident where she won't be able to run anymore. That in turn will spiral her into deep depression followed by suicide.

The old man will only find out later on in his successful career when he goes looking for her.

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Ooooh, I like this.

If we're not going to have a romance ending let's go all the way.

brownie needs to fuck off and worry about her own life to be quite honest senpai

Actually I went back and looked at it. Maybe you're right. Relating to your ink drop screenshot, is this scene her being poisoned?

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Did you read the last manga chapters (volume 10)? There are the translations on the site Lhscans. I would have loved so much the whole volume was animated, but clearly it's not possible. Anyway, it's still possible for them to recreate a situation similar to chapters 80/81 in terms of dialogues. They are really powerful and emotional.

after the sparrow talk, her cafe career fantasy is poisoned

Me too

Sooo how will anime end? Anime only ending or just it end and go read manga for more?

Close-up, back and forth Full Penetration. Then it just sort of.. just... ends.

Whatever happens, don't read the manga. The anime can't end worse than the manga.

Was it that bad? I heard something about her going back to track team.

I think it's possible for Kondo saying to Akira something similar to what he said in the manga, that is There's nothing I can offer you. The only things I need are an old pen and a manuscript. Are you sure there's nothing that you really want, that you left behind you?
This was able to induce her catharsis.

It was good. I think we'll get a conclusive ending, anime original but still similar to the manga. Read the manga tho, it's obviously more complex and complete.

I have heard that Tachibana was a bitch towards Kondo and hurt him in the end is that true ?

The manga is one huge bait-n-switch.
"Read this romance manga" "Did I say romance? I mean sports manga"

Her love was running all the time!

This is so good. Why does Sup Forums hate Ameagari so much?

No. Go to read it by yourself. It's only implied that she will able to forget about him, while she was really important to him. It's just natural, since she is so young and naive, while he is way older and mature.

That wasn't implied at all you dumb fuck. Nothing was implied, it just ended. Stop making up head canons.

I don't know it. Especially the Americans were complaining all the time about how creepy (?) Kondo and Akira's relationship was, but when the manga ended, with the obvious conclusion of them not ending up, they started to insult the manga, just because Akira's feelings are confirmed for being closer to escapism than true love.

So one say read other says don't. I don't want to waste time to get dissapointed if it ends in some stupid way.

How wasn't it implied? Are you sure did you read the last chapters?

No thank you, I'm done with this garbage.

It doesn't end in a stupid way. Start to read it and decide by yourself.

>implying anyone still watches this bait and switch

of them not ending up together*

It's always hilarious when shut-ins on here get upset for a relationship between people who are 29 years apart in age and have an active social life and a job not going through how they wanted.
Newsflash, there's no way there'd be a healthy and perfect relationship between these two. Whether it her being immature, society glaring down at them, a fundamental difference in each other's experience with life and love, etc., there'd be problems for a long time, even when she does become of age.
If you judge a series like this whose crutch is taboo and potentially heartbreaking and sobering relationships based on whether this kid and a middle aged mean fuck then I don't know what to tell you. Stick to doujins, this isn't and never was that kind of story, and you're an idiot if you never foresaw it ending like this.

At least I can understand if there are some Spanish fans who are still mad for the ending here, because they were always honest with themselves, and they were supporting the cute romance with all their heart. But the Americans are only a bunch of hypocrites.

The Americans ruined every thread of Koi Ame with their moralshit trolling, while they were secretly drooling over Akira and Kondo's relationship, and when the ending was revealed, all the American moralfags are magically disappeared, and they started only to insult the manga for being "romance bait". Again, bunch of hypocrites. The best fan base is the Italian fan base, that was open to any kind of ending, without any prejudices, as long as the execution was good.

Honestly thought he pulled out a bong, not a coffee maker.

>takes a stock photo and adds it in

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>Jessie, let's cook.

Fags irl

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I'd bet that if Masami went in for a kiss, Chihiro wouldn't pull away, in fact he'd kiss back with tongue.


I find tenchou more attractive than tachibana tbqh

Based loli saving the episode

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wtf im a pedo now

Anyway, Wit Studio apparently was so tired for all the complaints from some fans for the lack of romance, that posted on its Twitter account a very sensual pic about Akira and Kondo. I can't post it, go to see it.

You do realize there's nothing wrong with links to twitter right? Just as long as you don't spam, and they're relevant to the discussion.

What's the deal with the author inserting little girls during scenes for no reason?

I am not writing from my pc.

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Which is your problem with that poor kid?

I don't think Chihiro is gay, but I can see him stealing a kiss from Kondo while they are drunk, as a joke. He is that kind of guy.

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So they cut out that rival runner girl? That's like the worst fucking character in the manga so I'm glad if they did.

>Would be nice to have a spinoff about their college years.
That'd be cool. Also, from their discussion, could it be that Chihiro isn't a high literature author but is writing just the average popular stuff, the kind that is made into movies? And that's why he was kinda upset. In a way, he isn't much closer to their dream (of becoming a Dostoevsky or something) than Kondo who isn't even writing. Or at least not writing something they consider really good.

>Literature should be a poison
I interpreted this as something that sticks to the readers like a poison. I can think of a few books with segments, descriptions or events that stuck in my head long after finishing the books. And sometimes, I re-read some of those segments or the entire book just for those bits of "poison".

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1080p is really worth it with this one.

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He's an admirer of the old writers who sacrificed everything to put out books of great, lasting beauty. The vast majority of literature is basically the author's personal fantasies(look at shitty romance novels or isekai LNs) and it was true even in the past.
Chihiro and Kondo are gigantic literature nerds so they probably hold the view that "real" literature demands the total suffering and dedication of the author in order to produce a true masterwork. The kind of writing that kills the author when they finish it. This type of literature is raw and painful for both the writer and the reader, so it's more like poison than something that will just make them feel good(shitty wish fulfillment shit).
Honestly it's one of the best depictions of what it's like to want to be a literary artisan than you usually find in animu or much writing at all.

After finding out what a shit Akira actually is, Chihiro solidifies himself as best girl.

He was pretty moe this episode.

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It makes zero difference to me since I'm watching everything on my laptop. The difference in our screenshots is probably just some colour setting which I should look into.

I wonder, if the anime went for an original ending, where before their separation, Kondo and Akira had an intense hug of passion, kiss, or made love, which would be the reaction of the ones that now are calling the ending garbage? They would call it in worse ways, probably.

Chihiro is best girl desu

Basically, people are never happy.

>I wonder, if the anime went for an original ending, where before their separation, Kondo and Akira had an intense hug of passion, kiss, or made love, which would be the reaction of the ones that now are calling the ending garbage?
I wouldn't mind. As long as the ending doesn't suck and it makes sense in context, which that might.

I bet there would be tons of moralfags who pretend to be offended. So, no matter which the ending is, people will never stop complaining just for the sake of it.

Thanks for this post

Anyway, It's even possible episode 12 will push the romance a bit further, since they are skipping the explicit Kondo falling in love part in the manga. They could make the idea with some powerful scene, before the separation, but I hope they won't go out of character.

Is it just me or is Chihiro unbelievably homosexual?

I don't think it will honestly. This episode seemed like Akira was straight up ignoring him and focusing 100% on her own problems. If anything it seems like there won't be anymore romance anymore from her part. Kondo may try to pursue, but Akira will push away, so Kondo will back off. Roll credits.

I have a friend who is flamboyant like him, it's not that uncommon to see from time to time.

Chihiro's problem this episode was pretty sad. He's a popular published author but he fucking sold out. He might have talent but he doesn't have genius and he'll never be able to be like Soseki or Akutagawa. He had to compromise and become a mere pop author and now he might never be able to be anything else because it's what he is seen as. Kondo is the only guy who understood him and sees him as trying to be a serious author.
It's touching that this middle aged restaurant manager is able to be a hero to two people just due to having a good character.

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