Miira no Kaikata

>[HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikata - 11 [720p].mkv
Time for cute mummy!

Attached: [HorribleSubs]_Miira_no_Kaikata_-_10_[720p].mkv_snapshot_10.38_[2018.03.15_23.33.18].jpg (1280x720, 90K)

There wasn't a thread last week so I'm going to dump a few caps and webms.

Attached: [HorribleSubs]_Miira_no_Kaikata_-_10_[720p].mkv_snapshot_03.26_[2018.03.15_23.14.07].jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs]_Miira_no_Kaikata_-_10_[720p].mkv_snapshot_03.27_[2018.03.15_23.15.30].jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs]_Miira_no_Kaikata_-_10_[720p].mkv_snapshot_05.57_[2018.03.16_00.22.13].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs]_Miira_no_Kaikata_-_10_[720p].mkv_snapshot_10.44_[2018.03.15_23.33.36].jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs]_Miira_no_Kaikata_-_10_[720p].mkv_snapshot_11.40_[2018.03.15_23.34.43].jpg (1280x720, 165K)

Attached: marble game with friends.webm (396x172, 89K)

Attached: the date of sora's execution has been changed.webm (800x450, 389K)

Attached: what have i done.webm (800x450, 46K)

Attached: mii-kun understands the concept of death.webm (800x450, 75K)

Attached: blocks your path.webm (600x480, 50K)

I didn't think through the part where I don't own an phone and can't bump my own thread.

Attached: they trust conny with matches.webm (800x450, 484K)

Oh well, someone can make another for the new ep if this dies.

Attached: wiggly mummy.webm (480x480, 61K)

Attached: wiggly mummy in sand.webm (820x632, 105K)

Attached: mii-kun headbanging.webm (238x194, 12K)

>When you find random people to fill your party in MMOs


I want one.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikata - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.54_[2018.03.22_19.57.26].jpg (1280x720, 118K)

Aa and Uu a cute~A CUTE!

So what was the magic sand Tazuki got blinded by last episode?

This is why you don't lick mummies.

Attached: unleash the photo filters.webm (800x450, 462K)

Motegi should have fucked them up.

Attached: teleports behind you.png (1920x1080, 3.35M)

But they're not lizards. If Yamada-san had a lizard on him she could hug him back properly (and suplex him into the ground).

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikata - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.43_[2018.03.22_20.27.19].jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Yes there was. I have made a thread every week except for this week. They just die because of the few watching.

I thought it was because Sup Forums decided to kill itself right on thursday night.

I checked on Friday when posting came back and didn't see it, sorry.

Attached: [HorribleSubs]_Miira_no_Kaikata_-_10_[720p].mkv_snapshot_16.49_[2018.03.15_23.42.51].jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Oh never mind I forgot about the death of Sup Forums. I did make a thread later I swear to god. Oh well.

>Aa-kun crying
My god how can that thing be so cute

Attached: 1499024286548.png (250x250, 12K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikata - 09 [720p]-0001.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

based sora

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikata - 10 [720p]-0001.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

>he picks only the highest quality ara aras

Attached: doggo fight club.webm (800x450, 691K)

I like that they included the sound of their bells jingling when they ran.

Attached: baaawwrf.webm (800x450, 60K)

Attached: pet the nice doggy.webm (780x498, 67K)

Attached: the beginning and end collide violently.webm (800x450, 1.21M)

I hope that fucking collector dies. He did an unforgivable act.

Attached: 1518755033202.jpg (1280x720, 323K)

I want to protect his smile.

Their tails could make a heart.

Attached: aa uun reunion.webm (800x450, 181K)

I got really distracted from the dialogue in this scene by the butt wearing shoes.

Maybe it was mud on the leaf? Maybe he'll try to unwrap Mii-kun, pass out, and fall off a waterfall cliff?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikata - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.42_[2018.03.22_20.32.35].jpg (1280x720, 164K)

Why is this show so good lads?

Attached: uu used splash.webm (800x450, 793K)

Attached: god i wish that were me (petting the mummy).webm (800x450, 291K)

I was confused by Japanese readers calling Aayan an old lady, but now I understand.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikata - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.06_[2018.03.22_22.44.49].jpg (1280x720, 67K)

And I nearly forgot this thanks to those cute dogs. I wonder if god can leave the shrine for festivals.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikata - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.17_[2018.03.22_22.53.53].jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Press F to pay respects to Tachiaki.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikata - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.30_[2018.03.22_22.54.27].jpg (1280x720, 136K)

>not even ancient forest oni want to touch whatever is behind him
Mukumuku must be a real badass.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikata - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.52_[2018.03.22_23.02.21].jpg (1280x720, 190K)

>realise collector came in with a suspicious invitation
>just let him walk into the festival
They had one job, didn't they?

This episode was a bit heavier than the others.

Shows tend to get heavier for the finale, cute shows like this seemingly have to do that too.

Attached: 1519936549330.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

>1 episode left
>still no natsume or nyanko sensei cameo

Attached: 1519936549332.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

I still feel like the webcomic had heavy moments from early on, but the pacing's worked out nicely for the anime to keep everything episodic until the finale.