Precure Thread!

Precure Thread

Attached: HaChas.jpg (425x600, 399K)

Other urls found in this thread:プリキュアワンドロ&sort=created

First for best blue

Attached: saaya.jpg (1612x878, 303K)

>next episode is a hetshit episode
Goodbye Hugtto, it was fun while it lasted.

inb4 404

Attached: 1519519007153.png (1440x810, 1.02M)

*hugs you*

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Suite_Precure_05_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[9EFD74C3].mkv_snapshot_19.56_[2014.11.30_23.04 (1280x720, 124K)

Attached: 67858427_p0.png (800x600, 407K)

w-why is Ange dressed like a slut?!

[autistic screeching]

Attached: [Doremi].Happiness.Charge.Precure.08.[1280x720].[67A7A400].mkv_snapshot_10.42_[2017.10.05_00.17.01]. (1280x720, 481K)

I want to bed Haruka

Attached: [LowPower-Raws] Go! Princess Precure - 04 (BD 1080P x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_09.52_[2018.03.22_17.48. (1920x1080, 220K)



First Doki rushed Regina's development to good and now they're having her flip flop from good and bad,slightly irritating.

tfw browsed for body pillows of the cures
why does a lot of suppliers have two design pairs for honey that always got both sides swapped with each other

what a cute thread

Attached: yosh.png (420x420, 136K)

Tsubomi is gay!

Attached: [Doremi].HeartCatch.PreCure!.15.[D3366E99]-0005.jpg (640x720, 153K)

Because they're bootlegs made by chinks you dolt.

Saaya is pure!

The HaChas were absolutely stunning in their movie dresses. They were always a very pretty group of pretty cures, but man did they shine in that movie.

Attached: B3iYMpXCcAELLt5.png (480x640, 292K)

I'm going to rape Hime.

>he fell for the 'verified seller' meme
Back to /jp/with you

You really shouldn't.

Don't do that please

How come they had their Cure hair lengths while still in their civilian forms?

Attached: DWPvS9dV4AA5Dnj.jpg (500x1438, 256K)


They didn't? Yuko's stayed short and she wore a silly hat, and the rest have long hair in civ form anyway. That whole movie takes place in a magical realm though so you know, explanations.

Technical virgins are best,

oh boy another Precure thread which will be erased

They made Kirara too sexy.

Attached: [LowPower-Raws] Go! Princess Precure - 04 (BD 1080P x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_17.32_[2018.03.22_18.41. (1920x1080, 199K)

It's been a while since GoPri. Are there any comparison shots?

And she's super cute. So pretty much perfect.

Attached: 0aba73240bcef1afca87f200a43129ac.jpg (855x900, 116K)

They're in the description of the torrent

>Implying it won't be a trap

Attached: [Doremi].HeartCatch.PreCure!.15.[1280x720].[D3366E99]-0009.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

Attached: 1521505256176.jpg (1920x1080, 761K)

Attached: DY3KYmgUMAA-d5p.jpg (600x817, 96K)

Attached: 65893678_p0.png (868x800, 662K)

Attached: 1518548991099.jpg (2100x1988, 406K)

Attached: C9911EB7-D4CC-4857-8C0F-513A9F1BC8E4.jpg (600x800, 157K)

Attached: CQj0zkDVAAEK5Cz.jpg (1024x1536, 192K)

Attached: [Chihiro]_Smile_Precure_-_17_[1280x720_H.264_AAC][38ADF2CC].mkv_snapshot_16.24_[2018.03.12_12.17.44] (242x257, 124K)

Kirara will wear clothes as exposed as these in her future. Let that sink in.

Attached: [LowPower-Raws] Go! Princess Precure - 05 (BD 1080P x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_06.15_[2018.03.22_21.36. (1920x1080, 222K)

Attached: 1509061934461.jpg (1024x1024, 144K)

Attached: 204f321527f407bf600658111caa3987.jpg (698x860, 114K)

Attached: 67846144_p0.jpg (2000x2819, 2.19M)

I find these oddly charming.

You can do anything!
You can be anything!
Fure! Fure! Minna!
Fure! Fure! user!

Attached: 1506722000204.jpg (600x600, 79K)

Attached: DX7qD1fVMAE7vIo.jpg (700x800, 174K)

Attached: 67792126_p0.jpg (1068x741, 140K)

I laughed.

Attached: [Doremi].Go!.Princess.Precure.14.[1280x720].[692A5289].gif (1280x720, 638K)

Attached: [Doremi].Go!.Princess.Precure.03.[1280x720].[0FAAF58C].mkv_snapshot_00.45_[2016.01.13_12.40.38].jpg (1280x720, 158K)

Attached: 1521757819570.jpg (1920x1080, 639K)

Attached: [PCSS] Yes! Pretty Cure 5 HD20.mp4_snapshot_13.20_[2015.05.30_13.39.51].jpg (1276x1440, 348K)

I'm going to throw fireballs at Hime.

She'll blow them away.

Balls go into Hime's mouth.

How thick are Pink skulls?

Attached: arienai.jpg (1199x675, 112K)

If only Regina was a Cure.

Attached: hime da bes.jpg (960x1080, 686K)

Attached: 30148533191_8a1bd90416_o.jpg (2160x1440, 696K)

Hime's extremely low cut dress

Attached: [Doremi].Happiness.Charge.Precure.18.[1280x720].[35407D6E].mkv_snapshot_11.15_[2017.11.17_23.08.20]. (1280x720, 95K)


Those boots are destroyed, must be from the high action performances

In a year.

Her chest is so flat! How cute

Stop enjoying Precure
I beg you

It's too late.

Precure 1-hour draw: #433

The theme for today is some user's wife and also the Princess of the crystal clear seas!. It's Kaido Minami/Cure Mermaid.

You can check past draws here:プリキュアワンドロ&sort=created

Attached: DY5g1jXUQAAFr2Y.jpg (1536x2048, 257K)

Daily Minamin user is going to have a field day with this

Attached: DY5akT3U0AEgZ8P.jpg (1066x1200, 157K)

After it comes out

I want to drink Peace’s piss.

Attached: mikiish.png (1366x768, 717K)

Attached: saahmr.jpg (1280x720, 184K)

Attached: smkrr.png (1366x768, 777K)

Attached: DY4jugEV4AAGzv-.jpg orig.jpg (600x678, 91K)

You betcha!

Daily Minamin!!

Attached: DY7u-agVwAgaK9m.jpg (1024x1280, 119K)

And Sweet Dreams!!

Attached: DYk6kkBUMAAi1T7.jpg (800x1130, 136K)

Attached: 17123354800_96632818b3_k.jpg (2048x1365, 554K)

Attached: 1500778654954.png (801x394, 207K)

Attached: 1.jpg (1200x1705, 203K)

That's clearly more hair than Hime has normally, unless girls have some way of doing that, not that I would know.

Attached: CR7r0m9VEAATBzs.jpg (1023x682, 84K)

Attached: 33371671264_aa4e3980e9_k.jpg (2048x1366, 847K)


Attached: 1508192249592.jpg (2400x3600, 1.08M)

Some really nice art today.

Attached: DY5i535VwAAyiqM.jpg orig.jpg (994x1024, 182K)

Attached: CYEZcbwUkAAZQRO.jpg (1024x768, 130K)

Happy's is the thickest.

Attached: happy leap.jpg (1440x1680, 1.07M)

>Shinozaki-san is ending
I'm so sad, but well, there's only so much that you can do with a title like "Don't become an otaku, Shinozaki!", reaching a realization was only a matter of time.

I genuinely recommend this manga to any /pc/fag, if you can take some dirty jokes + a wave of /u/ (not saying it's a bad thing, but I guess some people don't like that), it has LOTS of Precure references, certainly the most referenced anime in the manga and important to the story too.

Attached: end.jpg (589x52, 9K)

Attached: DY6WWyeWsAAaWJ5.jpg orig.jpg (1168x1719, 249K)

It's done, actually. And agreed, it's sad.

It's actually what got me into Precure.

Attached: DY6TbpZWkAM8l4e.jpg orig.jpg (2894x4093, 1.66M)

Attached: DSC_20150211_2407.jpg (1000x1500, 1.51M)

Attached: 22814024662_5b629383cc_k.jpg (1365x2048, 1.15M)

Who's the artist that draws all those creative upskirt shots?

Attached: Hana´s imouto2.png (800x888, 218K)

Attached: 0004.jpg (1005x1400, 515K)