So, huh

so, huh
that new flcl trailer
anone else feeling like it's guaranteed to be a shit show, but still hopeful it might turn out ok?
>english trailer:
>japanese trailer:
i dunno why, but i'm getting the eerie feeling this will just be a rule-63 remake with reverse trap haruko sprinkled in

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm gonna be real fucking sad if it turns out to be trash

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I doubt it will be unwatchable but also doubt it'll match up to OG FLCL quality.
But if it all goes to shit we can put them next to the Matrix sequels and ignore the forever.

the new seasons look like they could turn out to be fun little side stories , but if you're expecting something on par with the original, you're gonna end up disappointed.

The art doesn't look half as goofy as the original so it'll be missing something either way

It's just that I watched it at just the right age and now... Well
I feel like the writer(s?) is trying real hard to both reference the original show and pander to a new generation
What disgusts me so far is that where the first series was told through the eyes of a kid, with a kid's values and morality, this one is clearly narrated through the point of view of a smug young adult who sees the younger generation as mindless phone-drones

I'm hesitantly excited. It's probably not going have as nice animation and art as the original, but it looks solid. Can't say anything about the story yet, but it's at least a different direction instead of retreading the same ground. Different can be good, but if it's too different then it won't gel with the original.

>this one is clearly narrated through the point of view of a smug young adult who sees the younger generation as mindless phone-drones
I think you might be reading too much into a shitty voice-over that was likely written by adult swim. Haruko's plot will continue but she's not gonna be the main character of the new seasons. They're just having her narrate the trailer for the sake of recognizability and nostalgia.

anyody else feel like it will probably be good/funny and probably entertaining but the overall plot and characters are going to suck compared to the original?

>Adult swim
Honestly this
I fear whatever faggots were responsible for Rick and Morty, BoJack horseman and the lot may get their hands on it

The trailer looks better than the last year preview.
I'm kinda exited. But, I still set my expectation as low as possible though.

Baguio was never the main character
The story clearly revolves around naota

This. The first season had a perfect storm of right place at the right time. This one will probably be a fun romp but I doubt it'll strike the same chord as last time.

You mean Haruko? Yeah, I know she never was the MC in the original.

anybody know the name of the godot looking bitch? anybody else notice her car is driving her but theres' nobody in the driver seat? lmao

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Her name is Jinyu. The car is sentient just like Haruko's vespa.

>all girls cast
>dyke ugly hair
Shit through and through, dropped even faster than little boy or fatman

>hopeful it will be good

Anyone who has been around long enough would tell you to temper expectations to current the current market season of stuff.

FLCL P and A feels very much like a monkey paw situation that took 17 years to come true. The a lot of people are going to get what they want but it might not be the way we want it.

However we are a rather odd situation with this.
On one hand, we've got a good portion of the elements such as the character designer and the musical artists of the original, and those in charge seem fairly compatent.
FLCL's also been really odd with its story and meanings, so I feel deviation or exploration of different symbolism, art styles, and antics would benefit it.
People in these threads keep saying the art isn't the same, yet it both is and is not.
We've seen several styles just like the original.

On the other hand, this could entirely be a nostalgia fuelled project, which I hope is not the primary make.
If it's not done in the right way it nore just proves that even with the right elements and the perfect conditions that that isn't enough.
I just hope thise making it understand the appeal of the original and not just try to emulate it but use the elements of what made it good and make something new. I hope others also share that hope.

Until then; catiously optomistic.

i hope it will be good but i won't be surprised if it lets some people down.

>Yfw this is worse than Duke nukem forever

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I've been a long time hardcore lover of FLCL, and my opinion on the new series is quite simply that they have the potential to be as good as the original. Which is far better than I or anyone else could have expected when they were first announced.
Will they be as good? Probably not, which is why I agree with you that tempering expectations and going in with a neutral amount of hype is the best course of action.

>Sup Forums crossboarders

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It's gonna be good but unfortunately, we might not be the target demographic they're looking for anymore

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So is she done chasing Atomsk?

I kinda like her being some kind of Mary Poppins-esque character.

Gotta say, love the ponytail and the new design, but now she just looks like a hardass teacher with a receding hairline

What about the trailers guarantees it will be bad? The art look good to me and I am cautiously hopeful about it.

I thought atomsk was this chick now?

no, she's going after him in both seasons

I think she's growing old, just like us
>wait do aliens age

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>the Pillows sound as fantastic as ever from barely 2 minutes of a preview
Kari Whalgren is clearly reprising her role as Haruko for the dub

i lose nothing from being optimistic. FLCL had this bizarre universe and subplot that was barely explained and while that worked for the original, i don't think would hurt to explore a bit.

I'd disagree a bit on that. While it might cater to a new demographic, things like The Pillows and the original artist are there. To new people that means nothing.
Had it been entirely a new demographic they would have picked a well known anime composer like the AoT guy whos name I can't remember.

Personally I hope there's a bit of something for the older people like ourselves and something for those who are new while keeping it character driven.

that's most likely another patrol officer

Feells like she grew up a bit with us. Something I wish other continued anime and even videogames would do more. FLCL is kind of a special situation though.

>Chubster is mc instead of glasses-guy or neko ears girl

This looks way more promising than Geas R3.
Fucking hell.

season 2 and 3 have separate stories. Glasses and headphones will only be the main characters of season 2.

Hm, true but to be fair, did anyone really listen to the pillows before FLCL came along? I think the decision to keep them onboard was because of how integral music has always been to FLCL, it would be weird to throw in another band or to have a huge orchestral-driven soundtrack after how things went down with FLCL.
>i hope they bring back the manga bit

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jesus christ please proof read your fucking posts I liked your statements but your grammar and spelling fucked my brain up

I really fucking hope the "progressive" stands for prog rock...

Haha, I was wondering the same thing desu. I'm positive it's Progressive for Prog Rock and Alternative for Alt Rock but what really separates these two genres? maybe something's there...
>is indie music also thrown into the alternative genre? i can't keep up these days

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Prog rock is more pink Floyd, alt rock is more punk
They're broad af identifiers and apply to nearly every genre

But isn't that pretty much what Naota was in the original? A snotty kid who thought he was more grown that the others around him?

I'm betting that Progressive - Continuation of the themes and subplots from the first season, only now the MC is a chick

and Alternative - Side story with Headphones and Glasses and Haruko as the connecting thread

Progressive is the one with glasses and headphones

I hope Nekochan is a character that uses headphones to block out the world and ignore like most of today's youth. Could be exploring some fun concepts, especially is music and guitars are still particularly involved.

Interesting, user. September (and the entire autumn season desu) should be a nice month. Here's to hoping it's another wacked out, wild ride.

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Looks like a Ganmen. Not a bad thing though.

I'm sure there's some Sup Forums fag out there who would claim up and down that they listen'd to them before the anime came out but no, probably not.

The Pillows being part of the original was always an odd idea to me; granted, they fit and set the setting and atmosphere REALLY well and I think carry the majority of the nostalgia factor.
They added as much to the show than the animation and 'story' did.

Hearing Stalker and watching as Naota puts together the arsonist clues in his head and then having the music fade out to a radio that Mamimi has with her for her dumb ritual is an amazing use of the track.
Same with Advice during the first first appearance of Canti on the bridge, and same with Bran New Lovesong. Most of the scenes that were iconic were carried along with the music and it worked wonders.

Wait, My bad. I don't think it was Advice that played, I think it was this one.

art looks tv budget quality

FLCL felt like a fast paced music video really, and the music somehow fit so well with the scenes and action that we'll probably never get something that "shouldn't have worked in concept but did", again. I'll never forget the ending of FLCL when Haruko wakes up Naota and you hear the opening chords of this song
It had so many good moments, but that's when it absolutely hit (and went beyond) the mark for me.

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which season are you guys looking the most forward to?

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not everything can have the hyper-detail old gainax had back in the day.
I was going to make a WEBM of the this scene but for some reason I can't download the Funimation video off of Youtube and I couldn't be assed to find a torrent for Blurays if one exists. I would like to have it.
So have this shitty tiny webm of a gif.

Attached: tfwlazy.webm (250x176, 2.93M)

Um, Is this LGBT propaganda?

They both look equally as fun desu.


The original wasn't even that good so these won't be any more than mediocre.

You do aware that IG also assisted that project right?
It just mean Japan has better economy back then.

just go to or if you're looking for a torrent for the blurays.

I'm not too well versed in animation studios, but that's good to hear.
Actually now that I think it, wasn't IG the ones who made the rebuilds? Or at least assisted in those?

>It's the climax!!!

It's too unoriginal and rehashy to be worth anything.

It's an insult to something as original as the first FLCL to create such an unoriginal, uninspired rehash that reuses all the scenes and cuts and poses from the original.

It would be much better if it were something like what diebuster was to gunbuster.

t. timetraveling user

Are you thinking of Studio Khara? IG only worked on EOE as far as I know.

Jap trailer is way different and way better. What a surprise.

So good! I need to rewatch s1 right before the new ones come out. I'm excited for autumn now.
>Nothing can happen til you swing the bat

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Also fine.
I just remember IG poping up when watching all of EVA about 6 months back for the first time. I just couldn't remember which one it was.

Someone in the comments said this regarding the trailers, thought it was interesting enough to bring up:
>It seems like the two seasons will be released as films in japan, first alternative, then progressive. But in the west they are releasing them as series, and oddly enough they are dropping progressive first and alternative second.

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Is Naota or Shinji a better MC?
Maybe it's just the art style and that they were hot off the heels of EVA, but I always found them a tad similar.
Also Naota's dad looks like a scumbag Gendo.

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If they are going to have some art style changes I hope they don't go crazy with it.
Last thing I want to see is a sudden South Park shift of current CN cartoon shift for reference purposes.

Season 2 and 3 are going to be shit because they're going to bank on reddits circle jerk for how """"DEEP""" FLCL is.
>muhh toonami
>muhh symbolism

Lets hope they bring back the manga style in episode 1 at least

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IG did EoE.

Shame really, IG turned into Big Corporation while Gainax rotting at Tomato Farm.
Eva seriously is a cursed series.

Haruko's VA is voicing a character in the R&M japanse dub so a cameo is inevitable at this point.

It's both the best and the worst thing to happen to anime.

What did IG end up making afterwards?

>What did IG end up making afterwards?
Bunch of good to okay anime, while Gainax got caught on tax scandal.

>tax scandal
I heard they kinda went into the shitter after NGE and EoE, but nothing about any legal shit. What happened?

Is there an article somewhere about this?
>captcha: choose all motorcycles

Also, Anno lent them some money but ended up suing them and won the lawsuit when they couldn't pay him back

Thank you, based user.
>upscaled to 1440x1080
For what purpose?

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I think they both have their merits and they work in different kinds of stories. Shinji can be a bit grating at times because he's a whiner, but that's an interesting part of his character and it's understandable. Meanwhile Naota is more of a cynic but he's also really caught up on trying to seem mature when he still has a lot more learning to do. So Naota is about growing up and actually acting how he feels while Shinji is more about learning to effectively cope with his situation and connect with people. Overall, I prefer Naota because I can relate to him more and the brief but poignant nature of FLCL does his character wonders.

Only good thing about FLCL was the pillows anyway.

I don't get why would they bother making this? The whole point of FLCL is animators dicking around with whatever ideas they got like Daicon

How can someone being so wrong?

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Yeah. Anno is heartless son of a gun.

Basically Eva profit was too big and Gainax was kinda clueless about legal shit. I think.

I don't think they entirely carried the show, but they certainly helped with the """lack of structure""" FLCL gave us given how short the entire series is/will be. Just like a good song, isn't it
>When you’re in a town like this all covered with smoke, you forget that there’s a world outside. Nothing amazing happens here. And you get used to that, used to a world where everything is ordinary. Every day we spend here is like a whole lifetime of dying slowly. But now Haruko is here. That’s how I know there really is a world outside.

FLCL was lightning in a bottle and I don't have high hopes for this, especially since those trailers make it look like a retread of all the shit from the original.


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Wasn't Bojack Horseman Comedy Central?

Nice desu ne

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No, Netflix.

Is the dude with glasses Naota? I feel like he has to be in this. Haruka coming back seems important to his life.

I thought Naota is going to be the teacher of the MC..? not sure which one tho
Thanks, I'll read it soon

no, that's Ide.

Kind of reminds me of how the Afro Samurai and the sequel was.
Episodic but short enough that they could (and sometimes did) release it as a movie.

Haruko is gonna be Ide's and Hidomi's teacher in Progressive. They said that Naota won't be in the new seasons but he will probably have a cameo anyway.

I can agree on this.
Though at low points in my life I feel like I connect to Shinji the hardest.

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it's lost that gainaax feeeeliiiing
oh yea, that gainax feeeeliiiing

All I hope is that they don't try to do a
>OG FLCL but for thies generation of kids!
kind of thing

Pointless sequels shaping up to be massive disappointments.