Violet Evergarden

Let's have a proper VEG thread this time, the one that got deleted was being invaded by shitposters. What did you think of episode 11?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Violet Evergarden - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.03_[2018.03.22_13.50.33].jpg (1920x1080, 872K)

I didnt watch it lol

Wish they had adapted Edward's/Lux's stories instead of Aiden's chapter which was already one of the bad ones in the LN. The show would have had a great sprint to the final and ended on a high note.

Great subtle facial expression. She still hasn't healed from gilbert's death. Other anons were talking about the great sound (I guess they learned a lot from Hibike 2). Also who doesn't love seeing violet in action. One of the best episodes.

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>What did you think of episode 11?

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I personally liked Violet's TDKR tier entrance.

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>the one that got deleted was being invaded by shitposters
The OP title didn't help.

Pretty decent, got me feelsy but not as feelsy as the last few episodes, those hit me pretty fucking hard
I feel like it's not over though, the next few episodes will probably be her, accepting her past as a ruthless killer, and it'll be her trying to make the future better, to balance shit out or something
maybe she'll be requested by the enemy soldiers next episode, and thatll be some interesting conflict
deeper hodgin backstory episode when tho

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Not as good as 10.
They need to step it up for ep 12.
Otherwise fine, but overly "What a coincidence-y"

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>trash calling others trash

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pretty good! A little bit of a letdown after the godly episode 10, but I enjoyed it none the less

Series lost momentum this episode and makes me fear for the final.

I'm just happy Kyoani is keeping Violet pure for Gilbert. In the LN she kissed the guy on the lips. On top of that, her interactions with the other male characters were more otomeshit in the LN.

How otomeshit were they ?

Lux should have been Ep4 to have her for the rest of the season instead of that terrible episode and Edward Ep11 so that Violet met the dark side of humans just before reuniting with Gilbert...

I should have directed this.

I really don;t see much point discussing VEG on Sup Forums atm. VEG pretty much won in every aspect, be it popularity or sales, quality or direction. At this point there is no need to argue with anyone, just watching the haters frustration is sufficient entertainment.

Still, one thing i want to note about this fantastic episode is how they managed to provide great characterization to humanize the characters that appear very briefly and play minor role.

The Aiden's squad. In the novel pretty much only he and the kids were described. Here, every single one of them was notable person with unique traits that did not feel just placeholder characters. The commander, the "Ivan". Their reactions were also very natural and deaths impacted probably more than Aiden's own did.

Similarly the rebels squad - we watched the happenings from sniper perspective and he did feel alive, not just a cartoonish villain. One even immersed in his craft. The phlegmatic commander of theirs, not loosing a cool for a second and always in control of situation. The scarred tanned guy. They felt all much more real than just characters that serve as plot divices.

The contrast between pretty much ragtag team of Aiden's side with drafted farm boy, young kid, thief looking Ivan, and proffessional killers on the other side.

KyoAni did magnificent work with this episode. And as usual, pretty much being norm for every VEG episode - very loaded editing and imagenery.

This show had one good episode and then it didn't have any more. I'm so glad I finally dropped it.

So Violet's arms have a rewind function? Like they can save motions?

>~Time heals all sorrows~

She probably fucks Chad McFarmer 2 days later.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Violet Evergarden - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_20.40_[2018.03.22_11.24.04].jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

It was actually pretty damn important to Violet's character.

>breaks company rules and sneaks out
>faces the battlefield again
>comforts her dying client
>holds his hands, kisses his forehead, gives him assurance that his feelings will reach his loved ones
>learns what love means
>finishes her job for free
>deep guilt for not being able to save him - and Gilbert by proxy
>goes pacifist mode

Every pained expression, every word and every action was important. This is exactly what a proper set up episode should look like, they even mention the train that's coming up in 2 weeks.
Of course every autistic faggot with garbage understanding of visual storytelling out there thinks it was a bad episode.

>In the LN she kissed the guy on the lips
Thank god for KyoAni. Would have dropped the show on the spot if they included that.

>there isn't much point in discussing VEG with plebs, what would they know that an anime connoisseur like me wouldn't? better just cover my ears and sing to the tune of my voice

You may not like it but this is peak pathetic.

I once saw a LN drawing of some guy dead on the ground as Baioretto was by his side, I always thought he was Benedict.

was pretty bad compared to last weeks imo

It would've been awesome if she brought her axe with her.

That's Aidan alright. The episode has its differences compared to the LN, but nailed the feels pretty damn hard.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Violet Evergarden - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.05_[2018.03.22_11.25.42].jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

Also note rebels did no consider i a warfare even. But a "hunt", slaugthering those who they consider weark and spineless, who surrendered in the big war. The "refugee" camp showcase not everything is rosy, with Garderik people being forced to flee and settle in concentration camps.

What was displayed in the episode was a northern country, which was dependant on south for food supplies and thus joined in war alliance assaulting it after trade wars made it suffer.

Really wish there was more episodes about Gilbert, as his story expand not just perspctie about Violet, but the conflict in general. Now i wish they also touched the religious conflict that was big part of this war too. They did not write it out, it is mentioned in lore on website - but not touched in anime yet.

What's her name again?

Wasn't it some resource wars? Violet mentions it in episode 4.

I wonder how expensive are these dolls.
Calling Violetto for a weekend because you feel lonely and making her write whatever only to fulfill the contract would be nice.

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>Now i wish they also touched the religious conflict that was big part of this war too.
The novel had too many unexplored ideas. The major religions were just vaguely mentioned as furthering the North South divide.


I was wondering the same thing. Did anyone actually pay Violet for this job?

>used maxi pad
what did voilet mean by this?

I felt like she did it pro bono, the way she took it from without Claudia noticing

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Who was taking care of her during all those years?

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I assume they pay in advance otherwise there is no money for transportation.

Truth hurts? As said, at this point every hater post actually gives me pleasure observing people expressing their deeply rooted frustrations in futile struggle.

>what did voilet mean by this?
Aidan died like a bitch running and literally needed to be carried hard to finish dying in a cabin.

She earned feels. That's enough for her.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Violet Evergarden - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.54_[2018.03.22_11.25.28].jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

maids and butlers

the old woman?

Guys, just so you know, The Franxx PV just came out and we already had 3 maxed threads.

Why do you keep watching this snooze fest?

Polite sage.


>tfw violet will never calm you down with her metal hands.
Why even live?

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Sora Yori have also had several maxed threads. No one actually watches Sup ForumsEG, it's just some shitposters making copypasta.

>announcing it.
Mods temp ban people who do it without fail.

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Too bad Franxx is a flop.

Why do people call it VEG? Evergarden is her last name, her initials are VG.

Why do you keep wathing Darling in the Flops?

>2 cours flop

>Sora Yori on first spot
Truly a masterpiece

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>the one that got deleted was being invaded by shitposters
Impossible, you can't invade your homeland

Why shouldn't they? Just look at LWA

reminder that violet wants to know what is love

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As bad as the episode 9, so far the best ones are the episode 10 and 4 the rest are garbage tier episodes. Overrated and overhyped anime and I'm not shitposting.

Why do people call it VEG? Evergarden is her last name, her initials are VE.

Some user in the other thread was complaining about Violet being out of character in this episode for breaking the rules, he had been already outed as a speedwatcher and a brainlet. Violet took the job because she knew it would be dangerous, she has a new perspective on life and in a way she's atoning for her past actions by going to a former enemy territory and helping people survive, she did not go there just to write letters. VEG isn't for most Sup Forumsnons, a lot of characterization is done through actions rather than words, there's a lot of show, don't tell moments. Something like Franxx or SoraYori where they infodump character intentions with badly written dialogue would be better fitted for a lot of people who don't like VEG, to be honest.

What episode are you currently on?

>Liking 4
Please explain.

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Don't make me create another stalker thread that you "people" avoid with your tails between your legs.
Keep spamming those NTR fanfics subhuman filth.

Bait post is the only explanation. Episode 4 is universally regarded by VEG and anti-VEG fags alike to be the worst.

violet evergarden general


My bad I was mean to say episode 6 and 10.
>Bait post
Explain yourself.

> I was mean to say
Fuck I should go to sleep.

I liked Leon's episode a lot too

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>when you see the inheritance you're getting from your mom

This episode was basically a showcase of how much Violet has grown as a character, lots of traits that she has learned over the course of the season were present here. I still don't like how they handled the first few episodes but I can see why they did it now, though I believe it could've been done better, I don't think the natural and gradual way she has developed excuses how she was portrayed and the lack of focus the show had during the first 4 episodes.



At least this episode had good plot.

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0, waiting for it to finish airing then i'll binge it
if this shit doesnt have me balling my eyes out im never going to trust Sup Forumss opinion on anything ever again

I could feel every wince she felt, and instantly understood what was going on beneath the surface.
The finally is really going to hurt.

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It is war of two alliances West+South vs North+East

West is industrial nations with lack of resources/food dependent on southern supplies.
South are rich agricultural and trading nations importing industrial goods.
East and West are two side with different religious engaging in religious conflict, city of Intense is holy place for both of them - like Ierusalem is for both Muslims, Christians and Jews.

So North invaded south to plunder it after South raised prices on its food and supply exports, resulting in economical damage to North. Then East joined North because it decided that city of Intense should belong to the only righteous religion - theirs.

Meanwhiel west joined Southern alliance, as for their fought the western religious enemies and could not give up on Intense holy site as well.

The leading force in southern alliance was Leidenschaftlich, as nation with strongest military (since it was always invaded and multiple times occupied in the past as it was important sea trate position, thus it is used to war and has army culture and strong military and fleet). On other side Gardarik and the eastern theocraty were the main forces.

The conflict mentioned in episode 4 is just one of the local conflicts between countries. For example in Aiden's chapter in novel, it was not "anti-war faction", but just two countries duking it out for oil refinery.


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Ep10 will make you cry, can speak for anything else.

Why do you keep crying about it? You're the only one who cares about it, so I'm pretty sure you're the one posting this pic. Do you have autism? Are you living in your parents basement? Why are you shitposting, samefagging and false flagging in these threads 24/7?

>I'm pretty sure you're the one posting this pic
I'm not the autist who posts the "what is love" shit every thread. I just fucking hate it since the bastard's been doing it ever since week 1. I was reminding people to report it because the mods do delete them & he needs all of his IP's banned.

prior to ep10 the last time I cried was when I saw my dad cry when I was a kid

So why did Violet sneak out with the client request?
I want to understand her reasoning.

First thing I thought of was that I need a milktruck farmgirl wife to make lots of babies with.

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Mainly because she was a soldier and the other being that no one was going to take the job.

It would be to dangerous for any other doll, she has battle experience and in case you didn't catch her true motives through the episode, there was a very blatant sentence at the end of it

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Violet Evergarden - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.19_[2018.03.22_15.29.20].jpg (1920x1080, 74K)

>mfw I read the end sentence
She's grown up so much

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So bad it's good.

Yes but for what reason would she go out of her way to write for some random soldier in some random war zone if she has PTSD?

>Yes but for what reason would she go out of her way to write for some random soldier in some random war zone if she has PTSD?

She acquired adequate feelings of compassion. Haven't you noticed that she progressive grows in emotional capacity every episode?

Her PTSD is second thought compared to her newfound emotions.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Violet Evergarden - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.02_[2018.03.22_11.11.31].jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

Because she's trying to amend things. There's something poetic about going to a former enemy territory to save lives instead of taking them.

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All that in an episode situated almost right before the train, too. Wonder how that thing is going to go down now.

Considering the temperature in the room with Violet's breath condensing, wouldn't her metal hands be pretty cold since they can't maintain heat?

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I'm George Lucas and I approve of this analysis.

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Just finished this ep. Shit was so bad. I can't wrap my head as to why though.

Does anyone have a stalker update, i want to know how Bioretto chan is doing?

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It's OK, critical thinking skills develop when you're around 11-12 years old, in a few years you'll be able to put into words why you didn't like this episode.

>I can't wrap my head as to why though.
That's because it wasn't, your just a retard.

Violet Evergarden is a show that wallows in the quagmire of its horrendous directing. Couple that with the fundamental issues with its manuscript and we get a swan lake by an autistic child. It's an insult to intelligence. It's an insult to the art form. What bothers me the most is that it is able to sell itself as high art. It's like wearing a Gucci sold by a China man in downtown. People know it's trash but they're proud to wear it.

***,*73位/***,*72位 (**2,526 pt) [*,**1予約] 2018/04/04 【限定】ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 1 (第1巻のみ特典:L版ブロマイド + 全巻購入特典:「LPサイズディスク収納ケース」引換シリアルコード付) [ VIOLET EVERGARDEN ] [Blu-ray]
***,181位/***,177位 (**1,899 pt) [*,**1予約] 2018/04/04 ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン1 [Blu-ray]

Don't stir the VEGfags hugbox. Its baaaaaaad.

>There's something poetic about going to a former enemy territory to save lives instead of taking them.
This right here.

>VEGfags won't acknowledge this ep is actually bad
There we go.