Ep11 was another fantastic addition to the series.
Violet Evergarden
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***,*76位/***,*85位 (**2,529 pt) [*,**1予約] 2018/04/04 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 1 (第1巻のみ特典:L版ブロマイド + 全巻購入特典:「LPサイズディスク収納ケース」引換シリアルコード付) [ VIOLET EVERGARDEN ] [Blu-ray]
Can't believe we only have 2 episodes left.
>airdops directly onto the target, with 0 prior knowledge of his location, out of an entire body-ridden battlefield. Saves his life in the nick of time.
wew lad
Please tell me this doesn't happen in the LN
Same here, the good news is that a new anime project has been confirmed.
>0 prior knowledge of his location
They spotted them from the plane, seems plausible to me.
>Please tell me this doesn't happen in the LN
don't know.
>Saves his life in the nick of time.
He dies though.
Who can stop them?
No one, KyoAni are unstoppable.
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
Written by female.
Be glad that they removed a comically oversized axe.
But he isn't doing anything.
Holy fuck. Why can't nips into history?
>Be glad that they removed a comically oversized axe.
>Be glad
NIGGER WHAT????? The axe was the best part!!!!!
Get fucked you cunts. Get FUCKED.
Keep going up violet.
You haven't been here for previous violet threads have you? unless you're him.
Look at what the ban dodging multi IP fucker did here.
I see how that can be annoying but I don't get why mods are deleting his posts in the first place, he's just posting a pasta that can be easily ignored and only reposts it when it gets deleted. If anything, mods should be deleting the saberclone a shit posts
ha ha ha, this ep was garbage, the premise was interesting and nicely set up, but when she casually found the client out on the battlefield I rolled my eyes, however what takes the cake was the last scene with the grieving family and Violet apologizing she could not bring home the soldier she only knew for a few hours, last I checked she was going to the frontlines to write letters, not reenacting saving private Ryan, it was the textbook definition of forced drama, just a dry calculated narrative with the sole purpose of tugging at the heart strings of the audience, why u fags are so easily manipulated, I mostly like the series so far but this was trash
shit pasta
Why was this post deleted?
i don't know, but i screenshotted it just in case..
Very pretty gun.
Is it safe to put your eye so close to the scope?
more like upgrade, i can play this game too you know faggot.
I don't know to be fair. Maybe this gun is designed to have little to no recoil.
What? didn't you know that she's an "axe surfing demigod" in the novels?
The novels are different, they get into fantasy very early in volume 1, so it doesn't feel out of place, you fuckers are complaining about them without any context whatsoever.
fatefags will be forever envious that their saber will never look as good as violet ahahahahahahaha
>The novels are different, they get into fantasy very early in volume 1
Violet is still an overpowered piece of bullshit in the adaptation.
Oh i'm not complaining, i love the fantasy stuff.
And I'm sure that'll get its own explanation later. There's 3 episodes left.
>Violet is still an overpowered piece of bullshit in the adaptation.
And this is a bad thing how?
It awfully, tastelessly clashes with virtually the entire setting. It's like going from ptsd drama to RBWY in a matter of seconds.
scene from ep9
Not really providing you were paying attention. During the flashback scene in ep1 she deflects bullets with her gun.
It was obvious that she's full of chuunishit since the episode one but it only got worse over the course of the show.
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
based nigger
kek autist got deleted.
>what is 4chanx
This was actually my least favourite episode so far, and I'm disappointed that I ended up not liking it because Violet taking the initiative, going off on her own, and doing something completely because SHE wants to do it, is a major step for her. It's not her mission, and had she waited, Claudia would have certainly forbid her from going, but she decided that it was something she wanted to do because it was something worth doing. That's pretty major for her.
I don't think it was a bad episode - Far from it, I think it's great for showing how far Violet has come since episode 1 - I just didn't personally enjoy it, at least not compared to the previous few episodes.
>when you're a massive historyfag and love the idea of heroes from myth and history beating the shit out of each other
>but can't fucking stand any of the main characters of Fate
But that's a story for another thread.
I've only seen snow twice in my life, I don't even remember how it feels.
I'd like to know how Violet finds Aiden in the LN as well.
I you saying you like this show less than 4 or 8? Because this is one of my favourite episodes so far
it feels cold, i know from experience
It's not that great.
t. Mustered out Finnish Conscript
As I said in another thread that's getting shat on by all parties.
I liked the premise of burying the hatchet for a new calling.
But the ep got worsened by the piling coincidences.
And now
These types of episodes serve as a way to show the new status quo. Violet has already grown a lot, but they need to show her doing the things she's done before with this new life perspective of hers. They serve to compare the Violet from the past to the Violet of the present. Kyoani did this with Maidragon more recently, and I'm saying Kyoani and not COOL because episodes 10-11 were anime original, they 'felt' uneventful and kinda 'halted' the development of the characters to show them in their "developed state". It's a "calm before the storm" kind of deal, I don't see many anime doing this, they jump straight to the climax.
What coincidences?
Namely the coincidences of finding Aiden in a forest from a plane, and him not getting btfo by either a bomb or bullet earlier.
I felt they were milking the "I don't want to die" line.
Still, I'm not saying I hated the episode.
>a child!?
When will this meme end? Violet looks like a fucking grown woman.
She is kind of short, doe.
She is the same height as the other adult women seen in the show.
>wanting to fuck an old woman
updated edition
I meant specifically from a grown man's perspective.
Getting to the mountain and walking into a forest with all white trees is fucking awesome.
The best experience into snow is going to a hotel. When you live in a place that snows it's shit. When it melts down the whole street is an orgy of mud and water, it's filthy as fuck.
Hi, Violet.
You should watch more 70s anime. Inb4 "the animation is dated", if that's your reasoning then you are a fucking retard and should kys.
>Women are shorter than men.
No way!
I've seen over 2k shows.
I can see that but 'coincidences' like that always happen when you're following more than one character. Take real life, imagine yourself and some other random person right now, the story will follow both of you until he inevitably runs you over with his car tomorrow, what a coincidence that both of you were at the exact time and place, no? what are the chances?
That wasn't my point.
A young, relatively short stack girl is HALO-jumping from a plane -> A child?
How big is Violet's dick though?
I mostly just wish the search had been longer.
It's more of an episode length problem, maybe.
The scenario in my head would be that once it got dark they spot the cabin with lights and smoke where Aiden had dragged himself, or something.
I agree with this user. Only annoying thing about old anime is that resolution is low so it might not look good on a screen with a high pixel count. Other than that older anime usually looks far better, more tones of shading, better shading, more detail & of course CEL animation.
fma did it better
shut up
kyoani could do it better
Bad luck user. I loved this episode because it's the second most important episode for her character growth so far, with ep9 being number one.
No. Also eye relief
I love wide shots, Violet is so cute in those.
>tfw violet will never save you from having your brains pasted on the snow
>she will never take you to comfy cabin and wrap you in blankets
>she will never hold your hand as you bleed out
>never kiss you as you die.
>why live?
Has this cutie bitch had a single line since her episode? She's so cute but fucking annoying, perfect for hatesex.
I fucking love this show
What are you trying to justify?
That it's not shitty writing? I don't understand.
that she isnt a normal human please tell me you are shitposting because noone can be this fucking stupid
You're saying that anything that isn't strictly grounded in reality is shitty writing?
she said a couple of lines in ep 9 and ep 10.
There are ways to show she's not a normal human being that aren't
>deflect bullets
>run into battle with an oversized axe for reasons
so yes, it's shitty writing.
>If I misinterpret his point on purpose, I'll make him look stupid!
How are deflecting bullets or running into battle with an oversized axe(a thing not in the anime, but how would you know) inherently bad? She was in the war, you know, how does it not make sense for her to use her inhuman abilities in battle?
I'll agree on the point that including the LN axe in the anime would've been a mistake.
Are you stupid?
Do you know how fast bullets travel? Do you know how fast arms are capable of travelling?
Does this fantasy land also have guns that fire bullets that travel 30x slower than normal guns? How does anybody get killed by these things?
Its fiction you fucking chimp, like really have you never watched a superhero movie?
stop judging a character obviously not a regular human by human standards
>Do you know how fast bullets travel? Do you know how fast arms are capable of travelling?
Yes, very fast. You would need inhuman speed and reflexes to stop one, oh wait...
She walks on water and survives a freefall the height of old pine trees unscathed.
Wow maybe she isn't human.