I hate this bitch

I hate this bitch

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too relatable I guess

Her and Ueno
>inb4 Ueno did nothing wrong

At least Ueno got punished for what she did
This one got away scot free and even acts like the victim

Just like real life.

I think I'm in love...

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Outwardly being a cunt gets you nowhere. Being a cunt on the inside while being nice on the outside is easier to get away with.

Ueno didn't get half, not even a fracton of what she deserved. She forcifly unplugged a hearing aid and played with it at fucking 17 and didn't change, for fuck's sake.

Ueno deserved to wake up in a strange bed in a house of mannequins with Howdy Doody playing on the tv. Kawai only deserved to lose her friends and finally realise that she does in fact have a problem.

Just like Hitler, it's just a point of view.
I didin't understood this reference.

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Hitler lost and she too

Goebbels will is still going strong, just look at Sup Forums.
A man dies when he is forgotten.

Kawai apologists should be gassed

Who? Pretty much everyone hates her.

I want to pound her asshole raw.

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I never saw any. Honestly — I don't think they exist in the first place.

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I prefer her to Ueno just because she at least tries to be outwardly pleasant, but I still think she's a massive bitch

Makes sense considering how beautiful Ueno is.

I really don't know user, Ueno might be an evil bitch, but at least she is an interesting character and even likable in a way.
On the other hand — Miki is beyond good and evil, completely something else, it's like she transcended into our filthy 3D world and became a real life woman.

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