Made in Abyss

Womanlets, when will they learn?

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They never will

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Lyza isn't that short, is she?

w-what's happening here?


She's probably average for a Japanese woman. Ozen is around two meters.

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Wasn't Ozen over two meters tall?

What exactly Lyza needs to learn? She accomplished way more than NEET tree hugger, while being way younger.

Last thread it was figured Lyza is around 155cm, based on Jirou being the average Japanese man (170cm). From that, Ozen is around 235cm and Bonedaddy is 210cm

>based on Jirou being the average Japanese man (170cm)
Was this stated somewhere or just an assumption?
None of them are even Japanese anyway.

>Riko will have her first period soon
>Reg will lose his shit when he sees the blood

She can't bleed without ovaries.

It's a total assumption just because Jirou is pretty much the middle ground of height in the pic. The only way to base it on "canon" would be to assume Ozen is 2 meters because it was mentioned in the manga.

What if Reg was a grill?

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but reg is already a cute girl

There wouldn't be so much sexual tension.
Or it would be a different kind

Then I could want to fuck him without being gay

Just ask his creator to switch his body out for a female one once we meet him

what riko was a boy?

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I like the way you think, user

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Her scenes with Maruruk would become even more lewd

>Torka is shorter than Lyza
Man how does Ozen feel about that?

The parts where Reg got erections would've been pretty gay.

About getting cucked by a manlet? About like this

Attached: ozen the uncuckable.png (470x612, 231K)

I've solved the equation, gents.
>Blessed Prushka, female, fluff-free chest
>Blessed Faputa, female, fluff-free chest
>Blessed Nanachi, ???, fluffy chest

In short, with this evidence, I deduce that the bun is male.

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Bunny just doesn't shave.

>Orphanage lady has the same twisty white-streaked hair as Ozen
I guess that implies that Belchero has been down to the fifth layer at least, I suppose that's fitting for someone who oversees an orphanage of would-be delvers.

H-he's fast!

There is no evidence that she became a narehate in a method that differs from Nanachi.

Wouldn’t Bondrewd’s height vary?

His height was set in stone.

I wish I was the kind of person who could write something as good as made in abyss

pedoshit aside it's exciting, imaginative, atmospheric and all the characters are original and likable


>Cropped image

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To be fair, Tsukushi is very good at creating original ideas, but have certain problems with executing them.

There's no evidence of how she became Narehate at all. All we know is she has a big daddy, likes shotabots, and is probably a Narehate

Honestly, I wish Tsukushi decided against writing his fetishy shit into the story. The series would be even more popular if it weren't for the "being strung up naked," and weird pee stuff.

It's easily one of the most interesting stories I've ever read and it's sad that I can't recommend it to most people because of the weird shit.

I fucking love this track so much.
Makes me think of someone hoofing it through the Australian outback as the sun sets and nocturnal animals start becoming active.

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You know it dawned on me that Riko's mom is literally Lina Inverse.
>too op

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I find most of the weird sexual tension and awkwardness to help in humanizing the characters, honestly. You see them having to use the bathroom, getting caught in awkward situations as any pubescent children do and suffering equivalent embarrassment.
But yes the Author is japanese so I know it's fetish shit for him but come on let's not be dumb Americans who see sex in everything innocent and screech for censorship.

So what do you think the end of the value village arc will be?

i want to smell nanachis puffy pussy

>Get to the 7th layer
>Immediately split the party

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Blessed Prushka is not real anyway, same with blessed Mitty

I do understand the peeing stuff to an extent. Everything involving Riko was realistic, but the pee tube was a bit unnecessary. That the being strung up naked thing could have been left out.
If it weren't for those two things I wouldn't have thought anything about Riko peeing herself in those situations, but because of that shit I can't help but think Tsukishi just wants to see that happen.

of**, not about.

That kind of approach where nothing is left aside does give the manga a more visceral feeling, people see it as disturbing fetish material but that's almost the point, that it makes people very uncomfortable.

Was the pee tube really too much? Would you prefer if Bondrewd used a catheter?

but even when they aren't perfect the dude was still willing and able to execute them, even the weird fetish stuff

when I write I'm too embarrassed over minuscule details to even make pop culture references or write a scene I'm not 100% confident about, let alone inject disturbing sex stuff into the mix

>pee tube

you mean the living toilet?


well it belongs to the village now that Nanachi sold bunself

Choose your Made in Abyss game;
a) Soulslike weighty ARPG where you play as Reg through the main story
b) Roguelike turn-based strategy game where you play as random delvers and see how far you can delve before dying
c) Hack&Slash Platformer where you play as Lyza in a prequel to the main story
d) Dating sim where you manage your relationship levels, gaining the trust and love of several cute characters while playing as Bondrewd

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This has been my headcanon since the moment she was introduced.

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I want to play Darkest Dungeon like game as orphanage owner.

The torture chair.

>Be foreign delve squad
>Run into a bunch of black whistles around the fourth layer
>Have a bit of trouble but manage to put them all down with minimal losses, only some little blonde girl is left
>This will be a cinch

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Yeah well, cry some more about it, bitch.

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e) Management style game where you hire and manage delvers, the artifacts they acquire and how much to sell them for.
f) Survival game, where you play an average delver. Combat is nearly impossible past the first 2 layers, stealth and cleverness are your only reliable methods. Ascension is treated as an "auto-resolve" where whatever amount of time you took to go down is tripled, and if you don't have the supplies you don't make it.

That track makes me think of grooving along in a quality indie 2D platformer. The whole damn anime has that aesthetic to it, really.

>Behold, the abyss made manifest!

I would have thought that there would have been a firsthand account of Lyza fucking shit up by now, but I guess Tukushi wants to save that for a big moment.


>no tits despite all other blessed lolis we've seen having them
>uses masculine language

but fags will try to rationalize

>the voice actor is female therefore the character must also be
by that logic goku, naruto and luffy
>she has long hair therefore it's a girl
guess kiss is an all female band then

>That cloth between the rope and Maruruk's skin
Ozen does care!

>the voice actor is female therefore the character must also be
If it bothers you that this makes people assume a character is female then you better be ready to settle in for the long haul.

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>tfw you realize that blond chick is a White Whistle

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Well now Ozen doesn't want to ruin mark's tender skin now

it doesn't bother me that you're retarded.

Why their chicks aren't on the kitchen in the first place.
The world is Victorian style, yet we have strong womyn everywhere.

>she starts muttering something about rivers of blood and darker than darkness something something

They even have children searching for relics. Who cares about gender roles when there are treasures to be unearthed?

I just know that, Lisa feels uncomfortable seeing Riko

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To be fair most of the males seem pretty darn feminine.

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She feels deep regret at letting Torka knock her up with his weak potato seed.
Beware the manlets who know how to cook.


How will the 4kids dub handle this scene?

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what is the problem with Torka, everything must be criticized and believed to be a weak one when this was a black whistle and belonged to Lyza's squad.

Adults are fine, only Torka is total soyboy.

With the exception of Torka and maybe that guy from Ozen fucktoys, all of the males that aren’t kids seem manly enough to me and even Torka still pass of as a boy easily

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they would skip it along with level 3 so they can get to nanachi quicker and write it off as riko hitting an iceberg off screen

Do you suppose the Abyss has 9 layers to mirror Dante's inferno?

>Riko trades for Nanachi
>Nanachi turns Mitty into massive amounts of value
>Reg comes back to a perfectly fine Riko and a blinged-out Nanachi.

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>"Hey there, I'm Nancy. I used to live with my uncle down near the Chilly Sea but after my friend, Meg, got into an accident and hurt her leg she had to go to the hospital and I ran away."
>"Anyway your friend looks to be sweating pretty bad there, you know you should always stay hydrated when playing outdoors. Bring her back to my place for some Sunny D and then you can help me burn a pile of yard waste that I've got out back."

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could Reg defeat Quote?

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And if it really was?

>Nanachi turns herself into value to heal Mitty and in turn we get Blessed Mitty with a white whistle(Nanachi)
>Later in the 7th layer they find an artifact that turns white whistles back into people and we get Human Nanachi and Blessed Porshka

No but at least Reg has a penis, unlike Quote.

If this whole ordeal turns out to be Chi's master plan to superjew the village I will blow Tsukushi and post pics.

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So is it Srajo or Wakuna that gets to molest all the kids at that point?

also nanachi would have a russian accent because he's from a cold place

Is really Mitty that popular? I’m sure most of the people that like Nanachi don’t want to fug the thing, they simply like it because is cute, in comparison Mitty is your generic furry sextoy

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>I’m sure most of the people that like Nanachi don’t want to fug the thing

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>Riko sells her eyes
>the eyes cause a massive headache without glasses
>Belafu starts losing its mind
>begs for the glasses
>Riko overcharges for the glasses
>Reg comes back to a blinged out eyeless Riko

>I’m sure most of the people that like Nanachi don’t want to fug the thing

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Naw, Nanachi would speak like Bugs Bunny.
>Nnaaa whats up reg

>"Oh they're hijacking my vision"
>This is never explained or expanded upon

Gotta westernize the name.

>Riko! What happened!?
>Can't see the haters. Lol!

Nanachi is bunlet.

How do we stop Mark from turning all the boys gay?

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