You haven't forgotten about her, right Sup Forums?

You haven't forgotten about her, right Sup Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Satania is for forgetting about in the car!

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i never will

of course not, how could I forget someone who's so easy to bully?

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no, i love you! you are cute!

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Kurumizawa Satanichia McDowell is my wife.

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Isn't it considered rape to fuck a literal retard?

Inviting Satania over to play vidya!

Attached: satania switch.png (1183x1396, 1004K)

depending on where you live it's considered rape if there is consent but later she changes her mind

Over time I've realized that Raphi is actually superior to Satania. Sorry.

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Gabu is the best

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yeees...Gabu-chan is the best...i love Gabu-chan...

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I legit like Gabu a lot for no reason in particular

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Trash girl

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insulting GabDrop girls is not tolerated

She plays shitty p2w video games, probably smells bad because she keeps forgetting to take baths, her room smells of garbage because she just piles it there. Have you got no standards?

I just want to bury my face in Gabu's butt after she hasn't bathed for whole a week.

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Nigger, she‘s been following me into almost everyboard
>how fat are you /ck/
>what do youngster eat these days
>this demon is going to eat you

you get these digits in reward

How could I forget about my wife? She's an angel!

Attached: QJdDcxB.jpg (948x1012, 181K)

This fucker right here. Talk about worthless, literally gave up on being anything worthwhile. Doesn't clean up after herself, practically incapable due to negligence and general apathy. Doesn't handle large pressure well, doesn't handle small pressure well, and doesn't do anything with no pressure. Plays shitty MMO's all day, p2wfag spending money she doesn't have. Massive disappointment to her friends and family. Requires a literal demon to take care of her. Can't manage her time, clothes, food, hair, body, or life (literally, this is a life given to her by heaven above).

Complete and utter failure as a human being, as an angel, and as a entity in general. I give birth to more worthwhile existences in the toilet every morning. Fuck this character.

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Anons are just like her, she's very relatable

it's pasta, user.

of course not!

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I'm not particularly any better

It's moderately fresh pasta and it doesn't make anything he said less true

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Attached: Raphi.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

I don't like Gabu and you know why?

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Yeah sure

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She's cute and you're jealous of her

You're jealous that she can be likable despite being a semi-neet, while you're a neet and no one likes you

I totally agree, but just wanted to let him know. having a good day y'know?

I totally agree too but just wanted to let you know. having a good day y'know?

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Shit taste
A common occurrence in this board


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Who could forget offbrand Akarin

The have nothing to do with each other

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Don't say that

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My very vivid fantasies beg to differ.

Where do you think you are?

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Interesting, do elaborate

Should have some yellow stains on her pantsu

>watch video
>suggestions are now full of "epic anime crossover level 9001!!!!!" and related

end me

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Satania is flat! FLAT!

>having a jewtube account in the first place
what are you doing

Never will.

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loli Kobayashi a cute!!!

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>not having a youtube account for the sole purpose of creating 1 playlist with videos of satania crying that you're just looping all day

>not having an account just to sub to ohohojousama

you're all right, don't come to the locker room tomorrow.

>says he needs em
>says he knows she just wanted to play games.

whats he mean by this?

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best girl!!

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Fuck you

fuck you leatherhead

Unfortunately, that's everywhere in the west user. That's why you don't stick your dick in crazy.
(btw, all women are crazy, the only question is whether they're loyal to you.)

Raphi is the lamest character, including MC.


>page 9

See, Sup Forums only pretends to like Satania.

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That's not true! We love her!

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>We love her!

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Fuck off, redditor

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>everything I don't like is reddit!!

Why are all sataniafags fucking retarded?

Looks like I struck a nerve

No, but only because she keeps hassling my wife.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.36_[2017.08.20_05.29.57].png (1920x1080, 1.24M)

Attached: A Day In The Life Of Gabriel.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Attached: A Day In The Life Of Vigne.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Can't forget about all of Gabriel Dropout let alone Satania.

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nope i post with her alot in /vg/

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Looking around on various manga site have left me confused on the correct order of chapters 33 thru 37.

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I just watched this for the first time last week, it was very comfy.

of course not, I fapped to her a few nights ago

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